Headquarters, United States European Command
Directorate of Public Affairs (ECPA)
Tel: 0711-680-8574, FAX: 0711-680-5380
DSN: 430-8574, e-mail: ecpa.pg@eucom.mil


EUCOM image

Capital: Brussels
Area: 30,528 sq km
Comparative area: about the size of Maryland
Population (July 2011 estimate): 10,431,477
Official language: Dutch, French and German
International Organizations and Agreements: NATO, European Union, United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE)

The United States and Belgium are good friends and allies. Good will and affection for Americans is widely held as a result of the U.S. role during and after the two World Wars, as was exhibited in 2004 during the 60th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of the Bulge and the liberation of Belgium. Annual celebrations of liberation are held in many Belgian communities today.

Belgium works closely with the United States bilaterally and in international and regional organizations to encourage economic and political cooperation and assistance to developing countries. Belgium remains a strong proponent of both NATO and European defense efforts.

Both NATO (since 1966) and the EU have their headquarters in Brussels; SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, NATO's military headquarters) is in the south of the country, near Mons.

Belgium is the host to the primary European security and economic institutions, NATO and the European Union. The nation participates in the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan; humanitarian, reconstruction, and development assistance to Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan; peacekeeping missions in the Balkans and Lebanon; frequent provision of airlift in international crises; and hosting transatlantic dialogues between European foreign ministers and the U.S. Secretary of State.

More than 1,200 American military personnel are stationed at four major and several other locations throughout Belgium including assignments with SHAPE, NATO support activities, the 309th Airlift Squadron at Chievres, and Kleine Brogel Airbase. There are Acquisition Cross-Service and Status of Forces Agreements in place with Belgium.