Woodall Votes to Tear Down Government "Red Tape"

Jul 26, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, July 26, 2012, the U.S House of Representatives passed H.R. 4078, the “Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act,” a bill that would provide regulatory relief to American job creators.  U.S. Representative Rob Woodall (R-GA-07) issued the following statement in support of the bill’s passage.

“Last week I attended a business executives roundtable in Forsyth County where we discussed what they consider to be the largest impediment to job growth—excessive regulation by the federal government.  Burdensome federal regulations, they say, stifles their incentive and ability to grow.  I hear this same story when I visit small businesses in Gwinnett, Walton, and Barrow— and it is the same story the President hears when he visits small businesses around America.  Yet, this year alone, the Federal Register has posted 41,662 pages of new regulations, costing roughly $56 billion and over 114 million hours to complete.  As a result, many small businesses—American job creators—never even make it out of the starting gate.   I was proud to vote in favor of this bill as it helps not only the small businesses in my district, but small businesses across the entire nation.  The greatest economic ‘stimulus’ Congress can provide will come in the form of bills like H.R. 4078 that strip away burdensome regulation and remove the federal foot from the throat of American job creators.”
