Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences



As a part of the University of Colorado Boulder, CIRES is dedicated to the education enterprise. Developing the scientific, communication, and leadership skills required for the next generation of scientists to succeed is paramount to the CIRES mission of science in service to society. From efforts to engage and work with K-12 students to graduate education to sabbatical opportunities, CIRES is committed to education across all stages of learning.

Affiliated Departments and Teaching

CIRES Fellows who are tenure-track faculty are affiliated with many university departments, teach a diversity of classes, and advise graduate and undergraduate students. CIRES research scientists also participate in the university’s academic mission.

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Student and Postdoc Directory

More than 150 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are part of CIRES. We recruit and train the most promising environmental scientists from across the United States and the world. 

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Education and Outreach

The CIRES Education and Outreach program works to increase the use and understanding of science. This team helps CIRES contribute to education, training, learning resources, evaluation, and community-building.

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