
Monday, March 7 - from 5:17 to 5:17 PM


HUD Webcast FY2010 COC Homeless Assistance Program Competition Debrief

Tuesday, May 17 - from 1:30 to 3:30 PM

Location: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/webcasts/schedule

The webcast will summarize the results of the FY2010 CoC competition, including information on the areas CoC’s generally did well or poorly, and provide suggestions for improvements for the FY2011application.  A brief summary of what to expect in the 2011 competition will also be provided. 

HUD field offices will email each CoC’s FY2010 CoC Competition Debriefing Summary to the CoC primary point of contact before Tuesday’s webcast.  This document contains the CoC’s score and other competition-related information.  If you are the CoC primary point of contact and do not receive the Debriefing Summary by 11:00 AM on Tuesday, May 17th, please contact your HUD field office. 

The webcast will be posted on HUD’s website (www.hud.gov) in Webcast Archives by May 31st.  The presentation slides will be posted on HUD’s Homeless Resource Exchange (www.hudhre.info) immediately following the webcast.

Watch it here on May 17

HUD Webinar: HPRP Areas of Common Monitoring Findings and Concerns

Tuesday, May 17 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM


This webinar will be hosted by HUD for HPRP grantees to better prepare the grantees for monitoring, to train grantees on proper subgrantee monitoring, and to answer common questions about HUD HPRP monitoring.

Register for the webinar

SAMHSA Training Conference "Promoting Wellness: An Integrated Approach to Homeless Service Delivery"

Thursday, May 19 - all day

Location: Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO

This conference is part of SAMHSA’s series through the Homelessness Resource Center for service providers across the country. This FREE event trains providers in best practices and to further the practices of trauma-informed and client centered care.

Register for this event


HUD Webinar: HPRP Areas of Common Monitoring Findings and Concerns

Thursday, May 19 - from 11:00 to 12:30 PM


This webinar will be hosted by HUD for HPRP grantees to better prepare the grantees for monitoring, to train grantees on proper subgrantee monitoring, and to answer common questions about HUD HPRP monitoring.

Register for the webinar


Webinar: HPRP Year 1 APR: Lessons Learned and Next Steps

Tuesday, May 24 - from 11:30 to 1:00 PM

Location: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/535358160

This webinar is for HPRP Grantees who recently submitted their Year 1 outcomes to HUD in their APR. This webinar will cover: common errors on APR questions, common issues with HMIS affecting APR data, suggestions for reducing errors and improving the quality of the data submitted to HUD, a review of some of the commonly misunderstood reporting concepts, and some national outcomes from the first year of HPRP.

Register for the webinar


Deadline: SAMHSA – Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals Grant Applications

Friday, May 27 - all day

Location: n/a

This funding opportunity is for nonprofit organizations to develop and expand local community structures and the integration of treatment services and other supportive services with permanent housing for the chronically homeless population. Grant # TI-11-008 in grants.gov for application. Deadline May 27, 2011.

Read the Request for Applications

Teleseminar: Using Ticket to Work and Employment Networks to Improve Employment Outcomes for Homeless Veterans

Wednesday, June 1 - from 1:00 to 2:30 PM

Location: http://websurvey.syr.edu/nvatc_reg_060111.aspx

This teleseminar is for HVRP grantees in an effort to increase the number of homeless veterans involved in the Ticket to Work incentive program administered by the Social Security Administration. Ticket to Work is an employment program for people with disabilities who are Social Security disability beneficiaries who are interested in going to work, but are concerned about jeopardizing their benefits. Bringing the homeless Veteran population into the Social Security Ticket to Work program may increase their employment outcomes, thereby reducing the national disability benefit rolls, and producing workers who contribute to the Social Security Trust Fund.
Space is limited for this event.

Register for this event

Deadline: SAMHSA – Planning Grants for Expansion of Comprehensive Community Health Centers

Thursday, June 2 - all day


This funding opportunity is for nonprofit public health organizations to expand their services in mental health for youth and their families. A cost-sharing match is required. Grant # SM-11-008 in grants.gov for application. Deadline June 2, 2011.
Read the Request for Applications

VA Centers' National 2K Event to Promote Wellness and Support Homeless Veterans

Thursday, June 2 - all day


Across the country VA Centers are hosting 2K Walk and Roll Events during Employee Wellness Month, which will also bring attention to assistance needed for homeless Veterans.

Learn more and sign up


Deadline: USDA FY 2011 SNAP Participation Grants

Monday, June 6 - all day

Location: n/a

This funding opportunity is primarily for the 53 State SNAP agencies, but also for nonprofit organizations deemed eligible by the State Agencies, for operational projects aimed at simplifying the SNAP application and eligibility determination systems or improving access to SNAP benefits. Grant # USDA-FNS-SNPA-11 at grants.gov to access application.

Read the Request for Applications

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans 2011 Annual Conference

Monday, June 6 - all day

Location: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC

Registration is still open for this year’s NCHV Conference, where participants will hear from federal agencies on progress to the goal of ending Veterans homelessness by 2015, will receive training on service delivery practices, and will be able to network with other providers.

Learn more and register


National Forum on the Human Right to Housing

Tuesday, June 7 - all day

Location: Thurgood Marshall Center, Washington, DC

The National Forum on the Human Right to Housing is put on by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty and is for advocates and service providers to discuss the issue of homelessness and affordable housing and their policies.

Learn more and register for this event


SAMSHA Permanent Supportive Housing Webinar

Wednesday, June 15 - from 2:00 to 3:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

Permanent Supportive Housing is an evidence-based practice that combines housing with services to support people moving out of homelessness and through their recovery journeys. This free SAMHSA webinar addresses the core elements of Permanent Supportive Housing and how you can use SAMHSA’s Permanent Supportive Housing Evidence-Based Practices KIT to support your community’s efforts to end homelessness.  This webinar is one of a four part series that will give valuable and real-life insight into the effective implementation of Permanent Supportive Housing.

Register Now

Webinar: Advocacy Toolkit for the Affordable Care Act

Wednesday, June 15 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, Faces and Voices of Recovery, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness jointly present the second in a series of webinars on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its implementation in the states.
This webinar will give advocates the strategies and tools they need to interact effectively with state legislators, administrators, and others charged with the development of mechanisms and regulations for implementation of the ACA in their states.

Register Now

SAMSHA Webinar on the Affordable Care Act and Prevention

Thursday, June 16 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

SAMHSA’s Partners for Recovery Initiative invites you to the sixth free webinar in its series about the implementation of expanded addiction and mental health coverage outlined in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
This webinar, intended for consumers, providers, and state officials, will provide basic information about the prevention provisions and activities included in the ACA.

Register Now

Watch the Other Webinars in the Series

Opening Doors Anniversary Stakeholder Conference Call

Wednesday, June 22 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Conference Call

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis who also serves as USICH Chair invites you to attend a stakeholder conference call on June 22nd to mark the one year anniversary of the release of Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness.

Opening Doors is the first ever comprehensive federal plan to prevent and end homelessness. Since its release USICH and its federal partners have been working to implement the Plan. Unprecedented collaboration has occurred throughout all levels of government and with private, non-profit, and faith based organizations as we work to end homelessness in America. The Council agencies have both individually and collectively advanced the strategies contained in the Plan.

Special Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs Derek Douglas and USICH Executive Director Barbara Poppe will join Secretary Solis to discuss the roles the federal government and Administration have played over the first year of Opening Doors. Key leaders will share their thoughts on the impact of plan implementation to date and what is needed as we move forward into year two of implementation.

The conference call will be interactive and USICH will answer submitted questions at the end of the call. We look forward to you joining us.

Register now

Deadline: HUD Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Grant Applications

Thursday, June 23 - all day

Location: n/a

This funding opportunity is for nonprofit organizations to develop or maintain supportive housing programs for very low income individuals with disabilities. Grant # FR-5415-N-39 in grants.gov to access application.

