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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


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County Employment and Wages in North Dakota – Third Quarter 2011

North Dakota’s only large county, Cass, reported an average weekly wage of $823 in the third quarter of 2011, 8.4 percent higher than one year ago, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. (Large counties are defined as those with employment of 75,000 or more as measured by 2010 annual average employment.) Nationally, the average weekly wage rose 5.3 percent over the year to $916 in the third quarter of 2011. Regional Commissioner Charlene Peiffer noted that though Cass County’s wages were below the U.S. average, the state had eight smaller counties, those with employment below 75,000, where wages exceeded that for the nation. (See table 1.)

Employment in Cass County increased 3.9 percent from September 2010 to September 2011. Cass County’s employment level of 104,200 accounted for 26.7 percent of total employment within the state. Nationally, employment rose 1.6 percent during this 12-month period, as 271 of the 322 largest U.S. counties gained jobs. Nationwide, the 322 largest counties made up 70.5 percent of total U.S. employment, which stood at 130.5 million in September 2011.

Employment and wage levels (but not over-the-year changes) are also available for the 52 smaller counties in North Dakota. Average weekly wages varied widely across the state, with seven having wages above $1,000 and three reporting wages under $500. (See table 2.)

Large county wage changes

Cass County’s 8.4-percent wage growth from the third quarter of 2010 to the third quarter of 2011 ranked 15th nationally. (See table 1.) Among the 322 largest counties, 315 had over-the-year increases in average weekly wages. Lake County, Ohio, ranked first in average weekly wage growth, with an increase of 17.1 percent. Santa Clara, Calif., had the second largest increase (11.7 percent), followed by Oklahoma, Okla. (11.5 percent). Three counties experienced a decline in average weekly wages. Clay, Mo., had the largest wage decline with a loss of 2.3 percent over the year. Alachua, Fla. (-0.8 percent), and Leon, Fla. (-0.1 percent), had the second and third largest declines in average weekly wages.

Large county average weekly wages

Cass County’s $823 average wage placed in the bottom half among the 322 large counties, ranking 196th. Nationally, average weekly wages were higher than average in 109 of the 322 largest U.S. counties. Santa Clara, Calif., held the top position among the highest-paid large counties with an average weekly wage of $1,857. New York, N.Y., was second at $1,647, followed by Arlington, Va. ($1,550), Washington, D.C. ($1,527), and San Francisco, Calif. ($1,457).

Among the 212 large counties with an average weekly wage below the U.S. average in the third quarter of 2011, 2 had wages below $600. Horry, S.C. ($561) reported the lowest wage, followed by Cameron County, Texas ($591).

Average weekly wages in North Dakota's smaller counties

Forty-four of the 52 counties in North Dakota with employment below 75,000 had average weekly wages lower than the national average of $916. Eight small counties had above-average wages, all located in the western portion of the state. The highest wage was reported in Williams County at $1,365, followed by Slope ($1,303) and McKenzie ($1,234). Logan County reported the lowest wage in the state, averaging $438 in the third quarter of 2011. (See table 2.)

When all 53 counties in North Dakota were considered, 16 reported average weekly wages under $600, 15 had wages from $600 to $699, 12 reported wages from $700 to $799, 2 reported wages from $800 to $899,and 8 had wages of $900 or more. (See chart 1.)

Additional statistics and other information

Quarterly data for states have been included in this release in table 3. For additional information about quarterly employment and wages data, please read the Technical Note or visit the QCEW Web site at

Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online features comprehensive information by detailed industry on establishments, employment, and wages for the nation and all states. The 2010 edition of this publication, which was published in November 2011, contains selected data produced by Business Employment Dynamics (BED) on job gains and losses, as well as selected data from the first quarter 2011 version of the national news release. Tables and additional content from the Employment and Wages Annual 2010 are now available online at The 2011 edition of Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online will be available later in 2012.

Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: 202-691-5200; TDD message referral phone number: 1-800-877-8339.

For personal assistance or further information on the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program, as well as other Bureau programs, contact the Midwest Information Office in Chicago at (312) 353-1880 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT.

Technical Note

Average weekly wage data by county are compiled under the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, also known as the ES-202 program. The data are derived from summaries of employment and total pay of workers covered by state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) legislation and provided by State Workforce Agencies (SWAs). The 9.1 million employer reports covered 130.5 million full- and part-time workers. The average weekly wage values are calculated by dividing quarterly total wages by the average of the three monthly employment levels of those covered by UI programs. The result is then divided by 13, the number of weeks in a quarter. It is to be noted, therefore, that over-the-year wage changes for geographic areas may reflect shifts in the composition of employment by industry, occupation, and such other factors as hours of work. Thus, wages may vary among counties, metropolitan areas, or states for reasons other than changes in the average wage level. Data for all states, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), counties, and the nation are available on the BLS Web site; however, data in QCEW press releases have been revised and may not match the data contained on the BLS Web site.

QCEW data are not designed as a time series. QCEW data are simply the sums of individual establishment records reflecting the number of establishments that exist in a county or industry at a point in time. Establishments can move in or out of a county or industry for a number of reasons—some reflecting economic events, others reflecting administrative changes.

The preliminary QCEW data presented in this release may differ from data released by the individual states as well as from the data presented on the BLS Web site. These potential differences result from the states’ continuing receipt, review and editing of UI data over time. On the other hand, differences between data in this release and the data found on the BLS Web site are the result of adjustments made to improve over-the-year comparisons. Specifically, these adjustments account for administrative (noneconomic) changes such as a correction to a previously reported location or industry classification. Adjusting for these administrative changes allows users to more accurately assess changes of an economic nature (such as a firm moving from one county to another or changing its primary economic activity) over a 12-month period. Currently, adjusted data are available only from BLS press releases.

