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Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and Programs

Chart showing level of funding over time, from 1992 to 2011, for TE, SRTS & NTPP, ARRA, and Total Obligations. Amounts are shown in millions and range from $0 to $1400. For detailed description of funding please see below.

This Table includes Federal-aid highway program obligations that were coded as Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (bicycle and pedestrian facility, bicycle and pedestrian safety, and rail-trail). It does not include some projects that benefit pedestrian and bicyclists, but were not coded as bicycle and pedestrian projects: a typical example may be sidewalks constructed as part of a larger highway or bridge project. This table includes all Safe Routes to School and Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program obligations, whether or not they were coded as bicycle and pedestrian projects, because these programs are solely intended to benefit nonmotorized transportation, however, some States have not coded the projects as bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Federal-aid highway program projects may be constructed over several years, and may have an initial obligation in one year, and more obligations or deobligations in subsequent years. In rare cases, a project originally obligated in a prior year, which may have funds obligated under several improvement types (including as a bicycle and pedestrian project), may have obligations or deobligations coded as a bicycle and pedestrian improvement, but that do not necessarily affect the project total, so that the project may not show up under the program total. This may cause discrepancies with a final total. For FY 2009, we are aware of discrepancies in the Safe Routes to School totals for Arizona and Washington State, where project obligations coded as bicycle and pedestrian projects did not affect the overall project totals, so that it appears there were bicycle and pedestrian obligations, but no overall project obligations. Therefore, the national totals do not quite match the sum of the program totals.

FY 1992 to 2011 Obligations (Millions of Dollars)

Year New
TE %
Other STP Other STP % SRTS/
RTP RTP % All Other
All Other
Funds %
1992 50 $22.9       $0 0.0%     $13.1 57.2% $6.4 27.9%         $3.4 14.8%
1993 163 $33.7       $3.3 9.8%     $23.8 70.9% $2.3 6.9%         $4.2 12.5%
1994 461 $112.6       $2.7 2.4%     $96.9 86.1% $7.0 6.2%         $6.0 5.3%
1995 778 $178.6       $9.0 5.0%     $150.7 84.4% $13.6 7.6%         $5.4 3.0%
1996 706 $197.2       $19.3 9.8%     $153.9 78.1% $15.4 7.8%         $8.5 4.3%
1997 715 $238.8       $25.0 10.5%     $179.2 75.0% $14.0 5.9%         $20.6 8.6%
1998 681 $216.5       $15.9 7.3%     $151.5 70.0% $16.1 7.4%         $33.1 15.3%
1999 724 $204.2       $12.6 6.2%     $153.9 75.4% $20.0 9.8%     $2.9 1.4% $14.7 7.1%
2000 971 $296.7       $34.4 11.6%     $217.5 73.3% $19.4 6.6%     $3.3 1.1% $22.0 7.4%
2001 1081 $339.1       $44.3 13.1%     $224.3 66.1% $34.8 10.3%     $1.3 0.3% $34.5 10.2%
2002 1287 $415.9       $44.1 10.6%     $270.9 65.1% $36.7 9.2%     $12.2 2.8% $62.7 12.3%
2003 1237 $422.7       $34.4 8.1%     $276.5 65.4% $30.4 7.2%     $11.7 2.7% $80.6 18.6%
2004 ** 1226 $427.1       $44.9 10.5% $2.4 0.6% $272.7 63.9% $46.1 11.6%     $16.2 3.8% $43.8 9.7%
2005 ** 1077 $399.9       $41.4 10.3% $1.1 0.3% $240.7 60.2% $48.7 12.2%     $14.7 3.7% $53.3 13.3%
2006 1320 $394.9       $29.2 7.4% $3.5 0.9% $232.6 58.9% $13.6 3.4% $17.5 4.4% $16.5 4.2% $82.0 20.8%
2007 1584 $564.0       $57.3 10.2% $0.9 0.2% $287.2 51.0% $43.4 7.7% $45.7 8.1% $15.9 2.8% $113.6 20.1%
2008 1817 $541.0       $69.5 12.9% $1.8 0.3% $249.9 46.2% $45.6 8.4% $91.2 16.9% $11.0 2.0% $71.9 13.3%
2009 3010 $1,188.6 $254.3 $151.0 34.0% $115.5 9.7% $6.5 0.5% $292.1 24.6% $70.1 5.8% $118.2 9.9% $21.4 2.0% $159.2 13.0%
2010 3007 $1,036.6 $208.6 $128.4 32.5% $68.4 6.6% $8.7 0.8% $283.1 27.3% $86.0 8.3% $117.2 11.3% $18.2 1.8% $118.0 11.4%
2011 2763 $790.8 $0.749 $0.138 0.11% $97.4 12.3% $5.8 0.7% $265.7 33.6% $90.6 11.5% $131.0 16.6% $30.6 3.9% $169.0 21.4%
Notes: Source: FHWA Fiscal Management Information System