Read the Notice of Funding Availability

2011 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference and Policy Symposium

Thursday, June 23 - all day

Location: Hyatt Regency Washington Capitol Hill, Washington, DC

The National Health Care for the Homeless Conference and Policy Symposium will contain plenary sessions by federal agency officials who work with on homelessness issues, workshops led by homeless health care experts, and events to increase networking, best practices, and advocacy on this issue.

Learn more and register for the conference


Deadline - HHS - ACF - Street Outreach for Homeless Youth Grant Applications

Friday, June 24 - all day

Location: n/a

This funding opportunity is for public and nonprofit organizations at the state or local level to conduct street outreach and/or drop in centers for runaway and homeless youth, responding to immediate needs of youth in crisis and working to help them exit from homelessness. Grant # HHS-2011-ACF-ACYF-YO-0168 in grants.gov for full announcement details.

Read the Funding Opportunity Announcement

Deadline: HHS - ACF - Basic Center for Homeless Youth Grant Applications

Friday, June 24 - all day

Location: n/a

This funding opportunity is for public and nonprofit organization at the state or local level to run at basic center for youth, which includes emergency shelter and transitional housing for youths under the age of 18. Grant # HHS-2011-ACF-ACYF-CY-0166 in grants.gov for full application details.

Read the Funding Opportunity Annoucement

Deadline: Grant Opportunity, $5 Million Available to Train Veterans Experiencing Homelessness for Careers

Friday, July 8 - all day

Location: Online Submission

This grant competition which will be funded through Labor’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program and will provide approximately 3,000 homeless veterans with job training and other services to help them succeed in civilian careers. Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community-based organizations. Grantees must be familiar with the areas and populations to be served and demonstrate they can administer effective programs. They will coordinate their efforts with other local, state and federal social service providers to provide Veterans experiencing homelessness with occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services. Administered through the Department’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program is the only federal program that focuses exclusively on the employment of veterans who are experiencing homelessness.

Read more on grants.gov

2011 National Conference on Ending Homelessness

Wednesday, July 13 - all day

Location: Renaissance Washington DC Hotel

The National Conference on Ending Homelessness is put on by the National Alliance to End Homelessness annually, and includes best practices for service delivery, federal agency sessions on the Federal Strategic Plan, and advocacy and public education trainings.

Learn more and register for the conference


VA Building Utilization Repurposing and Review (BURR) Industry Forum

Wednesday, July 13 - all day

Location: Renaissance Washington DC Hotel

Developers, supportive housing NPOs, financing institutions, affordable housing organizations and more are invited to attend the BURR Industry Forum on developing housing for Veterans experiencing homelessness and those at-risk. Held in the same location as the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference.

Learn more and register


National Association of Counties 76th Annual Meeting

Friday, July 15 - all day

Location: Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR

The 76th Annual Meeting is for staff member and county officials from across the country to learn more about administration, networking, and innovative county programs.

Learn more and register for the meeting


Deadline: FY 2011 CoC Registration Due

Monday, July 25 - all day


HUD strongly encourages all CoC stakeholders, including the CoC lead, applicants, and project sponsors to read the FY2011 Registration Notice in its entirety, paying special attention to Section IV.FY2011 CoC NOFA Highlights in preparation for the FY2011 CoC competition. This important information will guide CoC leads in the registration and application process in e-SNAPS to ensure that projects are renewed or funded in FY 2011. Applicants must register by July 25, 2011 to be eligible for funding. This NOFA is for CoC leads only.

Read the NOFA and Register


National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Summer Conference 2011

Thursday, July 28 - all day

Location: Louisville, KY

NAHRO’s Summer Conference 2011 is focusing on the theme Investing in America: Families, Homes, and Communities.

Learn more and register for the conference


Deadline: HHS Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Grants

Thursday, July 28 - all day


Grants awarded will support projects with organizations that have the capacity and proven track record of helping low-income fathers.  Projects should be designed to develop a broad approach to overall case management and support services for fathers to gain economic stability.  Additionally, projects should be designed to help fathers build mutually supportive and long-lasting relationships with their children, the mothers of their children, and help fathers overcome barriers to economic self-sufficiency.

Learn more and apply


Deadline: HOPWA FY 2011 New Project Applications

Tuesday, August 2 - all day


States, units of general local government, including Public Housing authorities, and nonprofit organizations can apply for funding to continue or develop housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS.  Up to $9.1 million will be awarded in an estimated 6 to 8 awards.  These HOPWA resources will allow States and localities for forge new partnerships, including involving Public Housing Authorities and other partners in service delivery, to devise place-based comprehensive strategies for meeting the housing needs of low-income persons with HIV/AIDS.

Read more and apply for this grant

Housing Placement Bootcamp hosted by 100K Homes and sponsored by The Robin Hood Foundation and USICH

Thursday, August 4 - all day


USICH’s Laura Zeilinger will be one of the faculty at 100K Homes’ Housing Placement Bootcamp in New York City on August 4. This is an invitation only event for teams housing vulnerable Veterans with VASH vouchers. To learn more about the work on 100K Homes, please visit their website.

View their website

USICH Webinar: the Role of PHAs in Ending Homelessness

Thursday, August 11 - from 2:00 to 3:15 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) play a critical role in preventing and ending homelessness. In an era of shrinking resources, it is more important than ever to develop new collaborative partnerships that use mainstream resources to help people experiencing homelessness. 

In this webinar, PHA Executive Directors from around the country will share insights and lessons learned on how their agencies are effectively serving individuals and families that have experienced or are at risk of homelessness, and why targeting these vulnerable households has been important for their agencies. PHA staff, Continuum of Care leaders, and other stakeholders interested in forging relationships with their local PHAs are encouraged to attend.

Register Now

HUD HMIS System Administrator Training Webinars: Module 3, In-depth review of the HMIS Data and Technical Standards

Friday, August 12 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

As part of HUD’s training series for HMIS System Administrators, two training webinars (Modules 1 and 2) were held in June that provided introductory information on HMIS and the Annual Performance Report (APR) for SHP-HMIS grants.  Both webinars are posted on www.HMIS.info, and the Module 2 includes an audio recording.

HUD has scheduled three additional training webinars (Modules 3, 4, and 5) for HMIS System Administrators in August and September.  In addition to providing System Administrators with a uniform foundation of knowledge, these trainings also offer an opportunity to learn about best practices, hear guidance on the best ways to implement HMIS, and to connect the many parts of HUD’s data collection, reporting, and HMIS administration requirements.

Register for Module Three Now

HUD HMIS System Administrator Training Webinars: Module 4, In-Depth Security, Privacy,and Governance

Friday, August 19 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

As part of HUD’s training series for HMIS System Administrators, two training webinars (Modules 1 and 2) were held in June that provided introductory information on HMIS and the Annual Performance Report (APR) for SHP-HMIS grants.  Both webinars are posted on www.HMIS.info, and the Module 2 includes an audio recording.

HUD has scheduled three additional training webinars (Modules 3, 4, and 5) for HMIS System Administrators in August and September.  In addition to providing System Administrators with a uniform foundation of knowledge, these trainings also offer an opportunity to learn about best practices, hear guidance on the best ways to implement HMIS, and to connect the many parts of HUD’s data collection, reporting, and HMIS administration requirements.

Register for Module Four Now

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Tuesday, August 23 - from 8:00 to 9:00 PM


The Affordable Care Act expands access to care, ends abuses of insurers, and makes health care more affordable.  The law helps those with pre-existing health conditions, people who are under age 26 and without health insurance, the most vulnerable in our society and those who are currently insured.  To learn more about the health care law and how to access health care benefits in your community, RSVP to attend our Affordable Care Act 101 Conference Call. Times are in Eastern Time Zone.
RSVP by emailing ACA101@hhs.gov

Grant Deadline: $11 Million available from VA Grants Per Diem Special Needs Grantees Reapplication

Thursday, August 25 - from 4:00 to 4:00 PM


The Department of Veterans Affairs is seeking reapplication from previous Grants Per Diem Special Needs Program grantees.  $11 million in additional funds are available.

