Congressman Sires Responds to Supreme Court’s Decision on Affordable Care Act

Jun 28, 2012 Issues: Health Care

For Immediate Release                                                           Contact: Erica Daughtrey

June 28, 2012                                                                          201-222-2828

Congressman Sires Responds to Supreme Court’s Decision on Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C.- Today, Congressman Albio Sires issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act.  

“The Affordable Care Act is a groundbreaking law that is comprehensively reforming our health care system to ensure every American has access to quality and affordable health care.
Since enactment, the law has already benefited seniors, young adults, small businesses and many others in New Jersey.  Today, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it has upheld the law.

“Because of the Supreme Court’s action, our communities will continue to benefit under the Affordable Care Act.  Currently, children with pre-existing conditions are receiving health care coverage, students are able to remain on their parent’s insurance plans, and seniors are saving on prescription drugs.  Once fully implemented, the law will not only make affordable insurance coverage available for the millions of Americans in need, but the law will also reduce our nation’s deficit by over $1 trillion.

“I commend the Court for this historic decision. As the new benefits of the health care law take shape, I will continue to fight any efforts to repeal this critical law.” 
