Early Experiences Matter

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Little Kids, Big Questions
is a series of 12 podcasts that translates the research of early childhood development into parenting practices that mothers, fathers and other caregivers can tailor to the needs of their own child and family. Click here to listen to or download the podcasts. This podcast series is generously funded by MetLife Foundation.

Free Parent Brochures and Guides

General Parenting Topics:

Everyday Ways to Support Your Baby or Toddler's Early Learning
Download this handout (in both English and Spanish) to learn more about how you can support your child's development from birth to three in the everyday moments you share. 

What We Know About Early Literacy and Language Development
This handout provides information on how early language and literacy skills unfold across the first three years of life.

Tips for Your Child's Development Assessment
This handout provides tips on preparing for, and participating fully in, your child's developmental assessment.

Healthy Eating Strategies for Young Children
This handout suggests 8 ways that parents can help their baby or toddler develop healthy eating habits in the first three years. [English ] [Espanol ]

Age-Based Handouts:

Birth to 12 Months 

Healthy Minds: Nurturing Your Child’s Healthy Development

Birth to 2 Months
[286 KBIcon_pdf]   Espanol  [387 KBIcon_pdf]
2 to 6 Months
[305 KBIcon_pdf]   Espanol  [385 KBIcon_pdf]
6 to 9 Months
[286 KBIcon_pdf]   Espanol  [379 KBIcon_pdf]
9 to 12 Months
[299 KBIcon_pdf]   Espanol  [333 KBIcon_pdf]

The Magic of Everyday Moments

Birth to 4 Months
English ]  [Espanol ]

4 to 6 Months
English ]  [Espanol ]  

6 to 9 Months
English ]  [Espanol ]

9 to 12 Months
English ]  [Espanol ]

Supporting Your Baby’s Language and Literacy Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Thinking Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Confidence

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Control

Your Baby's Development

Birth to 3 Months

[232 KB Icon_pdf ] [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

 3 to 6 Months

[219 KB Icon_pdf  [Espanol Icon_pdf ] 

6 to 9 Months

[239 KB Icon_pdf[Espanol Icon_pdf ]

9 to 12 Months

[243 KB Icon_pdf ] [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

12 to 24 Months

Healthy Minds: Nurturing Your Child’s Healthy Development

12 to 18 Months
English  [304 KB Icon_pdf]  Espanol  [324 KB Icon_pdf]
18 to 24 Months
English  [260 KB Icon_pdf]  Espanol  [331 KB Icon_pdf]

The Magic of Everyday Moments

12 to 15 Months
[English ] [Espanol ]

15 to 18 Months
[English ] [Espanol ]

18 to 24 Months
[English ] [Espanol ]

Supporting Your Baby’s Language and Literacy Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Thinking Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Confidence

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Control

Your Baby's Development

12 to 15 Months

[232 KB Icon_pdf[Espanol Icon_pdf ]

15 to 18 Months

[224 KB  Icon_pdf ]  [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

18 to 24 Months

[258 KB Icon_pdf ] [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

24 to 36 Months

Healthy Minds: Nurturing Your Child’s Healthy Development
English  [292 KB Icon_pdf]   Espanol  [336 KB Icon_pdf]

The Magic of Everyday Moments

24 to 36 Months
[English ] [Espanol ]

Supporting Your Baby’s Language and Literacy Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Thinking Skills

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Confidence

Supporting Your Baby’s Self-Control

Your Baby's Development

24 to 30 Months

[228 KB Icon_pdf ] [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

30 to 36 Months 

[239 KB Icon_pdf ] [Espanol Icon_pdf ]

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ZERO TO THREE’s website and materials are protected by intellectual property laws. Unauthorized commercial publication or exploitation of text, images or content of this website is specifically prohibited.

ZERO TO THREE allows individuals to print out or make ONE copy of copyrighted material for personal, educational or non-commercial purposes. ZERO TO THREE materials may not be reproduced, displayed, distributed or otherwise used in any format, including electronically, without prior, express written consent from ZERO TO THREE.  Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of ZERO TO THREE.  A usage fee may be assessed based on the type and nature of the proposed use.  A separate request is required for EACH proposed use and permission granted for one article or product does not convey to another article or product. Visit www.zerotothree.org/permissi



Early Experiences Count: How Emotional Development Unfolds Starting at Birth
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My toddler has been at home with me since he was born. Do you think it is necessary that he begin preschool or child care in order to develop social skills?
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My 3-year-old son spends half his time with me and my wife, and the other half with his mother. When he is with my ex-wife, my son gets away with more than when he’s with me. I’m not sure how to handle that.
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Recently, my 3-year-old made the following comments in public: “Mommy, he is fat!” What do you do when your child makes embarrassing comments about people?
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Expanding Access to Early Head Start: State Initiatives for Infants and Toddlers at Risk This joint report by ZERO TO THREE and CLASP draws on newly conducted research on state efforts to expand and enhance access to Early Head Start services for infants, toddlers, and their families.

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Coming Together Around Military FamiliesNational Training InstituteEarly Head Start

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Copyright 2012 ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20037 | Phone: (202) 638-1144 | Fax: (202) 638-0851

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