Learn more about the application process

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Wednesday, August 31 - from 12:30 to 1:30 PM


The Affordable Care Act expands access to care, ends abuses of insurers, and makes health care more affordable.  The law helps those with pre-existing health conditions, people who are under age 26 and without health insurance, the most vulnerable in our society and those who are currently insured.  To learn more about the health care law and how to access health care benefits in your community, RSVP to attend our Affordable Care Act 101 Conference Call. Times are in Eastern Time Zone.
RSVP by emailing ACA101@hhs.gov

Deadline: Promise Neighborhood Implementation Grant Applications

Tuesday, September 6 - from 11:28 to 11:28 AM


The Department of Education is now accepting applications for it’s Promise Neighborhood’s program, designed to break silos in communities and improve children and youth education from cradle-to-college. Pre-Application webinars will be provided by the Department of Education, please see the link below for more information on this opportunity.

Go to grant opportunity


Deadline: All FY 2010 Emergency Solutions Grant funds committed in IDIS

Friday, September 9 - all day


As HUD and ESG grantees prepare for implementation of the Emergency Solutions Grants program, it is critical to understand how ESG funds are currently being used within each jurisdiction.  Grantees must identify, in IDIS, the total amount of FY2010 Emergency Shelter Grant funds they intend to use for each of the current allowable ESG activities: homeless assistance, homeless prevention, and administration.  HUD will use FY2010 Emergency Shelter Grants funds committed (e.g. funded in activities) in IDIS for its analysis of current activities, as a basis for understanding and establishing activities in the Emergency Solutions Grants program. 

ESG grantees must commit all FY2010 Emergency Shelter Grants fund in IDIS by Friday, September 9, 2011.

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Wednesday, September 14 - from 12:30 to 1:30 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country. Times are in EST.

RSVP now

HUD HMIS System Administrator Training Webinars: Module 5, Data Quality Standard and Compliance Plans

Friday, September 16 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar Series

As part of HUD’s training series for HMIS System Administrators, two training webinars (Modules 1 and 2) were held in June that provided introductory information on HMIS and the Annual Performance Report (APR) for SHP-HMIS grants.  Both webinars are posted on www.HMIS.info, and the Module 2 includes an audio recording.

HUD has scheduled three additional training webinars (Modules 3, 4, and 5) for HMIS System Administrators in August and September.  In addition to providing System Administrators with a uniform foundation of knowledge, these trainings also offer an opportunity to learn about best practices, hear guidance on the best ways to implement HMIS, and to connect the many parts of HUD’s data collection, reporting, and HMIS administration requirements.

Register for Module Five Now

National Healthcare for the Homeless Regional Training

Monday, September 19 - from 8:00 to 5:00 PM

Location: Detroit, MI

National Healthcare for the Homeless Regional Training for service providers, physicians, mental health professionals, and staff on techniques and best practices. Join the free regional training for social justice practitioners and advocates at the Westin in Southfield, Michigan this September. Our accredited trainings for continuing medical education and other continuing education credits feature professional development and networking opportunities. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register now


International Downtown Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow

Thursday, September 22 - all day

Location: Charlotte, NC

The Annual Conference is for stakeholders and managers in the nation’s and world’s downtown areas, with this year’s theme as Metro Momentum.

Register here


USICH Webinar: HUD CoC Competition: Why Communities Should Be Thinking About Reallocation

Thursday, September 22 - from 2:00 to 3:15 PM


In order to make progress towards the goal of ending homelessness, it is imperative that we invest in interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. Because HUD McKinney-Vento funds are largely tied up in renewals of existing projects, CoCs must be reviewing their portfolio of existing projects on an annual basis to determine if those projects are effectively meeting needs within the community. During the annual CoC competition, HUD allows continuums in Hold Harmless Need status to reallocate funds from existing Supportive Housing Program renewal projects to create new permanent housing projects. On Thursday, September 22 at 2:00 pm ET, join USICH and the National Alliance to End Homelessness to hear more about this important topic. 

Register now


USICH Webinar: Opening Doors Across America: State and Community Roles in the Federal Strategic Plan

Tuesday, September 27 - from 4:00 to 5:00 PM


USICH will introduce a new initiative called Opening Doors Across America. USICH Executive Director Barbara Poppe will be joined by a panel of leaders in ending homelessness from cities and states around the country. This call to action offers clear direction to counties, cities, and states on the steps we must take to achieve the goals laid out in Opening Doors. 

Register now

USICH Webinar: Ending Youth Homelessness by 2020: What Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees Can Do

Thursday, September 29 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM


Executive Director Barbara Poppe will provide an overview of Opening Doors, the federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. The webinar will cover work that needs to be done nationally in order to achieve the goal of preventing and ending homelessness among youth by 2020.  Poppe will discuss the specific roles that Runaway and Homeless Youth Act program grantees play.

Register now

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Thursday, September 29 - from 8:00 to 9:00 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country.

RSVP now

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Tuesday, October 4 - from 12:30 to 1:30 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country.

RSVP now

Webinar: Partnering for Homeless Employment - USICH, HUD, DOL

Wednesday, October 5 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Seattle, WA

On October 5, join USICH, the Department of Labor and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Seattle-based webinar highlighting partnerships between the housing and employment systems for those experiencing homelessness. Co-hosted by the YWCA of Seattle-King-Snohomish County and the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County, this webinar will focus on national and local innovations that work to bridge the gap between these two systems and help increase access to stable employment for this specific population. Register now for this discussion on an important topic. Time in EDT.


HUD SNAPS Webinar: AHAR Part 2: Steps to a Successful Submission

Tuesday, October 11 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


The weekly Ready, SET (SNAPS e-Learning Tuesdays), Go! webinar series will provide comprehensive information for Continuums of Care (CoCs), HMIS administrators, grantees, project sponsors and other stakeholders on a variety of topics focused on community planning and capacity building. The Ready, SET, Go! webinars will focus on strategies to assist communities prior to publication of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by the HEARTH Act as well as with the implementation and regulation requirements once the HEARTH Act regulations are published.

This week, AHAR Part 2: Steps for a Successful Data Submission discusses needed steps CoCs should take in their AHAR submission process, which began on October 1. This training will be helpful for both new and experienced AHAR communities.  Topics to be covered include: HUD guidance for the 2011 AHAR; tips for reviewing and proofing your data; and how to work with your AHAR Data Collector.


National Human Services Data Consortium Fall Conference

Wednesday, October 12 - all day

Location: Washington, DC

The National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) is a collaborative organization that understands the importance of data quality and the value of using valid and reliable data for community planning and performance measurement.  NHSDC has worked for over 10 years to deliver conferences that allow Homeless Management Information System professionals to discuss current challenges and best practices while developing a critical network of peer support.

Some of the confirmed conference sessions include

  * From Intake to Education: Models of Data Reporting that Support Community Change
  * Integrating Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) into your CoC Planning Process - Going Beyond Integrated Outcomes
  * Outcome and Performance Measurement
  * Panel discussion on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)
  * Successful Statewide HPRP collaboration
  * Using Data to Plan for the Amended Emergency Solutions Grants Program
  * VA HMIS Integration

Register now

As in past years, the NHSDC conference and Institute are a HUD approved conference.  Therefore, HMIS funds awarded under the Supportive Housing Program (SHP) may be used to attend the 2011 NHSDC Fall Conference and HMIS Advanced Data Users Institute.  SHP funds included in the Training and Technical Assistance line of the HMIS budget may be used for costs associated with attendance at training sessions that are qualified- and pre-approved- by HUD Headquarters, such as this NHSDC conference.  Projects without funds designated for HMIS do not have an HMIS budget, and, therefore, are not eligible to use supportive service funds to attend this event.

