
Proper Funding Acknowledgement

It is important to properly acknowledge funding sources in technical documents for a variety of reasons:

  • To ensure that research activity funded by an agency is relevant to and is within its mission.
  • DOE/BES is required to ensure that there is no duplication of funding by federal funding agencies.
  • DOE/BES is required to certify the following statement in every award/renewal memo:

I do not find evidence of unwarranted duplication of effort or overlap in support between the research that is the subject of this Selection Statement

Memorandum and any other unclassified government supported activity with this principal investigator.

  • Therefore, a lack of clear delineation in the acknowledgement section of technical documents is a potential basis for non-renewal and termination of support.

For Publications

  • Work supported wholly by DOE support

Work at the Ames Laboratory was supported by the Department of Energy-Basic Energy Sciences (or appropriate sponsor) under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11358.

  • Work only partially supported by DOE

Clearly state which portion of the research was funded under the Ames Laboratory contract and which other portions of the reported work were supported by other sponsors.  For example:

Work at the Ames Laboratory was supported by the Department of Energy-Basic Energy Sciences (or appropriate sponsor) under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11358, a Humboldt Fellowship, and by a National Institutes of Health Graduate Fellowship (The order should reflect relative contributions).

Or by indicating what aspect of the research (materials or processing used or specific techniques) was supported by each sponsor:

Research at the Ames Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy-Basic Energy Sciences (or appropriate sponsor) under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11358 (neutron scattering studies), by the National Science Foundation under Award # ___ (computational studies), and by the National Institutes of Health under Award # ____ (synthesis of samples).

For Presentations

Minimum acknowledgement should state that the work was supported “by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (or appropriate office).”