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NIH Radio

Two drugs better than one to treat youth with type 2 diabetes

Brief Description:

An NIH study shows two drugs better than one in treat in treating youth with recent-onset type 2 diabetes.


Akinso: A combination of two diabetes drugs was more effective in treating youth with recent-onset type 2 diabetes than the current standard drug alone.

Linder: We compared metformin to a combination of metformin plus rosiglitazone.

Akinso: Dr. Barbara Linder is a NIH senior advisor for childhood diabetes research.

Linder: Metformin, by itself, did not do very well. Half of the youth taking meformin alone were not able to achieve acceptable long term glucose control.

Akinso: The Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth study, known as TODAY, is the first major comprehensive effectiveness trial for treatment of type 2. The study tested how well and for how long each of three treatment approaches controlled blood glucose levels in youth enrolled from ages 10 to 17 with type 2 diabetes.

Linder: The study found that youth with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes did better on the combination of metformin plus rosiglitazone. The failure rate was reduced by about 25 percent in this group compared to the group that took meformin alone.

Akinso: Dr. Linder says this study suggest that it may be good to start with a more aggressive drug treatment approach in youth with type 2 diabetes.

Linder: Well from the study it seems that youth with type 2 diabetes may have a more aggressive course than has been described in adults. And therefore these youths may need two drugs from the beginning to be able to achieve and sustain good glucose control.

Akinso: Type 2 diabetes in adults and children is closely linked to being overweight, inactive and having a family history problem of diabetes. For information on diabetes and this study, visit For NIH Radio, this is Wally Akinso— NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health®

About This Audio Report

Date: 5/22/2012

Reporter: Wally Akinso

Sound Bite: Dr. Barbara Linder

Topic: Drugs, metformin, rosiglitazone, type, 2, diabetes, TODAY

Institute(s): NIDDK

Additional Info: Two drugs better than one to treat youth with type 2 diabetes

This page last reviewed on August 14, 2012

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