NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research


See also: NIOSH Mining Publications, Ordering publications and products

NIOSH has developed many products that enhance mining safety and health. Products include guides, software, training exercises, and videos. Many of these products are downloadable.


NIOSH Mining research often results in the development of new and innovative prototype equipment to enhance the safety and health of miners.

• Mobile Manipulator


NIOSH Mining guides are generally recommendations on steps to be taken in performing a task or implementing a design or process, and possibly the manner of doing so. Guides are designed to be more detailed than Checklists.

• Control Design Principles
• Seating Design Principles
• TGRSS - Troubleshooting Guide for Roof Support Systems
• Underground Workstation Design Principles


Most NIOSH Mining software is available for Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP operating systems only. Most packages are downloadable.

Analysis Software

• AHSM - Analysis of Horizontal Stress Effects in Mining (updated 2/25/2009)
• ALPS - Analysis of Longwall Pillar Stability (updated 2/25/2009)
• AMSS - Analysis of Multiple Seam Stability (updated 2/25/2009)
• AQE - Air Quantity Estimator
• ARBS - Analysis of Roof Bolt Systems (updated 2/25/2009)
• ARMPS - Analysis of Retreat Mining Pillar Stability (updated 2/25/2009)
• ARMPS-HWM - Analysis of Retreat Mining Pillar Stability - Highwall Mining (updated 2/25/2009)
• CMRR - Coal Mine Roof Rating (updated 2/25/2009)
• DOSES - Determination of Sound Exposures
• Ground Control Software Toolbar (updated 2/25/2009)
• SPONCOM - Spontaneous Combustion Expert System
• STOP - Support Technology Optimization Program (updated 8/24/2009)

Educational Software

• Coal Country
• HLSim - Hearing Loss Simulator

Utility Software

• 3+3 SCSR Donning Screen Saver
• HazComWriter

Training Exercises

NIOSH Mining training exercises include an instructor's guide with tested educational materials and supporting documents designed to meet stated educational objectives. Please note that many NIOSH Mining videos provide excellent content that can serve as the basis for training exercises.

Most NIOSH Mining developed miner training exercises can be ordered through the National Mine Health and Safety Academy (, 304-256-3257. Training exercise formats include:

  • Videos - available by mail only.
  • Printed Materials - these are available in several formats, including 3-D Viewmaster Slides, Invisible Ink, Paper and Pencil and Safety Talks. All are downloadable.
  • Computer Based Training - all are downloadable.

View-Master® with Invisible Ink Training Exercises

These exercises use Invisible ink to give the trainee feedback about his or her choices and 3-D reels and View-Master® viewers for enhanced realism.

• Main Haulage Scaling Exercise
• Raggs & Curly Guarding Exercise
• Roof Support in a Primary Escapeway
• Sammy's Loose Roof Decisions

Invisible Ink Training Exercises

Invisible ink exercises give the trainee feedback about his or her choices. The trainee rubs a developing pen over a blank area that matches one of the choices in the problem book. The developing pen reveals a message in the blank area.

• Apparent Diving Accident
• Belt Fire Exercise
• Belt Fire Injury
• Belt Haulage Accident
• Belt Line Problem
• Bennie's Chest Pain
• Bernie's Feeder Accident
• Bob's Electrical Shock
• Bob's Loader Accident
• Cleo's Longwall Accident (invisible ink)
• Coal Miner's Chest X-ray Program
• Continuous Miner Accident (invisible ink)
• Continuous Miner Fire
• Cripple Creek Deep Cut
• Cutthrough Ventilation Arrangement
• Drill Rig Incident
• Electrical Shock Victim
• Escape from a Mine Fire
• Haul Truck Repair Accident
• Highwall Rescue Exercise
• I Can't Get Enough Air! - Proper Self-contained Self-rescuer Usage
• Investigation of a Slip/Fall Accident
• Leroy's Feeder Accident
• Lingering Smoke Exercise
• Low Coal Fire
• Man In the Bin
• Pipe Repair Problem
• Pit Distribution Troubleshooting
• Prep Plant Belt Problem
• Problem in the Shop
• Problem on Dragline #1
• Problem on the Belt Line
• Problem on the Catwalk (coal)
• Problem on the Catwalk (phosphate)
• Roof Control at Intersections
• Roof Fall Entrapment
• Scoop Accident, First Aid Problem
• Smoke on the Section
• Tipple Heater Exercise
• Trailing Cable Repair
• Traumatic Head Injury
• Travel Through Smoke
• Unsupported Roof Rescue
• Vulcan Mine Ignition
• Vulcan Mine Recovery
• Water Line Repair

Paper and Pencil Training Exercises

Paper and pencil exercises give the trainee feedback about his or her choices. The trainee makes choices from those in the problem book. The trainee then marks those choice(s) on the answer sheet before comparing the answer(s) to the feedback sheet.

