Alliance -- An OSHA Cooperative Program<< Back to Region II Alliances

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Consulate General of Guatemala in New York, New York (the Consulate), hereinafter "the Participants".

Recognizing that OSHA's Alliance Program provides for the establishment of cooperative relationships for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication, and promoting a national dialogue on workplace safety and health; and Recognizing the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful workplaces;

Intend to establish an Alliance to achieve the following:

Overall Objective

The Participants intend to work jointly to provide Guatemalans and other Hispanic workers with information, guidance, and access to training resources that are intended to help them improve their workplace health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to General and Construction Industry hazards, such as falls, electrical hazards, and amputations.

Tranining and Education

The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following training and education goals:

  • To provide expertise to develop training and education programs for non-English or limited English speaking employees and employers on hazards, such as falls, electrical hazards, and amputations, and to provide expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees in the industry.

  • Deliver or arrange for the delivery of OSHA's 10 and 30-hour General and Construction Industry courses in Spanish. These courses would be provided by OSHA personnel in conjunction with the Consulate.

Outreach and Communication

The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:

  • To provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and the Consulate's Web sites) to employers and employees in the Hispanic community.

  • Speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or the Consulate's conferences, local meetings, or other events such as the mobile consulate to educate the constituents of the Consulate regarding employer and employee workplace rights and responsibilities.

  • Share information among OSHA personnel and safety and health professionals regarding the Consulate's best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by the Consulate and through OSHA or the Consulate's developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other suitable forum).

  • Promote and encourage the participation of the Consulate's constituency in OSHA's cooperative programs, such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Program, Consultation, and the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.

  • Encourage the constituency of the Consulate to build relationships with OSHA's Regional and Area Offices to address health and safety issues, including hazards, such as falls, electrical hazards, and amputations.

  • Encourage bilingual individuals to take the OSHA Train-the-Trainer course(s) on the occupational safety and health standards for the General and Construction Industries, so they qualify to teach Hispanic workers the OSHA 10 and 30-hour courses in Spanish.

  • Work with the local Hispanic community in the New York and New Jersey areas through the Consulate, as well as other faith-based and community organizations, in an effort to enhance safety and health awareness within the Hispanic community.

Promotion of a National Dialogue

The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following goals related to promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:

  • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings on General and Construction Industry hazards, such as falls, electrical hazards, and amputations, to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.

An implementation team made up of representatives of the Participants intends to meet to develop a plan of action, determine working procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of the Participants. In addition, the Participants intend to meet at least 3 times per year to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance.

This Arrangement is to remain in effect for two years from the date of signing. Either signatory may terminate it for any reason at any time, provided they give 30 days written notice. This Arrangement may be modified in writing at any time with the concurrence of the signatories.

Signed at the Consulate General of Guatemala in New York, NY, in duplicate, this 13th day of October, 2005, in the English and Spanish languages.

For the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Region II:

Patricia K. Clark
Regional Administrator

Rosa Maria Merida de Mora
Cónsul General of Guatemala

Diana Cortez
Regional Hispanic Coordinator/
Area Director, Tarrytown Area Office