* Abbreviations

ARRA The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
ARRA TE ARRA 3% set-aside for Transportation Enhancement Activities
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
STP Safety & HSIP STP Safety set-aside and Highway Safety Improvement Programs. STP Safety was included under Other STP from FY 1992 to 2003: STP Safety had its first significant amount of funding for pedestrian and bicycle projects in FY 2004. STP Safety funds were apportioned through FY 2005. HSIP replaced STP Safety in FY 2006. Highway safety projects that benefit pedestrians and bicyclists may be part of larger highway safety projects and coded only as regular highway projects.
STP TE Surface Transportation Program set-aside for Transportation Enhancement Activities
Other STP Surface Transportation Program (STP except TE; includes STP Safety FY 1992 to 2003, excludes STP Safety from FY 2004 and beyond.)
SRTS & NTPP Safe Routes to School and Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Programs. These programs had their first obligations in FY 2006.
RTP Recreational Trails Program
All other includes High Priority Projects; National Highway System; Bridge; Interstate Maintenance; Federal Lands Highway Program (primarily Public Lands Highway Discretionary earmarks); Corridor Planning and Development and Border Infrastructure; Transportation, Community, and System Preservation; National Scenic Byways; Ferry Boats; Congressionally-earmarked funds, etc. Prior to 1998, it includes the Recreational Trails Program: few States coded RTP projects as bicycle and pedestrian prior to 1999 because most RTP projects used other improvement type codes that existed until 1999.

** Figures updated December 2, 2011

Table 2: FY 1999-2011 State-by-State Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding

Note: The following table presents State-reported spending (rounded to the nearest dollar) on pedestrian and bicycle facilities and programs during fiscal years 1999 to 2011. It is critical to note that not all States follow the same reporting procedures, so the table is not a complete representation of actual spending in States. For example, some States report only spending on independent bicycle and pedestrian projects or programs, but not on facilities that are constructed as part of a larger project. By comparison, some States report all aspects of bicycle and pedestrian-related spending, regardless of whether the facility is embedded in a larger project or is an independent project or program. Readers are strongly discouraged from using this table to draw comparisons between individual States' spending patterns without understanding how each State reports spending.

FY 1999-2011 State-by-State Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding

