U.S. Department of Justice

An Evaluation of the NSW Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jun. 09, 2008

Library ID

  • 023106

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  • 2008
  • 97 pages.

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  • An Evaluation of the NSW Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model

ANNOTATION: Results from an evaluation of the NSW (New South Wales) Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model (DVICM) are provided. This report contains an executive summary and these four sections: introduction and background; method; results for the number of domestic violence-related reports to police, proportion of alleged domestic violence offenders brought before the courts, outcomes for DV-related matters brought before Local Court, impact of the DVICM on time taken to finalize matters, victim survey, and key stakeholder interviews; and summary. The majority of victims feel safe and are very satisfied with the DVICM.

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