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Media Appearances for Saturday, October 13

Monday, October 15, 2012

Station: FOX News "America’s News HQ"Location: NationalSubject: Administration misinformaiton regarding the terrorist attack in BenghaziLength: 10 minutesTime: Saturday, October 13, 2012  @ 1:30pm ET/12:30pm CTWebsite: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/americas-news-hq/index.html  

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Media Appearances for Friday, October 12

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Station: The Jack Burkman ShowLocation: NationalSubject: Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing - "The security failures of Benghazi"Host: Jack BurkmanLength: 10 minutesTime: Friday, October 12, 2012 LIVE @ 1:10pm ET/ 12:10pm CTWebsite: http://www.jackburkman.us/

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Rep. Farenthold votes to curb the EPA’s regulatory power and express disapproval of the White House’s effort to waive aspects of the 1996 welfare refo…

Friday, September 21, 2012

H.R. 3409, Stop the War on Coal Act Summary: On Friday, the House passed the Stop the War on Coal Act to check the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) costly job-killing regulations in order to protect jobs, keep energy affordable and prevent the premature closure of coal plants. This Act limits surface mining regulations and requires regulatory analysis and a cumulative cost analysis of EPA’s rules. H.R. 3409 gives states the power to regulate coal ash and turns the power for setting...

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Rep. Farenthold votes to fund federal operations for 6 months, to repeal the sequester and to phase out the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee prog…

Friday, September 14, 2012

H.J. Res. 117, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution  Summary: The House passed legislation to ensure that discretionary federal operations will remain funded for six months. H. J. Res. 117 provides a six-month extension of appropriated funding for discretionary government operations through March 27, 2013. Under current law, appropriated funding for discretionary spending is set to expire after September 30, 2012: the end of the fiscal year. According to CBO,  H.J.Res. 117 would provide $1.047 trillion in regular appropriated funding for government operations...

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