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Lebanon, PA - Information/Enrollment Fair for Homeless Veterans

Wednesday, October 12 - all day

Location: Lebanon, PA

Information/enrollment fair for homeless and at-risk Veterans. Grant and Per Diem providers and local elected officials will participate in this event as well as VA staff. For more detailed information on this event, contact the POC.
POC: Keisha Kerr, keisha.kerr@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Fayetteville, NC - Education and Service Fair

Wednesday, October 12 - all day

Location: Fayetteville, NC

This event will include VA internal, external, and non-traditional external stakeholders with booths that will provide education on services for homeless or at-risk Veterans. For more detailed information on this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Jeff Doyle, jeffrey.doyle@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Cleveland - Veterans Enrollment Fair

Wednesday, October 12 - all day

Location: Cleveland, OH

Veterans Enrollment and Health Fair with VA and community providers and screeners for homeless and at-risk Veterans. For more detailed information on this event, please contact the POC.
POC: David Effron, david.effron@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Washington, DC - Community Forum on Homelessness & Job/Housing Fair

Friday, October 14 - all day

Location: Washington, DC VA Medical Center

Join community leaders and VA officials at the Washington, DC VA Medical Center for a Community Forum on Homelessness and a Job and Housing Fair for homeless or at-risk Veterans. For more detailed information, please contact the POC.
POC: Jesse Vazzano, jesse.vazzano@va.gov
        Michelle Spivak, michelle.spivak@va.gov
        Kevin Morton, kevin.morton@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Denver, CO - Key Community Partner Initiatives

Friday, October 14 - all day

Location: Denver, CO

Denver homeless program representatives will present introductory and background information regarding four key community partner initiatives: health care, housing, education/career benefits, Veterans justice and American Indian partnerships. For more detailed information about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: MIchael Apgar. michael.apgar@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event - AZ Annual Conference

Monday, October 17 - from 8:00 to 12:00 PM

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness Annual Conference will cover the issue of Veterans homelessness in a variety of ways, and there will also be smaller outreach events in the following two weeks. For more detailed information about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Michael Leon, 314-652-4100 ext. 7656

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Oahu, HI - Homeless Veterans Information Session

Monday, October 17 - from 12:29 to 12:29 PM

Location: Oahu, HI

Information sessions about services available to Veterans who are homeless in partnership with community providers. For more detailed information about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Andrew Dalburg, andrew.dalburg2@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Dallas, TX - Expert Panel on Veterans

Tuesday, October 18 - all day

Location: Dallas, TX

The event will kick off with an opening welcome followed by a number of expert panels from state and local partners with local VA staff. Panels include: Outreach, Prevention, Benefits, Legal, Employment, Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing. For more detailed information about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Heloise Ferguson, heloise.ferguson@va.gov
      Teresa House-Hatfield, teresa.house-hatfield@va.gov

Homelessness and the Jobs Act Call with DOL Chief Economist Adriana Kugler

Tuesday, October 18 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Conference Call

The Department of Labor Chief Economist Adriana Kugler will join USICH Deputy Director Anthony for a look at how the American jobs act would impact low-income Americans including many who are at-risk of homelessness.

Call in information:
Access Code: 6852304

HUD SNAPS Webinar: Emergency Solutions Grant: Preparing for HMIS Participation

Tuesday, October 18 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


The weekly Ready, SET (SNAPS e-Learning Tuesdays), Go! webinar series will provide comprehensive information for Continuums of Care (CoCs), HMIS administrators, grantees, project sponsors and other stakeholders on a variety of topics focused on community planning and capacity building. The Ready, SET, Go! webinars will focus on strategies to assist communities prior to publication of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by the HEARTH Act as well as with the implementation and regulation requirements once the HEARTH Act regulations are published.

This week, the webinar will focus on ESG recipients participation in HMIS.The McKinney-Vento Act as amended by HEARTH makes Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) participation a statutory requirement for ESG recipients and sub recipients. Communities have an opportunity to begin working now to ensure the ESG funded programs are meeting HMIS participation requirements. This webinar is designed to assist Continuums of Care in understanding and implementing the steps necessary to prepare ESG recipients and sub recipients for meeting HMIS participation requirements.



Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Tuesday, October 18 - from 8:00 to 9:00 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country.

RSVP now

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Boston - Expert Veterans Homelessness Summit

Thursday, October 20 - all day

Location: Boston, MA

Homeless Summit with elected officials and community partners to discuss collaboration that will be required to end homelessness among Veterans. For more information and exact time of event, please connect with identified POC
POC: Karen Guthrie
Email: Karen.Guthrie@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick off Event - 2011 Houston Homeless Veterans Forum

Thursday, October 20 - all day

Location: Houston, TX

The Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center will host the 2011 Houston Homeless Veterans Forum to build community partnerships in order to increase outreach, education, prevention,  treatment, housing options, income and employment benefits and supportive services. For more detailed information about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Luis R. Paulino, luisr.paulino@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event New York, NY - Enrollment Fair and Health Screening

Friday, October 21 - all day

Location: New York Harbor, NY

The outreach event will bring together homeless resources and the VA, including Veteran Benefit Agency’s eligibility office, for a day-long enrollment fair and health screening for homeless and at-risk Veterans. For more information, please connect with the identified POC.
POC: Jennifer Sammartino
Email: jennifer.sammartino@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event Miami - Housing and Employment Fair

Friday, October 21 - all day

Location: Miami, FL

This will be a Homeless Stand Down/ Housing and Employment Fair for homeless and at-risk Veterans. Services provided will include intake and registration, emergency housing, permanent housing services, job referral, disability income referral, and more. For more information and details about this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Beth Wolfsohn, beth.wolfsohn@va.gov

VA Outreach Kick Off Event New Orleans - Project CHALENG, HUD-VASH Summit

Saturday, October 22 - all day

Location: New Orleans, LA

Project CHALENG, HUD-VASH Summit in partnership with the New Orleans Housing Authority. For more information and details on this event, please contact the POC.
POC: Ken Rocky, kennith.rocky@va.gov

HUD Webinar: Preparing for Your 2012 Housing Inventory and Point-in-Time Counts

Tuesday, October 25 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar will present the new requirements for completing the 2012 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and the Point-in-Time (PIT) count, as well as review existing data collection guidance for 2012 HIC and PIT counts.
Webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.

There are no prerequisites for this webinar.


Deadline: Applications Due for FY2011 HUD CoC Homeless Assistance Programs

Friday, October 28 - from 12:00 to 11:59 PM

Location: Applications Due Online

HUD's Office of Special Needs Assistance programs has released the FY2011 CoC Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The CoC application will be open for 60 days from the opening of e-snaps on August 30, 2011. It is due on October 28, 2011. HUD strongly encourages all CoC lead agency contacts, applicants, project sponsors and other interested stakeholders to read the 2011 NOFA in its entirety. Visit the FY2011 CoC Competition Training and Resources page to access HUD Guidance, training modules, FAQs and listserv messages regarding the NOFA.  Programs included in the CoC NOFA are: the Supportive Housing Program, the Shelter Plus Care, and the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for Single Room Occupancy Program.

Read the full NOFA


VA Outreach Kick Off Event Atlanta - Enrollment and Health Fair

Saturday, October 29 - all day

Location: Atlanta, GA

Enrollment and Health Fair: assessments will include primary care, mental health, dental care, vision screening, vital signs, nursing, dermatology, pharmacy, etc. Educational resources and other materials will be available for homeless and at-risk Veterans. For more detailed information, please contact the POC.
POC: Patricia Braford, patricia.braford@va.gov

National Homelessness Awareness Month Policy Briefing

Tuesday, November 1 - from 11:30 to 1:00 PM

Location: HUD 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC

Join the Campaign to End Child Homelessness for a catered lunch briefing featuring a discussion on current federal policies related to child and family homelessness at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Tuesday, November 1st. Speakers will highlight efforts towards meeting the Administration’s goal of ending child and family homelessness in ten years as well as work on the federal level that needs to be done to end this tragic social problem.

