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Office of Compliance Assistance Policy
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Office of Compliance Assistance Policy (OCA) - About Us

Located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, the Office of Compliance Assistance Policy (OCA) works with DOL agencies to evaluate compliance assistance efforts, provide training to DOL employees, and create compliance assistance tools for the public, especially technology-based tools such as the elaws Advisors and the Department's Compliance Assistance Web Portal. As a policy office, OCA also analyzes a wide range of policy and program issues affecting DOL's compliance assistance responsibilities.

By helping America's workers and employers understand how their rights and responsibilities under federal employment laws, DOL's compliance assistance activities help protect the wages, health benefits, retirement security, safety, and health of America's workforce.

Contacting OCA

By Mail
Office of Compliance Assistance Policy
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Suite S-2312
Washington, D.C. 20210

By Phone
(202) 693-5959