Press Releases

Jul 19, 2012

Rep. Gosar’s Amendment Passes House—Prohibits Taxpayer Money Going to Muslim Brotherhood and Other Rogue Entities

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a key amendment submitted by U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (R-AZ), that prohibits the use of any military funds, or military assistance, to the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

Jul 19, 2012

Reps. Gosar and Thompson Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Spur Renewable Energy Development on Public Land

Issues: Natural Resources, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

Today, U.S. Congressmen Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) introduced The Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act (H.R.6154), legislation that streamlines permitting for renewable energy projects on public lands.

Jul 17, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY: House Committee to Discuss Rep. Gosar’s Wildfire Prevention Bill

Issues: Forest Health

With over 900 wildfires burning throughout the United States, especially in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, Congressman Gosar is pleased to announce that on Friday, July 20 the House Natural Resource Committee will take up his Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Act of 2012 (H.R. 5744).

Jul 12, 2012

Representative Gosar Supports Legislation to Spur the Arizona Mining Economy

Today, U.S. Congressmen Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted in favor of the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act (H.R.4402), legislation that will allow the U.S. to more efficiently develop our Nation's strategic and critical minerals (i.e. rare earth elements and copper).

Jul 11, 2012

Representative Gosar on His Vote to Repeal Obamacare “This Tax Must Not Stand!”

Issues: Health

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted in favor of the Repeal of Obamacare Act (H.R. 6079), to cease President Obama’s nationalization of American health care via what the U.S. Supreme Court determined to be a tax.

Jul 10, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY: Congressman Gosar’s Staff to Hosts Office Hours in Payson on July 19th

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility
Jul 3, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY: Rep. Gosar “The Waiter” to Spend 2 Days in the Restaurant and Hospitality Field as Part of his Jobs & Energy Tour

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) announced that he will be visiting three local restaurant small businesses and providing constituents a unique forum to ask any questions about the federal government while seating and/or serving their delicious meals.

Jun 29, 2012

Congressman Gosar Champions Language to Protect Arizona Economy

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) announced that two provisions, which are important to the Arizona economy, were included in legislation which passed the House today. The Grand Canyon Tourism Jobs Protection Act of 2012 (HR 4198) and Congressional Designation of the Interstate 11 corridor were included in MAP-21 (H.R.4348).

Jun 28, 2012

Rep. Gosar and House Hold Holder in Contempt

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) released the following statement regarding the full vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. This vote is the result of continuous delays by Holder and the Department of Justice to release subpoenaed documents from the reckless Operation Fast and Furious.

Jun 28, 2012

Congressman Gosar on Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling: “If it walks like a tax, talks like a tax, and quacks like a tax, the Supreme Court will tell us it’s a tax”

Issues: Health, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision to uphold President Obama’s nationalization of our country’s private health care system. The constitutionality of the law was challenged on several grounds, including its justification grounded under the Commerce Clause. The Court ruled that the Commerce Clause would not support such a broad federal power grab, but, the Court also ruled that Congress had the power to nationalize healthcare under the taxing powers.
