Keeping Safe from the Summer Heat

Jun 22, 2012

Following Indiana’s record warm spring, everyone in Northwest Indiana should be aware of the danger of heat and sun exposure. Young children and senior citizens are particularly at risk, but pets, athletes, individuals with heart/circulatory problems, and those who work outside are all at increased risk as well.

Anyone planning to spend time outside during this time of year should be on guard against heatstroke, heat exhaustion, and overexposure to the sun. Follow these tips to beat the heat this summer:

  •     Wear a wide brimmed hat that protects your neck, face, and ears.
  •     Wear light colored and loose fitting clothing and a long-sleeved shirt.
  •     Always carry water or a sports drink with you to stay hydrated.
  •     During the hottest times of the day, around mid-afternoon, take frequent breaks in the shade.
  •     Wear sunscreen with at least a SPF of 15.