U.S. Department of Justice

A Multi-Site Evaluation of Prison-Based Drug Treatment: A Research Partnership Between the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and Temple University: Final Report to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Jul. 23, 2009

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  • A Multi-Site Evaluation of Prison-Based Drug Treatment: A Research Partnership Between the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and Temple University: Final Report to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

ANNOTATION: Post-release outcomes (over five years) for Therapeutic Community (TC) drug treatment programs are presented. Sections of this report following an executive summary are: project description; project scope and methodology; findings and analyses for inmate characteristics, program characteristics, and recidivism findings for reincarceration, rearrest, and drug relapse; and conclusions and recommendations. "Participation in intensive prison-based TC drug treatment produced significant, long term reductions in recidivism" (p. 9).

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