• Basics of Transformers & Monitors
• Bulls Double Header: Too Much Unsupported Roof
• Delta Mine Cutthrough
• Harry's Hard Choices: Mine Refuge Chamber Training
• Injury Rate Problem at Maxmore Mine
• Pete's Predicament: Unsupported Roof
• Trailing Cable Electrical Problem

Safety Talk Training Exercises

Safety Talks provide an easy-to-understand overview of safety basics.

• Focus on Prevention: Conducting a Fire Risk Assessment
• The Emergency Communication Triangle
• Toolbox Training for Construction Aggregate Miners
• Toolbox Training on Flyrock Awareness

Training Videos

• Roof Fall Entrapment: Eyewitness Account by Dave Garry
• Roof Fall Entrapment: Eyewitness Account by Dave Murone
• Roof Fall Entrapment: Eyewitness Account by Larry Strayer

View-Master® Reel Training Exercises

For enhanced realism, these training exercises use 3-D reels and View-Master® viewers.

• Hazard Recognition Training Program for CMR Activities
• Hazard Recognition Training Program for Underground Limestone
• Wearing Hearing Protection Properly: A 3-D Training Aid for Drillers

Computer Based Training

NIOSH Mining computer based training software is available for Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP operating systems only.

• MERITS - Mine Emergency Response Interactive Training Simulation
• Underground Coal Mine Map Reading Training

Training Packages

NIOSH Mining Training Packages provide the basis for developing a structured training program.

The packages generally include information on selecting and preparing trainers and coaches, working with supervisors to successfully implement the training program, developing and selecting training materials, setting trainee prerequisites, evaluating performance, granting company certification to trainers, coaches and trainees, and evaluating the overall program.

• Age Awareness Training
• Coaching Skills for On-The-Job Trainers
• Ergonomics and Risk Factor Awareness
• Keeping Knees Healthy in Restricted Work Spaces


NIOSH Mining videos cover a variety of topics related to mine safety and health. Some describe new processes developed by the mining research program. Others, such as "Zen and the Art of Rockbolting" or "Escape from Mine Fires", provide excellent content that can serve as the basis for training exercises.

VHS or DVD format videos are available by contacting the individual or organization listed on the product page. Downloadable Videos are available by clicking the link on the product page. NIOSH Mining videos can also be found on the NIOSH Videos page.

DVD Videos

• Clothes Cleaning Process
• You Are My Sunshine

Downloadable Videos

• Arc Flash Awareness
• Blast Area Security
• Clothes Cleaning Process
• Explosion Test at the SRCM
• HASARD Proximity Warning System
• Hearing Loss Prevention Unit
• How to Wear Soft Foam Earplugs (Roll-Pull-Hold)
• Lake Lynn Experimental Mine
• Longwall Dust Gallery
• Make it Safer with Roof Screen
• Mine Roof Simulator
• Reducing Dust Inside Enclosed Cabs
• Single Axis Vibration Table
• Ventilation Gallery

VHS Videos

• Aggregate Training for the Safety Impaired
• Control of Back Injuries in Mining
• Emergency Response Planning (Who Needs It?)
• Escape from Mine Fires
• Handling Explosives in Underground Mines
• Hazards In Motion
• Hidden Scars
• Make it Safer With Roof Screen
• Miner Mike Saves the Day! or Ground Support... It's Important!
• Recovery of Farmington #9: An Interview with Danny Kuhn
• Rock Falls - Preventing Rock Fall Injuries in Underground Mines
• Safety Issues in Deep Cut Mining
• Scientific Look at Back Belts
• The Sky Is Falling
• Zen and the Art of Rockbolting

Page last updated: 8/31/2009
Page last reviewed: 8/31/2009
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division