Speakers include:
Shaun Donovan, Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Barbara Poppe, Executive Director, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Ellen L. Bassuk, M.D., Founder and President, The National Center on Family Homelessness
Sarah Bolton, Legislative Assistant, Office of Senator Patty Murray
Åsa Fanelli, President & CEO, Horizons for Homeless Children
Maria Foscarinis, Founder & Executive Director, The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
Amy Grassette, Advocate & Formerly Homeless Mother, Consumer Advisory Board Member, The National Center on Family Homelessness;  National Health Care for the Homeless Council National Advisory Board Member

RSVP to Natalie Thompson, Policy Director, Campaign to End Child Homelessness today at Natalie.Thompson@familyhomelessness.org.

Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Tuesday, November 1 - from 12:30 to 1:30 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country.

RSVP now

Looking into the Light Photo Exhibit Launch

Tuesday, November 1 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Location: Main Hall, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC

Join The National Center on Family Homelessness for the launch of Looking Into Light, a photography exhibition to bring the stories of homeless families and children to light. The exhibit engages viewers in the experience of family homelessness and the plight of homeless children, explores why families with young children are a sizable and growing part of the American homeless population, and opens viewers to the vision that with their participation we can put an end to this problem. The exhibit will launch with a reception featuring hors d’oeuvres and refreshments on Tuesday, November 1st. It will be on display in the main hall at HUD throughout November.

Learn more about the exhibit

RSVP to Natalie Thompson, Policy Director, Campaign to End Child Homelessness today at Natalie.Thompson@familyhomelessness.org.

HUD Webinar: Preparing for your 2012 Housing Inventory and PIT Counts with Special Attention to Veteran Program Guidance

Tuesday, November 1 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


As part of SNAPS e-learning Tuesdays, this webinar will present the new requirements for completing the 2012 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and the Point-in-Time (PIT) count and review data collection guidance for the Veterans Affairs funded programs.


HUD Webinar: Introduction to Continuum of Care Check-up

Tuesday, November 8 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


The Continuum of Care (CoC) Check-up is a new process designed by HUD to help CoCs determine their current capacity and performance and the degree to which CoCs are prepared for HEARTH implementation.  Using a self-administered on-line tool, the CoC Check-up helps CoCs to rate their proficiency across various functional domains and indicators, examine CoC trend data contained in the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX), and establish a CoC Action Plan to guide capacity and performance improvements. This webinar will provide an overview of the CoC Check-up process, timeline, and related instructions to initiate the CoC Check-up process.

Register now

The Way Forward: Ending Veteran Homelessness by 2015

Wednesday, November 9 - from 1:30 to 2:30 PM


In honor of Veterans Day, USICH Deputy Director Anthony Love hosted an expert panel including Susan Angell Executive Director of Veterans Affairs’ Veterans Homeless Initiative, John Driscoll President and CEO of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, and Tori Lyon Executive Director for the Jericho Project. The panelists addressed the progress that has been made since VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki announced the five year goal to end homelessness among Veterans, in addition to the following questions:

  * What are the promising and innovative practices we must embrace in order to reach this goal?
  * What are the best ways to use limited resources to get the biggest impact?
  * How can we all get involved to make it happen?

Watch it now

HUD Webinar Training: Introduction to the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program

Tuesday, November 15 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM


This webinar, to be delivered after the publication of the ESG Interim Regulation, provides a general overview of the Emergency Solutions Grants program including information on the purpose of ESG, the five components of ESG and their eligible costs, program requirements, and grant administration.  It also identifies additional resources and upcoming webinars.  This webinar is intended to provide viewers with the “big picture” so that they can better operate this program. HUD will be offering additional webinars on various elements of the new regulation in the coming weeks.

Please note: HUD anticipates that the interim ESG regulation will be available on its website prior to the training. The rule will go into effect 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

If the regulation is not posted by the dates of the webinars, HUD will hold the webinar on other dates.

This webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.  It will also be recorded and posted on HUD’s HRE website for viewers to watch at their convenience.  There are no prerequisites for this webinar.


Affordable Care Act 101: Conference Call by HHS

Wednesday, November 16 - from 4:00 to 5:00 PM


HHS’ Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships is conducting a series of conference calls to help explain the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The calls will explain provisions of the Act that are already in place in communities and those that will take effect in the months and years to come. HHS recommends that community members, non-profit professionals, and faith-based community leaders listen in and learn how these provisions can help those in communities across the country.

RSVP now

HUD Webinar Training: Introduction to the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program

Thursday, November 17 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM


This webinar, to be delivered after the publication of the ESG Interim Regulation, provides a general overview of the Emergency Solutions Grants program including information on the purpose of ESG, the five components of ESG and their eligible costs, program requirements, and grant administration.  It also identifies additional resources and upcoming webinars.  This webinar is intended to provide viewers with the “big picture” so that they can better operate this program. HUD will be offering additional webinars on various elements of the new regulation in the coming weeks.

Please note: HUD anticipates that the interim ESG regulation will be available on its website prior to the training. The rule will go into effect 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

If the regulation is not posted by the dates of the webinars, HUD will hold the webinar on other dates.

This webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.  It will also be recorded and posted on HUD’s HRE website for viewers to watch at their convenience.  There are no prerequisites for this webinar.


HUD Webinar: Changes to Consolidated Plan Regulations in the Interim ESG Rule

Tuesday, November 22 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


This webinar will provide an overview of key changes to the Consolidated Plan regulations in the Interim ESG Rule. It will provide important information for all Consolidated Plan Jurisdictions, regardless of whether or not they receive ESG funds. It will also provide concrete steps for planning for the Substantial Amendment that will need to be submitted prior to approval for expenditure of the second allocation of FY 2011 ESG funds.

Webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.

Register now


Orientation to the 100,000 Homes Campaign

Wednesday, November 23 - from 4:00 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online

Have questions about the 100,000 Homes Campaign?  Thinking about enrolling your community but don’t know where to start? Please join our monthly orientation WebEx and invite your peers and colleagues! We’ll explain the history and evolution of 100,000 Homes, point you to helpful resources, and explore how your community can get involved.

Join the meeting


Department of Labor Live Chat: Workforce Investment Act Youth Talk

Tuesday, November 29 - from 1:00 to 1:30 PM


This live chat is for those who want more information about DOL’s Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Program, who want to get their WIA youth questions answered, share promising practices, and hear about what other WIA youth programs are doing around the country. This live chat will only be available to members of Workforce One. If you are not a member of Workforce One, you must register at http://www.workforce3one.org/register.aspx.

Once registered on Workforce One, participants can submit questions in advance of the chat to youth.services@dol.gov.



HUD Webinar: ESG Program Components and Activities

Tuesday, November 29 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online webinar

This webinar will continue to review the Emergency Solutions Grants program including the five components, eligible costs and activities, and key program requirements. The webinar will also identify additional resources and introduce upcoming webinars related to the Emergency Solutions Grants program.

Register now

NHCHC Presents: Patient Centered Medical Home Case Study Featuring Mary Howard Health Center

Thursday, December 1 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar is the third in a four-part series on Patient Centered Medical Home; recordings and presentations from previous webinars are available in the “Webinar Archives” section of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council website. In this case study of Mary Howard, a nurse-managed health center, presenters will discuss the NCQA’s PCMH standards and how they relate to an HCH grantee, the role of outreach staff and a Trans-disciplinary Team in securing level 3 PCMH certification, and resources to help in preparing for the PCMH evaluation.

