MSEL, NIST Center for Neutron Research Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory NIST Center for Neutron Research National Institute of Standards and Technology
Home BT1-PUB Instruments Contacts SiteMap

High Resolution Powder Diffractometer - BT1

Bt1 Instrument
Click on a Phrase for Further Information:

Proprietary and Non-Proprietary Users

BT-1 Mail-In Sample Service

Expected Acknowledgements in BT-1 Papers

How BT-1 Time is allocated
Request Beam Time on BT-1 - View an example proposal submission here.

Current BT-1 Schedule

Before Arrival - What Users MUST Do to Gain Access to NCNR
Travel Support for First Time Users

For Use and Interest:

View Live Plot of Current Run
View Live Run Status

Description and Opportunities
Instrument Specifications
Sample Requirements and Safety Considerations
Layout of the BT-1 Instrument
View Sample Neutron Diffraction Data from BT-1
Estimate Neutron Attenuation and Activation
Estimate X-Ray Absorptions

BT-1 Users' Guide
BT-1 ICP Reference manual

Crystallography Software Downloads
Other Available Software Downloads

BT-1 Data conversion software - Windows executables of gformat and proprep with instructions.
source code suitable to be compiled with g77 on most *nix/OSX machines.
Download the cmpr program for data examination.

For Internal Use Only:

NCNR crystallography resources
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database - Search Page

Contact the BT-1 Instrument Team:

100 Bureau Drive, Stop 6102
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20878-9957

Additional Links:

Last modified 12-January-2013 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Craig Brown) by Craig Brown