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A significant amount of pesticide environmental work is conducted by EPA through grant programs and partnerships with states, tribes, universities, companies, nonprofit organizations and community groups.

Grants and partnerships provide the opportunities for EPA staff to access expertise and real world knowledge which can help answer the tough questions related to pesticide use and stewardship. Involvement in grants and partnerships with EPA also gives pesticide related professionals a unique opportunity to work with federal regulators and scientists in an environment of respect and collaboration.

Both tribal and state continuing pesticide programs receive funding support through cooperative agreements between the tribe or state and the appropriate EPA Region. These cooperative agreement funds come from the State Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) provided to the Regional Offices by the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP).

In general, states have primary authority for compliance monitoring and enforcing against use of pesticides in violation of the labeling requirements. EPA works cooperatively with tribal governments to enforce FIFRA, as it does with states and territories. EPA also provides funding to tribes to assist in the devlelopment and implementation of pesticide programs under tribal law.

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