Open Government

The Broadcasting Board of Governors supports the President’s Open Government Directive and has created this Web page to document its specific actions to implement the principles set forth in the President’s Memorandum:

Transparency: To promote accountability by providing the public with information about the BBG’s activities.

Participation: To allow members of the public to contribute ideas and expertise so that the BBG can make policies with the benefit of information that is widely dispersed in society.

Collaboration: To improve the effectiveness of the BBG by encouraging partnerships and cooperation within the Federal Government, across levels of government, and between the Government and private institutions.

Open Government Plan

In response to the Open Government Directive, the BBG published on April 7 its first Open Government Plan, which details the steps the BBG will take to improve transparency and boost participation by, and collaboration with, the public.  The Plan reflects the input of senior policy, legal and technology leaders in the BBG, as well as input from the general public.  Comments about the BBG’s Plan can be e-mailed to

On April 22, 2010, the BBG submitted its self-evaluation of the Agency’s Open Government Plan to the Office of the President

Records and Reports:

  • Annual Reports: The BBG maintains a digital library of its present and past annual reports detailing its global audience and reach.
  • Budget Submissions: The BBG maintains a digital library of its current and past budget request to Congress.
  • Civil Rights Reports: The BBG is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity and provides regular reporting on its progress.
  • FAIR Act: The BBG complies with the Federal Activity Inventory Reform Act and makes available relevant information on its compliance with the Act.
  • FOIA Act: The BBG maintains extensive records of its compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
  • No FEAR Act: The BBG posts quarterly updates on its compliance with the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002.
  • Performance and Accountability Report: The BBG maintains a digital library of its current and past annual Performance and Accountability Reports, which catalog the BBG’s achievements in furthering its mission and its effective use of the resources provided it to it by the Administration, Congress and the American public.
  • Privacy Reports: Numerous resources within the BBG are responsible for advising the Agency on issues relating to privacy.
  • Other Reports: At the request of the Administration and Congress, the BBG conducts reports on other issues of national interest.

Other Information Sources:

In addition to the information presented above, the BBG works to provide the public with additional data about its operation through the following means: