
House Passes "Stop the War on Coal" Act


Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed comprehensive legislation to rein in the EPA and stop the War on Coal.  Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., Co-Founder of the Congressional Coal Caucus, strongly supports this bill and has been a leading voice in Washington to stop the War on Coal.

“Because of the President’s War on Coal, thousands of West Virginia families have to worry about where their next paycheck is going to come from.  West Virginians love the Mountain state.  We want to stay here and raise families, but the President’s extreme policies are cripplingly entire towns and making it harder for workers to find jobs,” stated Capito.  “Americans want a balanced, all-of-the-above energy policy that includes coal, natural gas, oil and renewables.  Unfortunately, the President is beholden to an extreme environmental lobby that will stop at nothing to shut down fossil fuels.  The President claims he wants an all-of-the-above energy policy, but his actions say otherwise.”

PHOTO:  Coal miners from West Virginia traveled to Washington to share their personal stories about how the President’s energy policies are affecting their families and communities.  To View photos of Congresswoman Capito with the miners in Washington, click here.

To View Capito’s interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow about the War on Coal click here.

To view Capito’s floor statement in support of the Stop the War on Coal Act click here.

Reps. Capito and Bill Johnson’s joint op-ed in The Hill on the War on Coal.

For more information on the Stop the War on Coal Act click here.