  • Owens: New York Dairy, Poultry Must Be Considered In Canada Trade Talks
    Oct 2, 2012 - Last week, Congressman Bill Owens and Congressman Reid Ribble of Wisconsin led a bi-partisan group of colleagues in writing to U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk calling for Canadian tariffs against U.S. dairy and poultry products to be eliminated as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negot... More
  • Congressman Bill Owens Announces the “Family Farm Relief Act”
    Sep 26, 2012 - Last week, Congressman Owens introduced the “Family Farm Relief Act,” H.R. 6373, in coordination with a bipartisan group of New York Congressmen. Owens joined as an original co-sponsor of the bill to improve the H-2A visa program used by family farms in New York State. The bill would transfer oversi... More
  • Congressman Bill Owens Supports Disaster Relief Legislation
    Sep 25, 2012 - Last week, Congressman Bill Owens spoke on the House floor in support of legislation, the “Disaster Loan Fairness Act” (H.R. 6296), which would lower interest rates for small businesses and homeowners hit by disasters like Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. “Nearly 100 small businesses and home... More

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