Committees and Caucuses

Committees of the U.S. House of Representatives

Congressman Paul Gosar serves on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  This Committee has oversight over virtually everything the government does and is dedicated to exercise effective oversight over the federal government and will work proactively to investigate and expose waste, fraud, and abuse.  Gosar is committed to finding the problems that exist and working with the American people to find commonsense solutions.  Through his role on the committee, he will continue to work toward bringing better transparency to the federal government and opening up the dialogue between Capitol Hill and Arizonans.  Within the Oversight Committee, Congressman Gosar serves on three subcommittees:

  • The Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives has legislative jurisdiction over  Drug Policy, the District of Columbia, the Census Bureau, and federal records (including the National Archives and Records Administration and the Presidential Records Act). The subcommittee also has oversight jurisdiction over federal health care policy, food and drug safety, public support for the arts, libraries and museums, criminal justice, and transportation. Congressman Gosar serves as the Vice-Chair on this subcommittee, largely due to his twenty-five years of experience as a medical provider. 
  • The Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations has oversight jurisdiction over national security, homeland security, foreign operations, immigration; and emergency management.
  • The Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management has legislative jurisdiction over the government management and accounting measures, the economy, efficiency, and management of government operations and activities (other than procurement and data standards), federal property, and reorganizations of the executive branch.

Congressman Paul Gosar also serves on the House Natural Resources Committee which considers legislation about American energy production, mineral lands and mining, fisheries and wildlife, public lands, oceans, Native Americans, irrigation and reclamation.  Arizona’s First Congressional District is rich in natural resources and will be an important avenue for Gosar to fight for the concerns of the district. Within the Resources Committee, Congressman Gosar serves on three subcommittees:

  • The Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources oversees American energy production and mining on federal lands – both onshore and offshore.
  • The Subcommittee on Water and Power is responsible for matters concerning America’s water resources, federal irrigation projects, generation of electric power from federal water projects and interstate water issues.
  • The Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs oversees all matters regarding Native Americans, including the 565 federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native Corporations, and nearly 1.9 million American Indians.  Over twenty percent of the population residing in Arizona's First Congressional District identify themselves as Native Americans. 

Congressional Caucuses

In addition to his committee assignments, Congressman Paul Gosar is a member of a variety of Congressional Caucuses.  A congressional caucus is a group of members of the Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives

  • Constitution Caucus
  • GOP Doctor's Caucus
  • Rural Health Care Caucus
  • Rural Veterans Caucus
  • Military Veterans Caucus
  • Native American Caucus
  • Immigration Reform Caucus
  • Law Enforcement Caucus
  • General Aviation Caucus
  • Israel Allies Caucus
  • Joint Strike Fighter Caucus
  • National Parks Caucus
  • Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus
  • Congressional Sportsman Caucus