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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

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Glossary of Terms

Project Mode Bicycle Bike lanes, bike racks
  Both Paths, education
  Pedestrian Sidewalks, crosswalk or intersection improvements, pedestrian signals  
Project Type Infrastructure off-street Includes signage, multi-use paths, pedestrian overpass, bicycle rental stations
  Infrastructure on-street Includes sidewalks, bike lanes, sharrow markings, bike boulevards, traffic signals, intersection reconstruction, traffic calming, bike racks on buses
  Infrastructure on- and off-street Includes trail connections, both on- and off-street components in a project
  Bike Parking Includes bicycle racks, shelters, lockers
  Planning Includes new planning studies and data collection funded through NTPP.

**Note: much of the project planning was conducted by staff and the associated costs are not reflected in these graphics.  Also, many of the funded projects were selected from pre-existing local and regional bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal transportation plans.

  Education, Outreach & Marketing Includes personal travel planning, booths at community events, safety campaigns, street skills or repair classes, walking maps, bike/walk to work events, school coordination, law enforcement training, police presence and speed signs, and workshops evaluating the bike or walk “friendliness” of communities, guaranteed ride home program, bicycle incentive program
Project Length (miles) Sidewalks, bike lanes, and sharrows Counts each side of the roadway for bike lanes or sidewalks.
Example: bike lanes on both sides of a 1-mile corridor are counted as 2 miles of bike lanes
  Sidepaths and off-road paths Counts length on the ground of facility.
Example: a 1-mile path is counted as 1 mile, though it may serve both directions
Use of Funds ($) NTPP funds NTPP funds used for project
  Non-NTPP funds going to non-motorized component Funds from other public or private agencies used toward project.
This only accounts for outside funds going directly to a non-motorized project component (sometimes there is a larger project with other components, which are not accounted for here).
Project Connections Transit Options Includes:
* Trail connection to ferry station
* Trail connection to rail station
* Trail connection to bus
* Bike parking at transit
* Bike racks on buses
* Improved pedestrian access to transit
* Bike rental/sharing at station
* Long-term bike storage at station (lockers, etc.)
  Activity Centers Includes:
* Employment centers
* Downtown districts
* Grocery stores
* Parks and recreation
* University
* Museum/library
* Sports or other event locations
* Tourist sites
* Senior facility
* Hospital/medical clinic
Project Year Anticipated completion /opening date Year that outreach/education project will end or that infrastructure project will open for use
Updated: 05/07/2012
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