Register now


Improving the Outcomes for Homeless Veterans by Leveraging One Stop and VA Resources: Success from the Field

Tuesday, December 6 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM


Presented by the National Veterans Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC) a project of the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

This webinar is a follow-up to our very successful “leveraging resources” webinar (April, 2011) – and will take Partnering 101 to the next level.  Join our NVTAC team and invited guests to hear how successful partnerships have been leveraged to improve the employment outcomes for Veterans who are homeless and/or for those with significant barriers to employment.  Whether you are an expert in partnering with and leveraging local resources or are looking for some new strategies, this webinar will clearly demonstrate the necessity of creating a “village” for our most vulnerable Veterans.

Learn how you can get involved

HUD Webinar: Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS) for ESG: Understanding the Interim Rule for the Emergency Solutions Grants Program

Tuesday, December 6 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


This webinar will provide an introduction on the use of IDIS Online for the Emergency Solutions Grants Program.  This introduction will detail:

• Proper ESG project and activity set-up protocols that differ significantly from the Emergency Shelter Grants program’s procedures.

• Activity funding procedures that require recipients to select the specific subrecipient organizations that receive funding for related activities.

• ESG drawdown procedures that require subrecipient organization designation during the drawdown process.

Register now

Webinar: Corporation for Suppportive Housing Social Innovation Fund RFP Bidders Q&A

Thursday, December 8 - from 2:00 to 3:30 PM


The Corporation for Supportive Housing’s Social Innovation Fund recently released a Request for Proposals on November 28 for their grant awards. CSH is seeking proposals for models of supportive housing connected to coordinated health services for men and women who are high utilizers of public services. This webinar will be an opportunity for applicants to get questions answered about the RFP from experts on this topic, and will also include a presentation from USICH Deputy Director Jennifer Ho on integrating health and housing to end homelessness and to reach Medicaid’s high-need high-cost beneficiaries.

For more information on the RFP and the Social Innovation Fund, check out csh.org.

Learn more and register


Webinar: National Health Care for the Homeless - How to Partner with Your Local Housing Authority: Challenges and Benefits for Community Health Centers

Tuesday, December 13 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM


After this webinar, which will be particularly useful for administrators and outreach workers, participants will be able to identify access barriers that public housing residents share with homeless individuals, define at least one benefit to partnership with a Housing Authority Participants, and better understand HRSA’s Public Housing Primary Care Program.

Register now


Webinar, National Center for Family Homelessness: Becoming Trauma-Informed

Tuesday, December 13 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM


Homelessness and trauma are inextricably linked. Many people who experience homelessness have also suffered from physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, injury, and other traumatic events. Trauma can impact all facets of a person’s life and can result in challenges that include mental health and substance issues, struggles maintaining housing and employment, and difficulties in relationships. Trauma-informed services take into account how trauma impacts people on a daily basis. Join trainer Kathleen Guarino and the Campaign to End Child Homelessness for a webinar about trauma-informed care. Participants will learn how to infuse a trauma-informed perspective into all aspects of their work. All times are in Eastern Time.

Register now


HUD Webinar: Determining Homeless and At-Risk Status, Income and Disability

Tuesday, December 13 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


This webinar will provide a comprehensive introduction to HUD’s Homeless Definition Final Rule and the new at-risk of homelessness definition included in the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program Final Rule.  These definitions must be adhered to when screening potential participants for ESG assistance, as well as assistance provided by HUD Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Shelter Plus Care (S+C) program recipients with new or renewal projects starting on or after 1/1/2012. 

The webinar will review how to determine housing status (homeless, at-risk of homelessness), income and disability, as well as a general review of related record-keeping requirements and documentation standards.  This webinar will NOT cover details specific to potential participant eligibility under each ESG component or to SHP or the S+C program, nor the specific documentation requirements related to each housing status and income type.  More detailed training on documentation requirements will be covered during a later webinar.

Webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.

There are no prerequisites for this webinar.

Register now


National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day

Wednesday, December 21 - all day


Each year since 1990, on or near the first day of winter and the longest night of the year, National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB), and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) has co-sponsored National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness and to remember our homeless friends who have paid the ultimate price. Events will occur all over the country.

Learn how you can get involved

HUD Webinar: General Requirements for ESG Participants

Tuesday, January 10 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


This webinar will continue to review the Emergency Solutions Grants program with a discussion of general grant administrative requirements. Webinar topics will include general program requirements, match requirements, deadlines for the obligation and use of funds, and an overview of record keeping and reporting requirements. This webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.

Register now

National Alliance to End Homelessness Webinar: Putting the Pieces Together: Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services in Permanent Supportive Housing

Wednesday, January 11 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM


The National Alliance to End Homelessness is hosting a webinar to highlight new policies and best practices that integrate health care services with intensive housing solutions. Permanent supportive housing continues to be a successful way to end chronic homelessness and to provide supports that are appropriate to each individual, PSH strategies have to coordinate services and funding from many sources. This webinar will present approaches to integrating PSH and health care, featuring model programs in the field and comments from national policy leaders. USICH Deputy Director Jennifer Ho will present on this webinar as well as leaders from Pathways to Housing and SAMHSA. 

Register now

Webinar: Developing a Cold Weather Sheltering Plan for People Experiencing Homelessness

Thursday, January 12 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

With the arrival of the winter season, many communities are developing and activating emergency cold weather sheltering plans for people who are experiencing homelessness. This webinar, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, will provide an overview of cold weather injuries and illnesses common to people who are experiencing homelessness and explore a program model that provided 11,195 guest-nights in over 150 emergency warming centers to residents of Boulder, CO, in the 2010-11 winter season. A representative from HUD’s Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) will describe the Continuum of Care Network as a resource for planning. This webinar will be of interest to homeless service providers, public health and safety officials, and others attempting to establish or improve emergency cold weather sheltering in their own community.




NCHV Teleconference: Developing Homeless Courts in Your Community

Thursday, January 12 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Teleconference

This webinar will discuss the creation and expansion of homeless court programs to serve veterans experiencing homelessness, including a step-by-step implementation strategy from leading experts. 
To register, please send your name, organization and email address (in the body of an email) to conferencecalls@nchv.org. You will then receive an auto-response with call-in and conference ID numbers. 

USICH Webinar: Harm Reduction for Youth

Thursday, January 12 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Harm reduction is a model that has been very successful helping youth experiencing homelessness gain stability and direction. Using harm reduction for youth requires adapting the model to develop a youth appropriate intervention focused on positive development. Panelists from Lighthouse Youth Services in Cincinnati, OH and Preble Street in Portland, ME will join Jennifer Ho in an interactive forum to discuss the basics of a harm reduction model for youth and the benefits gained from meeting youth where they are at, offering them the supports and trusting relationships they need to gain stability.

Register now

Justice Center Webinar: Overcoming Community Resistance to Reentry Housing

Tuesday, January 17 - from 2:00 to 3:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Presenters in this National Reentry Resource Center webinar will explore the findings from “In Our Backyard: Overcoming Community Resistance to Reentry Housing: A NIMBY Toolkit,” a resource developed by the Fortune Society and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The webinar will highlight the experiences of the Fortune Society as it established the Fortune Academy, a supportive residence for over 60 men and women released from incarceration to homelessness in West Harlem. The webinar will also discuss the efforts of staff at St. Leonard’s Ministries—a residential, case management, and education program for men and women that has been located on the Near West Side of Chicago for close to 60 years—to reach out to the community on behalf of returning individuals. Presenters will offer strategies for organizations facing community opposition to the establishment of services for populations that are considered “threatening.”


HUD Webinar: CoC Check Up Next Steps

Tuesday, January 17 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM


The Continuum of Care (CoC) Check-up self-assessment stage is coming to a close and CoCs are now preparing for next steps in the Check-up process. The CoC Check-up is designed to help CoCs determine their current capacity and performance and the degree to which CoCs are prepared for HEARTH implementation. Upon completing the self-assessment, CoCs will develop final self-ratings and a CoC action plan to guide CoC capacity and performance improvements. This webinar will provide an overview of next steps for CoCs, including a review of self-assessment reports, new HDX reports, self-assessment tools, the CoC Action Plan template, and related instructions for completing the CoC Check-up.

