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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Rural Health

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Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement

Program Overview

The Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement (Rural Quality) grant program is authorized by Section 330A(g) of the  Public Health Service, as amended (42 U.S.C. 254c), by Section 201, P.L. 107-251, as amended by Section 4, P.L. 110-355. The purpose of Rural Quality grant program is to improve patient care and chronic disease outcomes by assisting rural primary care providers with the implementation of quality improvement strategies, with a focus on quality improvement for chronic disease management. Grant funds support rural primary care providers with the implementation of quality improvement initiatives using the Chronic Care Model and electronic patient registries. This is a three-year grant program with individual grant awards limited to a maximum of $100,000 per year.


Lead applicants must be:

  • Located in a Rural County or Eligible Rural Census Tract within an urban county; or Tribal governments whose grant-funded activities will be conducted within their Federally-recognized Tribal area, or Federally recognized Tribal lands providing services exclusively to migrant and seasonal farm workers in rural areas supported by Section 330G of the Public Health Service Act are exempt from rural requirement); and
  • Public and non-profit entities including faith-based and community organizations.


The next competitive grant Request for Proposal is expected to be available in late 2012 for a August 1, 2013 start date.


Ann Ferrero at or 301-443-3999

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