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Walter Jones

Walter Jones
3,889 likes · 128 talking about this

  1. A national monument to military working dogs and their handlers has been a longtime dream of mine. I was happy to sponsor legislation in Congress to create the monument, which will be funded 100% by private donations, and will be unveiled soon.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Walter JonesSee All
    • Diana Batson Tucker
      Congratulations! An exciting win. Thank you for your service.
      7 hours ago
    • Congrats on your re-election. Don't disappear on us for another year and half again. You are great when running for election. If you ever the common man thoughts of eastern NC or veterans affairs. Give me a call or put me on your payroll.
      1 · 9 hours ago
    • Rayetta Croft
      Congratulations! From some liberty lovers out in Utah...Keep up the great work!
      10 hours ago
    • Beth Denson Pennington
      Congratulations Congressman Jones!
      21 hours ago
    • Keith Watson
      Congratulation Mr Jones!
      22 hours ago
  4. Please join me in telling the president to bring our troops home starting in the summer of 2013, NOT 2014. The recent string of insider attacks proves that our job there is done and our troops do not deserve to be killed by Afghan trainees!
    “When our ‘friends’ turn out to be our ‘enemy,’ it is time to pull the plug.”
    - a former Commandant of the USMC

    Commercial fishermen in the US face a hostile Federal government, making it more and more difficult to continue their business. Ye...
    t at the same time that government has is now allowing Asian seafood raised on pig feces to be sold to US consumers.

    Our country's trade and economic policies have come to border on the insane. We need to change course...and fast.
    See More

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