Headquarters, United States European Command
Directorate of Public Affairs (ECPA)
Tel: 0711-680-8574, FAX: 0711-680-5380
DSN: 430-8574, e-mail: ecpa.pg@eucom.mil


EUCOM image

Capital: Madrid
Area: 505,370 sq km
Comparative area: slightly more than twice the size of Oregon
Population (July 2011 estimate): 46,754,784
Official language: Castillian Spanish, and Basque regionally
International Organizations and Agreements: European Union, NATO, United Nations, and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Spain and the United States have a long history of official relations and are closely associated in many fields including being strong allies in the fight against terrorism.

Spain authorizes the United States to use certain facilities at Spanish military installations including Rota Naval Station and Moron Air Base with more than 1,500 U.S. military and civilian personnel serving at those and other locations. An Agreement on Defense Cooperation and an Acquisition and Cross-Servicing agreement are among many other agreements in place between the U.S. and Spain.  The U.S. and Spain share a long-standing and robust military to military relationship which includes exchange programs and numerous military exercises such as Phoenix Express, Combined Endeavor, Noble Titan, Phiblex, and others.

Spain is a major participant in multilateral international security activities. Spain's EU membership represents an important part of its foreign policy. Spain has maintained its special identification with Latin America and its policy emphasizes the concept of Hispanidad, a mixture of linguistic, religious, ethnic, cultural, and historical ties binding Spanish-speaking America to Spain.