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News > Attention - new type of signal on Wardleigh
Attention - new type of signal on Wardleigh

Posted 5/13/2011   Updated 5/13/2011 Email story   Print story


by Ryan Larson
Hilltop Times correspondent

5/13/2011 - HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- As construction of a new parking lot wraps up there will be a new crosswalk system implemented on Wardleigh Road, east of the 1200 Building series near Building 1209. The system is called HAWK and it has successfully been used in Phoenix and Portland as well as other cities throughout the country.

HAWK stands for High-intensity Activated CrossWalK Pedestrian Beacon and it is designed to increase the safety of pedestrians crossing major roadways. The system works similarly to that of most crosswalks at traffic light intersections, but there are some differences.

The HAWK system is comparable to a regular traffic light, but it is activated by the pedestrian.

Once activated the light will blink yellow for 3-5 seconds signaling motorists to slow down and prepare to stop. The light will then turn solid yellow and then solid red. In the solid red state motorists are required to stop.

At this point the pedestrian can begin to walk and is given a countdown of about 15 seconds. The traffic light will flash red and then turn off.

Motorists are required to stop for a solid red light or flashing red light. If the light is flashing red and the pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk the vehicle may proceed after coming to a complete stop first.

A good comparison would be to a school crosswalk zone with a crossing guard present. The crossing guard is replaced in this case with an automated system of blinking lights. It is expected that the penalties for motorists not yielding to the new signals would be the same as running a red light or speeding in a school zone.

The HAWK system is typically used in areas where there is not a regular signal light, but there is sufficient foot traffic to require a crosswalk.

The new crosswalk system is expected to be functional on May 16.

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