John M. (Jack) Galvin, Deputy Commissioner

John M. Galvin

John M. (Jack) Galvin serves as Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. From 1998 until September, 2011, Mr. Galvin served as Associate Commissioner for Employment and Unemployment Statistics, where he directed the Bureau's programs of national, State, and local information on the labor force, industry and occupational employment and wages, employment projections, and employment dynamics. Many of these programs are conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Census Bureau and with the State Employment Security Agencies.

Mr. Galvin served as Assistant Commissioner for Producer Price Indexes from 1994 to 1998, as Director of the BLS Quality and Information Management Staff from 1991 to 1994, and in a variety of positions in the Consumer Price Index program from 1978 to 1991. 

Mr. Galvin holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Illinois and an M.A. in Economics from George Washington University.

Mr. Galvin's office can be contacted at 202-691-6400.

Last Modified Date: January 25, 2012