Register now

VA for Vets Veteran Career Fair and Expo

Wednesday, January 18 - from 8:00 to 7:00 PM

Location: Washington, DC Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW, Washington, DC 20001

This free career fair and expo is for all Veterans to access job postings and build a competitive resume, interview for available positions in the Federal and private sectors,  enroll in health care and education benefits and much more. Please bring proof of military service. Free child care available. For more information, please click on the link below.

Learn more

Webinar: Health, Housing and Homelessness

Monday, January 23 - from 2:03 to 2:03 PM

Location: Online webinar

Specifically designed for funders, this webinar will explore the intersection of healthcare and homelessness and the role philanthropy can play in establishing supportive housing as a cost-effective solution to one of our nation’s most pressing policy problems—rising public spending with poor outcomes for homeless individuals with chronic health conditions. Register for the Health, Housing & Homelessness Webinar to hear more about this issue and what the Corporation for Supportive Housing is doing to address it as part of the national Social Innovation Fund Initiative.

Register now


Webinar: HUD-VASH 101

Tuesday, January 24 - from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

This interactive webinar will provide an overview of HUD-VASH policies and requirements.  It is designed mostly for staff from PHAs and VAMCs that are new to the program and/or staff that need a refresher. Topics covered will include: 1) HUD-VASH goals and objectives, 2) general information on VA case management, 3) HUD-VASH voucher operating requirements, 4) project-basing HUD-VASH vouchers, and 5) frequently asked questions. 


HUD Webinar: Substantial Amendment Process for the Second Allocation of the FY 2011 ESG Funds

Thursday, January 26 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

To receive the second allocation of FY 2011 Emergency Solutions Grants Program funds, recipients must prepare, and obtain HUD approval of, a substantial amendment to their PY 2011 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan.  This webinar will provide an overview of the requirements for applying for these funds and preparing the substantial amendment.  The webinar will also provide an overview of the key requirements associated with expending the second allocation of FY 2011 Emergency Solutions Grants funds and calculating the expenditure limit for emergency shelter and street outreach activities. In addition, guidance around critical decisions in the planning process for FY 2012 and future consolidated planning submissions will be presented.

Register now


Webinar: America's Youngest Outcasts 2010, National Center on Family Homelessness

Thursday, February 2 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

America’s Youngest Outcasts 2010 found that more than 1.6 million homeless American children—one in every 45 American children is homeless each year. Join the Campaign to End Child Homelessness, an initiative of The National Center on Family Homelessness, for a webinar overview of the groundbreaking report.
Dr. Ellen Bassuk, Founder and President of The National Center on Family Homelessness, and staff will share highlights from the report, including trends in child and family homelessness across America and federal policy priorities for 2012.
Attendees will learn about the impacts of the economic recession on child and family homelessness, as well as tips for using the report to effectively advocate to policymakers and attract media attention to the issue of child and family homelessness.

Register now

National Alliance to End Homelessness' 2012 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness

Thursday, February 9 - from 9:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Los Angeles, CA - Millenium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles

This Conference, held by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, will take place February 9-10 at the Millenium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Early conference registration fee goes until December 5, 2011. Times are in PDT.



DEADLINE: Supportive Services for Veterans Families Grant Applications due

Wednesday, February 15 - from 12:00 to 4:00 PM


On December 1, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced $100 million in funding for supportive service grants as part of Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) program. The SSVF program provides grants to nonprofit organizations and consumer cooperatives that coordinate or provide services to very low-income veteran families currently experiencing homelessness, transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing, or who are residing in permanent housing. This funding is available for both initial and renewal funding for a one-year period.

Grant applications are due to the SSVF program office by 4pm Eastern Time on February 15, 2012.

Learn more and apply


Webinar: SOAR Online Application Tracking Program

Thursday, February 16 - from 12:30 to 2:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery) is launching the Online Application Tracking Program for program grantees. This webinar will introduce the tracking tool and explain its functionality.

Register here



CSH Webinar: Sustaining Supportive Housing Programs in Louisiana: Medicaid's Role

Thursday, February 16 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

Securing services funding is essential to sustaining supportive housing programs.  Short term federal or local grants and targeted state funding can be unpredictable and subject to government budget reduction policies.  Louisiana can serve as a model for how to think of the services in supportive housing broadly and align state systems to efficiently provide resources, even in tough budget times.  Louisiana’s 3,000 unit Permanent Supportive Housing Program, initially created as part of the state’s Road Home hurricane recovery plan, is one of the nation’s first cross-disability, integrated permanent supportive housing (PSH) initiatives. To date the program has housed over 2,300 of the most vulnerable people with disabilities across Louisiana’s Gulf Coast region.  On this webinar, participants will learn more about Louisiana’s PSH initiative and the Medicaid policy changes the federal government approved to make it happen.


USICH/HUD Webinar - Retooling the Homeless Crisis Response System

Tuesday, March 6 - from 3:00 to 4:15 PM

Location: Online webinar

Objective 10 of Opening Doors calls upon communities to “transform homeless services to crisis response systems that prevent homelessness and rapidly return people who experience homelessness to stable housing. “  Have you ever wondered what this really means?  Join USICH and HUD on Tuesday, March 6 at 3pm ET to hear what communities are being called upon to do, why achievement of this objective is essential to ending homelessness as we know it today,  and how the HEARTH Act gives communities the tools necessary to do this important work. 

Register now

National Health Care for the Homeless Council - Memphis Regional Training

Thursday, March 8 - all day

Location: Church Health Wellness Center, Memphis, TN

Join the National Health Care for the Homeless Council on March 8 & 9, 2012 for a free regional training in Memphis, TN, for individuals and organizations interested in providing care and compassion to people experiencing homelessness. This accredited training will feature professional development and networking opportunities in order to better serve the needs of providers of homeless health care and shelter services.

Register now


SSA Requests Public Comment on the Unique Needs of Homeless SSI Recipients

Monday, March 12 - all day


SSA is requesting information from the public regarding the unique needs of homeless Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, particularly those who live in public emergency shelters for the homeless, in an effort to better understand and address their needs. The SSI program provides a minimum income level for aged, blind, or disabled persons who do not have income or resources above levels specified in the Social Security Act (Act).

Learn more

View request as PDF


Grant and Per Diem Conference Call to Discuss Recent NOFA for Transition in Place Program Development and Special Populations

Thursday, March 15 - from 11:00 to 12:20 PM

Location: Conference Call

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced the availability of funds for applications for assistance under the Per Diem Only component of VA’s Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) includes funding priorities for those applicants who will serve specific populations of Veterans experiencing homelessness that are identified in this NOFA, or implement a new “Transition in Place” housing model to facilitate housing stabilization. This Notice contains information concerning the program, funding priorities, application process, and amount of funding available.

600 housing opportunities for Veterans experiencing homelessness are expected to be funded. Deadline for applications is May 30.

Three conference calls are scheduled to discuss this NOFA:
March 15th 11am - 12:20pm
March 22nd 11am - 1220pm
March 29th 1pm - 220pm
All calls are Eastern Time

The dial-in number for the call will be 800-767-1750 access code 60737.

Visit the Grant and Per Diem website

USICH/HUD Webinar - Implementing Coordinated/Centralized Intake

Tuesday, March 20 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online webinar

On Tuesday, March 20 at 3pm ET, join USICH and HUD once again to learn about coordinated/centralized intake – an essential ingredient of an effective crisis response system.  Participants will learn more about the benefits of coordinated/centralized intake, different models or adaptations that can help meet the needs of different communities, and practical solutions for overcoming challenges related to implementation. 

Register now


Housing First Partners Conference 2012

Wednesday, March 21 - from 9:00 to 5:00 PM

Location: Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, LA

Co-Sponsored by Pathways to Housing and DESC, the Housing First Partners Conference creates a national forum and dialogue for providers, federal, state, and local government officials, researchers, advocates, trainers, peers, and thought-leaders engaged in ending homelessness through Housing First. This three day event includes trainings, workshops, research, presentations and exhibits from experts in Housing First.

