

  1. The purpose of this program is to provide freshman year college scholarships to high school graduating students who (a) Are related to active, retired or deceased EXCHANGE U. S. payroll employees and assigned military personnel, or (b) Work for the EXCHANGE themselves and paid on the U. S. payroll. This program is consistent with the AREA objective of community involvement.

    Click here for a listing of scholarship awards since program initiation.
    Click here for the AREA APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP form.


  1. Eligibility for AREA scholarships is outlined in the PERSONAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA and STUDENT ACADEMIC CRITERIA sections below. Once eligibility is met, five factors listed on the Application for Scholarship form are scored to determine the ranking for scholarship awards.

    The five factors are:
    1. Scholastic Honors & Other Recognition Received. (Section III-1)
    2. School Activity Participation. (Section III-2)
    3. Outside Activities, Hobbies and Special Talents. (Section III-3)
    4. Essay: Tell us why you feel you should be awarded a scholarship. (Section IV)
    5. Letters of Recommendation. (Section V)
  2. The completed Application for Scholarship form with all requested information must be received by AREA via email or postmarked not later than March 31, 2013, the application deadline. Email the application and attachments to


  1. The following eligibility criteria must be met on January 1, 2013:
    1. Applicants must be permanent U.S. residents and be less than 21 years of age.
    2. Applicants must be natural, legally adopted children or custodial stepchildren of active, retired or deceased EXCHANGE U. S. payroll employees or assigned military personnel.
    3. If an applicant's sponsor is a Military retiree, the Military retiree must have retired while on assignment with the EXCHANGE and must be an active member of AREA.
    4. If the applicant's sponsor is a deceased parent, the parent must have died while an active EXCHANGE employee or a retired EXCHANGE employee or military assignee.
    5. One of the parents of the applicant must have had at least twelve consecutive months of EXCHANGE employment, or in the case of military personnel, EXCHANGE assignment. For a deceased parent, the twelve-month employment requirement must have been met at the time of death.
    6. If applying on their own behalf, the applicant must have twelve consecutive months of EXCHANGE U. S. Payroll employment.
    7. If retired, the sponsor must be an active AREA member. An active member is one who is a member of the national AREA organization (not just a member of an AREA Chapter) and whose dues payments are current. Click here for AREA membership information.


  1. Students must...
    1. Be in their senior year of high school and scheduled to graduate in calendar year 2013.
    2. Have a score of at least 1,750 on the SAT or 25 on the ACT.
    3. Plan on attending an accredited college, university, or one of the U.S. military academies for undergraduate studies in calendar year 2013. AREA scholarships are not awarded for participation in non-academic and certificate programs.


  1. Scholarship amounts can be used to offset costs for academic related expenditures only. Such expenditures include tuition, fees, books, computers and software, and other expenses. The money cannot be used for personal expenses, housing or transportation. Any balance left at the end of the term may be carried over and used to offset similar expenses during subsequent terms.


  1. The Scholarship Committee consists of seven members who are responsible for:
    1. Publicizing the availability of the scholarships through the Exchange Post, AREA Newsletter and other media.
    2. Administering the scholarship program by processing all applications, and identifying those which are eligible or ineligible.
    3. Evaluating and scoring the eligible applications.
    4. Making award recommendations to the AREA Board.
    5. Announcing scholarship awardees in the Exchange Post, AREA Newsletter and other media.


  1. You may obtain an application form by clicking here or send a written request to the Scholarship Committee, 7045 Rembrandt Dr. Plano, TX 75093. You can also send an e-mail request to . The application submission period begins January 1, 2013 and ends March 31, 2013.
  2. Completed applications with required documentation must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee by email no later than March 31, 2013, the application deadline. Time extensions are not normally made. The eligibility of each applicant will be reviewed and validated. It is the responsibility of each applicant to assure that all required information is received by the Scholarship Committee before the end of the application period, i.e., March 31, 2013.


  1. As they are received, each applications and corresponding documentation are reviewed for eligibility.
  2. Each eligible applicant's file is forwarded to Scholarship Committee members. The members score applications according to the ranking factors outlined in paragraph 2. Scores are aggregated by applicant and ranked to determine awards. Awards are made from highest to lowest scores until the number of board-approved awards is met.


  1. Scholarship awards for 2013 will be announced by May 20, 2013. Student profiles and other scholarship information will be featured in Exchange Post and in promotional material.
  2. By making application, the applicant allows AREA the use of his / her photo, biographic and application information in publications designed to promote the AREA Scholarship Program. Publication examples are the Exchange Post, the AREA Newsletter and the AREA Scholarship booklet featuring scholarship recipients. If an applicant is under 18, permission from the parent or guardian of the applicant allowing the use of information enumerated above must be provided. Scholarship applications and other submitted materials sent to AREA becomes the property of AREA and will not be returned.

Past Scholarship Recipients

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