STATE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ** 2005 ** 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1999-2011
Alabama $3,777,824 $5,774,970 $7,424,174 $8,625,480 $7,734,305 $12,260,643 $9,283,737 $5,295,335 $10,157,603 $8,838,786 $10,375,606 $22,927,676 $6,743,057 $114,155,646
Alaska $7,104,146 $10,607,384 $9,034,324 $15,927,789 $20,727,813 $11,250,386 $6,844,349 $6,166,648 $5,780,411 $10,333,093 $12,867,533 $10,771,569 $6,239,828 $132,938,157
Arizona $5,062,015 $3,685,592 $4,014,089 $1,859,433 $12,359,479 $14,767,968 $12,031,795 $13,942,507 $16,282,843 $13,849,557 $27,683,562 $12,823,348 $9,991,060 $141,527,485
Arkansas $2,566,771 $5,594,444 $14,298,799 $7,805,867 $8,844,060 $7,288,971 $1,844,755 $7,276,781 $1,069,271 $7,833,076 $3,285,023 $7,006,504 $2,688,271 $77,336,593
California $4,382,911 $31,725,549 $28,850,925 $37,580,525 $22,004,612 $50,023,938 $29,638,888 $31,228,483 $53,727,866 $64,541,104 $137,337,715 $72,641,049 $44,981,254 $602,377,457
Colorado $5,122,009 $2,454,282 $5,651,120 $3,804,446 $8,776,230 $5,400,340 $4,728,653 $7,882,169 $3,268,273 $6,950,269 $23,623,813 $15,576,688 $10,518,772 $103,757,065
Connecticut $2,143,563 $4,026,974 $470,507 $6,618,713 $2,472,000 $4,151,598 $4,510,831 $1,259,690 $6,497,096 $12,233,736 $4,711,475 $13,870,969 $5,870,336 $68,837,488
Delaware $2,837,015 $2,443,456 $2,071,445 $4,679,710 $3,805,740 $4,185,223 $2,496,607 $8,931,579 $4,246,938 $1,923,604 $15,017,435 $4,967,302 $3,025,292 $60,631,347
Dist of Columbia $0 $58,205 $0 $2,996,227 $298,300 $706,353 $2,764,684 $6,615,048 $3,841,831 $7,934,781 $12,704,314 $5,670,625 $13,414,918 $57,005,287
Florida $19,598,562 $13,678,871 $13,587,789 $46,039,402 $13,741,063 $11,556,536 $27,858,170 $25,973,927 $29,376,536 $23,892,392 $113,093,332 $78,037,373 $79,050,408 $487,872,481
Georgia $4,312,144 $11,486,822 $24,777,044 $13,722,644 $41,226,186 $8,154,208 $21,112,779 -$4,537,622 $27,144,962 $26,871,290 $64,371,802 $22,447,117 $48,649,6958 $309,739,073
Hawaii $2,727,514 $1,044,307 $3,104,170 -$263,375 $13,709,873 $6,654,918 $10,824,191 $3,728,609 $229,285 $454,740 ($324,118) $6,821,852 $4,645,327 $52,809,993
Idaho $1,539,075 $3,142,466 $5,321,705 $3,934,414 $1,747,815 $1,760,041 $1,804,006 $1,626,505 $2,406,983 $7,787,748 $1,688,110 $9,304,811 $981,359 $43,045,040
Illinois $5,758,903 $20,796,791 $8,562,043 $6,499,634 $12,081,926 $20,957,647 $8,387,070 $4,943,081 $10,121,198 $6,956,150 $25,939,996 $22,144,743 $19,674,650 $172,677,959
Indiana $6,458,432 $5,918,358 $11,536,518 $8,048,492 $11,146,342 $6,559,696 $3,730,351 $8,922,195 $12,501,851 $20,281,702 $26,656,047 $50,762,287 $35,929,226 $208,297,803
Iowa $2,795,091 $3,781,799 $4,062,897 $7,417,536 $8,116,054 $6,701,071 $13,693,972 $8,374,347 $14,849,674 $11,021,273 $17,240,939 $22,072,999 $14,357,790 $134,485,443
Kansas $882,242 $2,139,230 $3,257,916 $12,566,033 -$1,840,659 $1,221,619 $5,631,788 $4,776,254 $6,538,878 $7,272,291 $6,931,823 $7,737,287 $364,830 $57,479,533
Kentucky $5,868,671 $8,057,336 $7,356,774 $10,041,009 $11,599,914 $5,549,209 $13,148,729 $870,810 $30,081,793 ($3,824,949) $45,072,631 $29,328,827 $6,918,909 $169,808,827
