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Planning, Environment, & Realty

About Us

Welcome to the web site for the FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (HEP). We serve as FHWA's advocate and national leader for environment protection and enhancement, comprehensive intermodal and multi-modal transportation planning, and for fair and prudent acquisition and management of real property.

HEP provides policy and direction in three major areas:

HEP has a staff of 100+ people with a wide professional range including community planners, environmental scientists, realty specialists, and transportation engineers. Our role includes policy, legislation, regulations, program guidance, development of training courses, and research. For Right-of-Way Programs, we provide technical assistance to Divisions in addition to our Headquarters roles.

Our closest partners are the FHWA Divisions and Resource Center, the Federal Transit Administration, other parts of U.S. DOT, the Environmental Protection Agency and other Federal resource agencies, and other FHWA Headquarters offices.

We hope you find our web site useful, and that you will offer suggestions for improving it. Thanks for visiting us. We hope you will come back often.

P.S. If you don't see the topic you are looking for, check our Subject Index.

HEP Associate Administrator & Directors

  • Gloria Shepherd, Associate Administrator of the Office of Planning, Environment & Realty
  • Jim Cheatham, Director of the Office of Planning
  • Lucy Garliauskas, Director of the Office of Human Environment
  • Gerald Solomon, Director of the Office of Project Development & Environmental Review
  • April Marchese, Director of the Office of Natural Environment
  • Nelson Castellanos, Director of the Office of Real Estate Services
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Planning | Environment | Realty

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