NATO transfers police training site to Afghans

2012/05/09 • Comments
Story and Photos by Staff Sgt. James Bolinger
RSC-North Public Affairs



(Far Left) Rafael Villegas, a End User Monitor Logistics Planner attached to NATO Training Mission -Afghanistan North, watches his interpreter describe the Regional Training Center MeS inventory sheet to Afghan National Civil Order Police Capt. Abdul Qayom April 25 at RTC MeS. NTM-A signed the RTC over to the ANCOP as part of the NATO draw down in Afghanistan.

(Far Left) Rafael Villegas, a End User Monitor Logistics Planner attached to NATO Training Mission -Afghanistan North, watches his interpreter describe the Regional Training Center MeS inventory sheet to Afghan National Civil Order Police Capt. Abdul Qayom April 25 at RTC MeS. NTM-A signed the RTC over to the ANCOP as part of the NATO draw down in Afghanistan.

CAMP MIKE SPANN, Afghanistan – Service members and civilians with NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan transferred the largest Afghan National Police training center in Regional Support Command — North to the Afghan National Civil Order Police April 26 as part of the NATO transition to the Afghans.

ANCOP Capt. Abdul Qayom, assumed responsibility for the buildings, equipment and land after reviewing an inventory written by NTM-A forces.

“We will take care of these buildings,” said Qayom through an interpreter. “We will choose the right people to come here.”

The camp known as Regional Training Center Mazar-e Sharif will no longer be an ANCOP training site, instead it will house the headquarters for the ANCOP 6th Brigade and will provide a base of operations for the ANCOP 6th Brigade, 1st and 2nd Battalions. About 1,300 police according to Qayom.

The site opened in 2004 as a U.S. Department of State police training camp and was used to train Afghan Uniformed Police officer candidates and ANCOP patrolmen. It was run by cadre from the French Gendarmerie, Spanish Guardia Civil, Polish Police and DynCorp Police Mentors.

Comprised of 55 hard structures and some equipment including TVs, computers and air conditioners, RTC MeS will now be maintained and run by the ANCOP without NTM-A support.

The transfer process, which started in mid-January, included the transfer of cadre and other personnel to new locations, the removal of equipment, and a full inventory of buildings and supplies.

The same process has been executed at other camps across RSC-North and several RTCs will be transferred to Afghan control or closed before the end of 2012.

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