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Plans, Training, and Operations Branch Article

CMAOC Casualty Training Resource Library

Video Resources

Effects of Notification on Children (transcript)
Discusses some effects of notification on the children of deceased Soldiers and offers advice on how to talk to and deal with children who are grieving.

Cultural Sensitivities (transcript)
Examines some of the challenges of delivering the notification to families whose first language is not English, or who have particular customs or religious affiliations.

Emotional Responses (transcript) and Risk of Suicide (transcript)
Describes some of the emotional responses to notification, such as anger or physical illness, and how to deal with them. It also offers warning signs to look for in survivors who may be suicidal.

Guidelines for Interacting with the Next of Kin (transcript)
Provides examples of interacting with the next of kin in sometimes complicated scenarios involving divorce, blended families and survivors with conflicting needs or interests.

Processing of Personal Effects (JPED) (transcript)
Describes how the personal effects of the deceased Soldier are processed and delivered to the designated recipient.

Family Dynamics (transcript)
Discusses some of the issues that arise between survivors, for example, between the primary next of kin and the secondary next of kin, and how to help reconcile sometimes competing interests.

Self-Care (transcript)
Emphasizes the need for casualty assistance personnel to take care of themselves in light of their high-stress duty, and suggests resources for self-care.

The Chaplain's Role (transcript)
Discusses the role of the chaplain in the casualty notification process.

Funeral Preparation (transcript)
Provides additional information for Casualty Assistance Officers about their responsibilities during the funeral.


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