Louisiana $2,475,518 $5,758,141 $4,172,690 $7,758,167 $5,002,399 $6,019,209 $3,186,040 $3,907,328 $7,254,204 $6,169,103 $25,928,283 $9,512,619 $12,831,683 $99,975,385
Maine $1,343,510 $1,642,843 $814,727 $2,991,512 $908,136 $2,454,964 $1,597,452 $2,209,457 $2,652,365 $3,015,086 $6,873,596 $3,468,486 $7,635,391 $37,568,276
Maryland $7,196,640 $1,475,225 $5,687,465 $5,672,759 $6,327,681 $6,480,525 $5,577,640 $4,614,587 $1,765,726 $4,626,378 $9,055,414 $3,290,699 $7,545,854 $68,816,406
Massachusetts $12,171,988 $8,958,898 $19,864,883 -$9,733,685 $6,078,959 $7,306,103 -$3,138,991 $1,272,656 $15,696,401 $13,189,577 $53,204,259 $5,249,941 $8,010,646 $138,131,635
Michigan $7,020,344 $7,674,819 $8,402,701 $9,873,004 $6,726,615 $13,481,014 $15,017,972 $9,985,960 $22,149,128 $13,749,105 $20,989,711 $37,832,290 $19,332,404 $191,984,491
Minnesota $4,625,201 $18,328,165 $10,527,002 $9,021,549 $10,764,107 $11,674,198 $8,430,052 $16,694,038 $15,350,775 $13,104,273 $18,947,414 $43,673,085 $17,002,340 $197,982,200
Mississippi $3,930,738 $2,669,224 $196,537 $2,233,043 -$34,603 $3,739,790 $7,106,066 $11,286,312 $5,403,436 $2,424,675 $4,452,637 $15,124,396 $10,084,829 $68,617,080
Missouri $3,575,847 $6,162,184 $15,969,127 $21,631,170 $19,078,554 $13,329,394 $7,903,865 $9,660,942 $12,157,057 $27,074,834 $26,610,490 $31,138,921 $33,918,558 $227,055,513
Montana $3,508,765 $2,040,648 $3,291,874 $3,676,049 $2,031,125 $2,670,496 $2,231,947 $4,847,679 $5,838,490 $9,786,438 $3,659,018 $14,525,380 $5,075,194 $63,360,799
Nebraska $2,693,007 $3,234,437 $7,429,401 $5,039,793 $2,791,175 $15,580,526 -$6,499,354 $9,615,572 $1,110,347 $2,595,837 $3,052,406 $8,261,440 $4,483,234 $59,387,824
Nevada $1,503,874 $1,065,809 $1,024,376 $2,704,686 $2,116,072 $732,634 $2,310,428 $1,509,274 $2,712,508 $3,709,109 $3,619,602 $5,595,986 $5,419,953 $33,850,642
New Hampshire $1,607,189 $2,882,203 $2,251,085 $4,953,763 $3,166,836 $4,876,864 $4,914,035 $5,353,140 $6,095,999 $4,767,824 $4,261,778 $2,982,065 $1,085,626 $49,198,409
New Jersey $1,689,968 $5,182,932 $6,353,567 $3,464,458 $6,999,247 $7,800,468 $4,296,614 $2,489,691 $7,386,823 $3,787,190 $8,074,199 $22,653,125 $11,485,517 $91,663,801
New Mexico $1,538,956 $1,398,167 $4,124,146 $3,161,389 $902,353 $3,420,465 $4,400,001 $5,701,267 $6,497,227 $7,583,852 $13,663,972 $16,437,774 $10,225,878 $79,055,447
New York $2,248,026 $15,582,486 $12,781,205 $14,520,586 $28,915,186 $196,082 $16,175,803 $21,042,931 $24,995,339 $7,606,394 $49,947,517 $64,368,212 $75,793,036 $334,127,757
North Carolina $10,978,246 $4,793,565 $6,380,450 $8,243,782 $6,283,457 $11,223,542 $7,418,595 $10,130,234 $28,556,564 $6,554,029 $43,056,759 $30,255,974 $22,111,692 $195,802,809
North Dakota $1,691,162 $1,239,197 $1,267,526 $3,302,181 $1,847,805 $193,689 $2,394,624 $2,726,064 $1,696,606 $2,498,502 $3,484,734 $5,703,707 $1,410,388 $29,456,186
Ohio $15,579,528 $9,438,456 $6,248,270 $6,579,009 $14,210,014 $25,106,213 $11,236,042 $10,812,803 $14,565,787 $21,260,075 $26,688,887 $24,463,690 $13,565,708 $199,679,483
Oklahoma $1,799,062 $3,315,264 $6,284,127 $4,413,352 $11,133,825 $3,660,982 $12,965,998 -$445,282 $-$6,921,000 $3,650,559 $5,395,643 $18,243,159 $3,132,079 $80,469,769
