The Feedback Report: Your Greatest Benefit

Baldrige Award applicants cite the feedback report as the most significant benefit of applying. The feedback report is a detailed, individualized, written assessment of your organization’s strengths and opportunities based on the Baldrige Award application. The report is compiled by a team of Baldrige Examiners, experts with deep sector/industry knowledge and training in the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.  

Here are the components of the report:

  • Key themes: These are the “executive summary,” a synthesis of the most significant, cross-cutting strengths and opportunities for improvement in your organization’s processes and results.

  • Comments: You will receive around 6 detailed, actionable strengths and opportunities for improvement related to each of the 17 Baldrige Criteria Items. The comments can help you prioritize your improvement efforts.

  • Item scoring range: The percentage scoring range for each Item allows you to determine how far along your organization is in that area.

  • Scoring band distribution: The percentage of applicants scoring in each of the eight overall scoring bands gives you a context for your total score.


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