October 16, 2012 Washington DC 1:24 PM

Reflecting the Views of the U.S. Government as Broadcast on The Voice of America

Video Editorials

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Video View From Washington 925: Economic Protests Breakout in Iran

In Iran, protests broke out in the capital city over the precipitous fall of the rial, which, over the course of one week, lost more than a third of its value against the dollar.

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Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama shake hands.

Audio The Candidates Debate

President Barack Obama and Republican Party challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, met October 3 for first of three debates. More

Middle East

A police colonel talks with a group of Iranian workers during their protest in front of the Industrial Ministry building in Tehran, Iran, demanding their delayed salaries. (AP Photo)

Audio Economic Protests Break out in Iran

“The Iranian government deserves responsibility for what is going on inside Iran. And that is who should be held accountable.” More

Human Rights

Rabbi Rafael Schaffer attends National Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations at the Holocaust memorial, Bucharest, Romania, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012.

Audio Fighting Anti-Semitism

It is critical that anti-Semitism be challenged by government leaders, elected officials, and community and faith leaders. More

Fugitive of the Week
Al Shabaab

Al Shabaab