Other Analytical Projections Articles

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  • Toossi, Mitra, "A behavioral model for projecting the labor force participation rate," Monthly Labor Review, May 2011, pp. 25-42.
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  • Byun, Kathryn J., "The U.S. housing bubble and bust: impacts on employment ," Monthly Labor Review, December 2010, pp. 3-17.
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  • Moncarz, Roger J., Wolf, Michael G. and Wright, Benjamin, "Service-providing occupations, offshoring, and the labor market," Monthly Labor Review, December 2008, pp. 71-86.
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  • Toossi, Mitra, "A new look at long-term labor force projections to 2050," Monthly Labor Review, November 2006, pp. 19-39.
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  • Hecker Daniel E. and Wyatt, Ian D., "Occupational changes during the 20th Century," Monthly Labor Review, March 2006, pp. 35-57.
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  • Shniper, Lynn, "Occupational mobility, January 2004," Monthly Labor Review, December 2005, pp. 30-35.
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  • Hecker, Daniel E., "High-technology employment: a NAICS-based update," Monthly Labor Review, July 2005, pp. 57-72.
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  • Toossi Mitra, "Consumer spending: an engine for U.S. job growth," Monthly Labor Review, November 2002, pp. 12-22.
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  • Toossi Mitra, "A century of change: U.S. labor force from 1950 to 2050," Monthly Labor Review, May 2002, pp. 15-28.
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Issues of the Monthly Labor Review from 1982 to the present are available online. Earlier issues are out of print but should be available at a Federal Depository Library. This quarter's and last quarter's issues of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly are available from the Government Printing Office Bookstore Earlier issues are out of print but may be available through the Occupational Outlook Quarterly Staff or at a Federal Depository Library. An archive of Occupational Outlook Quarterly articles is available online, beginning with the Spring 1999 issue.


Last Modified Date: February 1, 2012