Table 1. Covered (1) employment and wages in the United States and the largest county in North Dakota, third quarter 2011(2)
Area Employment Average weekly wage (3)
September 2011 (thousands) Percent change, September 2010-11 (4) National ranking by percent change (5) Average weekly wage National ranking by level (5) Percent change, third quarter 2010-11 (4) National ranking by percent change (5)

United States (6)

130,524.7 1.6 -- $916 -- 5.3 --

North Dakota

390.8 6.7 -- 820 28 12.9 1

Cass, N.D.

104.2 3.9 12 823 196 8.4 15

(1) Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
(2) Data are preliminary.
(3) Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
(4) Percent changes were computed from quarterly employment and pay data adjusted for noneconomic county reclassifications.
(5) Ranking does not include the county of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
(6) Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.

Table 2. Covered (1) employment and wages in the United States and all counties in North Dakota, third quarter 2011 (2)
Area Employment September 2011 Average weekly wage (3)

United States (4)

130,524,677 $916

North Dakota

390,832 820


953 643


4,983 608


2,722 707


598 653


2,742 707


1,740 746


878 878


52,900 780


104,229 823


1,553 709


2,106 605


861 795


2,106 1,122


668 544


1,043 540


1,680 669

Golden Valley

655 558

Grand Forks

39,771 721


629 507


963 567


699 599


646 549


1,374 612


636 438


1,316 654


1,080 549


5,567 1,234


3,437 798


4,844 1,089


10,435 704


5,556 1,072


1,091 499


714 1,109


3,976 734


1,750 597


5,978 649


2,200 574


903 757


7,626 682


4,682 615


2,469 684


273 465


1,667 687


199 1,303


17,089 976


627 642


10,792 695


776 581


3,298 662


5,445 594


31,693 785


1,607 537


25,733 1,365

(1) Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
(2) Data are preliminary.
(3) Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
(4) Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.

Table 3. Covered (1) employment and wages by state, third quarter 2011 (2)
State Employment Average weekly wage (3)
September 2011 (thousands) Percent change, September 2010-11 Average weekly wage National ranking by level Percent change, third quarter 2010-11 National ranking by percent change

United States (4)

130,524.7 1.6 $916 -- 5.3 --


1,823.2 0.5 803 33 3.7 48


341.5 2.1 963 10 4.0 42


2,391.6 2.1 860 21 4.9 27


1,151.0 0.4 715 47 4.5 36


14,686.3 1.5 1,051 6 6.8 3


2,234.4 2.3 948 13 5.6 13


1,626.5 0.9 1,118 2 4.7 31


406.1 0.2 949 12 5.4 19

District of Columbia

708.1 2.1 1,527 1 3.9 45


7,167.5 1.7 812 30 4.2 40


3,799.6 1.3 867 20 5.3 20


593.6 1.2 836 23 4.0 42


623.8 1.1 697 48 4.7 31


5,629.1 1.6 958 11 4.6 35


2,797.5 2.1 785 35 5.8 9


1,466.9 1.6 760 42 5.6 13


1,311.7 1.1 772 40 5.6 13


1,757.4 1.7 764 41 4.8 28


1,852.3 0.9 821 27 3.9 45


595.6 0.9 734 46 2.9 51


2,497.6 1.1 1,023 7 5.9 8


3,227.8 1.8 1,114 3 4.1 41


3,920.5 2.4 876 18 4.4 37


2,642.8 2.5 916 15 4.8 28


1,081.3 0.1 681 51 4.4 37


2,610.3 0.6 804 32 5.2 24


433.9 1.3 687 49 6.2 4


905.0 0.5 747 43 5.7 11


1,122.0 1.3 845 22 3.8 47

New Hampshire

613.2 0.7 903 17 5.6 13

New Jersey

3,774.1 0.6 1,069 5 4.3 39

New Mexico

788.7 0.4 779 37 4.7 31

New York

8,511.6 1.7 1,099 4 4.0 42

North Carolina

3,863.6 1.3 809 31 5.3 20

North Dakota

390.8 6.7 820 28 12.9 1


5,015.3 1.4 834 25 5.6 13


1,518.5 1.8 785 35 8.3 2


1,645.0 1.4 835 24 5.7 11


5,550.9 0.9 912 16 6.2 4

Rhode Island

456.8 0.3 871 19 5.3 20

South Carolina

1,789.9 1.4 746 44 4.8 28

South Dakota

398.9 1.3 684 50 3.6 49


2,631.4 2.1 819 29 5.3 20


10,480.4 2.7 931 14 6.2 4


1,192.9 2.9 779 37 5.1 25


297.0 0.8 778 39 3.3 50


3,602.5 1.6 974 9 4.7 31


2,905.4 1.7 1,011 8 6.1 7

West Virginia

710.8 1.6 742 45 5.8 9


2,697.9 1.4 792 34 5.6 13


284.0 1.6 832 26 5.1 25

Puerto Rico

910.3 -0.2 506 (5) 1.2 (5)

Virgin Islands

42.7 -1.5 718 (5) -5.2 (5)

(1) Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
(2) Data are preliminary.
(3) Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
(4) Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
(5) Data not included in the national ranking.


Chart 1. Average weekly wages by county in North Dakota, third quarter 2011



Last Modified Date: May 1, 2012