Oregon $8,089,196 $3,133,129 $2,945,713 $4,936,874 $6,211,091 $6,045,701 $8,736,937 $2,514,519 $3,853,896 $4,784,548 $24,733,067 $13,872,378 $18,132,980 $107,990,032
Pennsylvania -$111,132- $5,676,869 $11,020,829 $9,829,430 $9,031,142 $19,998,609 $22,891,094 $28,041,885 $19,909,266 $40,507,747 $65,575,425 $68,873,552 $41,194,996 $342,364,713
Puerto Rico $680,000 $1,060 $0 -$783,345 $92,568 $0 $4,433,766 $405,682 $1,244,315 $0 ($2,389,794) $0 $0 $3,684,252
Rhode Island $1,903,535 $2,560,033 $3,204,462 $8,876,309 $10,839,203 $9,602,143 $6,258,614 $7,703,040 $5,656,372 $6,705,817 $7,222,065 $3,882,651 $10,848,942 $85,259,186
South Carolina $1,376,605 $826,376 $1,261,796 $1,637,007 $2,922,301 $1,193,622 $1,472,666 $213,848 $3,354,943 $5,457,511 $11,618,458 $6,070,584 $8,026,772 $45,052,492
South Dakota $1,182,701 $189,601 $743,859 $622,138 $836,473 $442,520 $150,324 $2,184,162 $3,186,588 $987,465 $3,849,164 $10,547,310 $2,310,571 $27,232,878
Tennessee $4,525,860 $5,735,398 $3,703,840 $20,622,442 $12,174,637 $17,030,555 $13,706,782 $15,936,303 $18,488,404 $10,872,769 $24,577,123 $26,893,188 $16,734,830 $191,001,734
Texas $3,111,916 $13,876,224 $5,026,943 $23,367,678 $30,971,088 $16,191,200 $18,604,604 $20,241,366 $38,845,360 $23,504,849 $73,533,819 $55,362,819 $34,702,839 $356,991,828
Utah $1,775,767 $3,707,907 $1,753,711 $4,566,981 -$957,802 $1,573,972 $2,401,972 $5,486,720 $5,620,551 $4,818,433 $15,063,860 $6,239,836 $11,013,664 $63,065,572
Vermont $2,063,158 $4,648,273 $2,510,089 $6,212,542 $6,949,650 $2,324,179 $4,689,619 $3,959,772 $6,257,500 $7,839,049 $4,407,780 $5,559,710 $8,060,399 $65,460,722
Virginia $944,571 $4,330,397 $4,260,777 $9,045,542 $7,540,631 $7,450,765 $3,311,046 $857,673 $5,923,474 $4,737,045 $14,049,208 $11,715,912 $15,008,622 $89,175,663
Washington $2,297,614 $4,875,198 $10,841,897 $22,121,027 $9,245,607 $12,774,897 $13,298,121 $14,753,820 $22,808,097 $24,344,967 $46,912,618 $19,317,818 $23,923,663 $222,998,909
West Virginia $24,000 $42,521 $189,026 $1,228,657 $536,264 $986,665 $243,905 $6,860,290 $2,416,986 $1,723,649 $2,081,221 $11,497,470 $1,049,684 $28,676,338
Wisconsin $2,916,682 $6,127,839 $14,102,620 $11,037,610 $7,174,210 $10,850,253 $9,536,861 $6,754,852 $10,409,712 $8,564,061 $11,741,707 $16,068,711 $12,785,402 $127,976,986
Wyoming $3,058,819 $1,639,465 $1,121,889 $3,821,258 $2,378,054 $1,533,785 $2,361,184 $2,281,524 $2,901,768 $3,900,145 $6,449,844 $3,007,869 $2,764,204 $37,219,808
American Samoa $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Guam $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Northern Mariana Is $270,000 $67,409 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $337,409
Virgin Islands $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
USA TOTAL $204,223,745 $296,697,200 $339,140,846 $434,552,712 $439,745,133 $427,096,407 $399,957,694 $394,886,454 $563,964,307 $541,051,539 $1,188,668,923 $1,036,603,783 $790,752,579.01 $7,057,678,731
Source: FHWA Fiscal Management Information System
Updated: 05/11/2012
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