Register now


Grant and Per Diem Conference Call to Discuss Recent NOFA for Transition in Place Program Development and Special Populations

Thursday, March 22 - from 11:00 to 12:20 PM

Location: Conference Call

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced the availability of funds for applications for assistance under the Per Diem Only component of VA’s Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) includes funding priorities for those applicants who will serve specific populations of Veterans experiencing homelessness that are identified in this NOFA, or implement a new “Transition in Place” housing model to facilitate housing stabilization. This Notice contains information concerning the program, funding priorities, application process, and amount of funding available.

600 housing opportunities for Veterans experiencing homelessness are expected to be funded. Deadline for applications is May 30.

Three conference calls are scheduled to discuss this NOFA:
March 15th 11am - 12:20pm
March 22nd 11am - 1220pm
March 29th 1pm - 220pm
All calls are Eastern Time

The dial-in number for the call will be 800-767-1750 access code 60737.

Visit the Grant and Per Diem website

HUD Webinar: Developing and Reporting Performance Measures

Tuesday, March 27 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online webinar

Starting this Spring, the CoC Annual Progress Report will contain new Performance Measurement questions. This webinar reviews these questions, cover the importance of performance measurements and offer guidance on how grantees can monitor their progress towards their performance measures throughout their operating year.



Grant and Per Diem Conference Call to Discuss Recent NOFA for Transition in Place Program Development and Special Populations

Thursday, March 29 - from 1:00 to 2:20 PM

Location: Conference Call

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced the availability of funds for applications for assistance under the Per Diem Only component of VA’s Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) includes funding priorities for those applicants who will serve specific populations of Veterans experiencing homelessness that are identified in this NOFA, or implement a new “Transition in Place” housing model to facilitate housing stabilization. This Notice contains information concerning the program, funding priorities, application process, and amount of funding available.

600 housing opportunities for Veterans experiencing homelessness are expected to be funded. Deadline for applications is May 30.

Three conference calls are scheduled to discuss this NOFA:
March 15th 11am - 12:20pm
March 22nd 11am - 1220pm
March 29th 1pm - 220pm
All calls are Eastern Time

The dial-in number for the call will be 800-767-1750 access code 60737.

Visit the Grant and Per Diem website

Conference Call: NCHV Hosts Call on Non-Urban Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program best practices

Thursday, March 29 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Teleconference

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) will host a teleconference to discuss promising practices for non-urban HVRP programs. NCHV will be joined by two high-achieving HVRP grantees showcased in the Best Practices Profiles of Employment Assistance Programs publication. Goodwill of the Heartland will discuss program start-up and strategies to prepare veterans for placement, and Veterans Inc. will discuss staff planning and the importance of partnerships within the community. Ample time will be available for comments and questions following the presentations.

TO REGISTER: Please send your name, organization and email address (in the body of an email) to conferencecalls@nchv.org. You will receive an auto-response with the call-in and conference ID numbers.

HUD Webinar: Reporting Housing Inventory Count and Point-in-Time Count Data in the Homelessness Data Exchange

Tuesday, April 3 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online webinar

This webinar demonstrates the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) and shows communities how to enter and update their Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) and Point-In-time (PIT) count in the HDX. This webinar will not address specific questions regarding the methodology for collecting data. Please submit these through the virtual helpdesk on the HUDHRE.


HUD Webinar: Building the Bridge - HPRP to ESG

Tuesday, April 10 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

Many communities are closing out their HPRP programs and beginning to implement ESG under the Interim Rule. This is the time to make sure that you are leveraging existing resources and capacities from HPRP to ensure a smooth transition to ESG. To help you do this, we are presenting a webinar on applying lessons learned from HPRP toward the implementation of ESG. Understanding the overlapping goals and programmatic details of the two programs will help you identify where to focus your planning efforts to ensure a successful transition.



National Transitional Jobs Network Conference

Thursday, April 12 - all day


The National Transitional Jobs Network will be hosting their annual conference in Baltimore.  The conference will focus on ways communities can help jobseekers overcome barriers to job market entry and success.  Registration information is not yet available.

Learn more about the Transitional Jobs Network

USICH Webinar: Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness

Monday, April 16 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online webinar

Communities should implement solutions to homelessness not seek to criminalize it. USICH will soon release a comprehensive report that details effective alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness. The report is titled: Searching out Solutions: Constructive Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness.

USICH will host a webinar on this topic that details solutions for communities. Panelists will address the reasons why criminalization is not effective and will detail several key alternatives that can help communities achieve results. All times are in EST.

Register now

Read the report

Download the slides


Deadline: DOL Grant Applications for Serving Young Adult Ex-Offenders through Training and Service Learning

Tuesday, April 17 - from 12:00 to 5:00 PM


The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), announces the availability of approximately $30 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Investment Act for Reintegration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) Training and Service-Learning grants to serve young adult offenders ages 18 through 21 who have been involved in the juvenile justice system from the age of 14 or above and have never been convicted as an adult under Federal or State law. ETA expects to award a minimum of 20 grants at various amounts up to $1.5 million each to cover a 30-month period that includes up to four months of planning and a minimum of 26 months of operation. Any non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status, unit of state or local government, or any Indian and Native American entity eligible for grants under WIA Section 166 may apply for these grants.

Read full announcement and apply


DOJ Webinar on Funding for Statewide Recidivism Reduction Demonstration Program

Thursday, April 19 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online webinar

The Bureau of Justice Assistance within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently released the solicitation for FY 2012 Second Chance Act Adult Offender Comprehensive Statewide Recidivism Reduction Demonstration Program. This program will assist states in developing and implementing comprehensive plans to reduce statewide recidivism rates. Applicants must be state departments of corrections to be eligible. Awards under this program will be made for up to $1,000,000 for a 12-month project period. Applications are due by 11:59 pm ET on May 21, 2012. The Justice Center of the Council of State Governments will host a webinar on the program and solicitation on Thursday, April 19 at 2 pm ET.

Learn more



Ending Homelessness: How Banks Can Finance Permanent Supportive Housing

Wednesday, April 25 - from 2:00 to 3:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This joint webinar co-hosted by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness will provide an overview of bank financing of permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness. The speakers will provide background information on the characteristics of homelessness especially chronic homelessness and its high cost to communities around the country. They will address how banks can finance more permanent supportive housing by investing in low-income housing tax credits and investing in pre-development loan pools. Speakers will also address CRA consideration for bankers providing financing to developers of permanent supportive housing.


U.S. Interagency Council of Homelessness’ Executive Director Barbara Poppe
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Deputy Comptroller for Community Affairs Barry Wides
Corporation for Supportive Housing’s President and CEO Deborah De Santis
Managing Director at the Huntington National Bank Joseph Molnar

Read the newsletter on this topic

Register now

Download the slide set

National Center on Family Homelessness Webinar: Developing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Support Children and Their Families

Wednesday, April 25 - from 2:30 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Join the Campaign to End Child Homelessness for a free webinar on April 25 from 2:30-4 PM EDT on Developing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Support Children and Their Families. The prevalence of traumatic stress in the lives of children and families who are homeless is extraordinarily high. Experiences of trauma, particularly from a young age, can impact all aspects of daily life. Trauma survivors have unique service needs requiring providers to tailor their approaches. Becoming “trauma-informed” involves using knowledge of trauma and recovery to design and deliver services. This webinar will explore what it means to adopt a “trauma-informed” approach to service delivery and provide participants with concrete ideas for how to meet children’s needs at all levels of an organization.

Register now

Community Engagement Strategies to End Homelessness: USICH Session at United Way Worldwide Conference

Wednesday, May 2 - from 4:00 to 5:15 PM


USICH is hosting a session on community involvement in ending homelessness at the biennial United Way convening in Nashville

Session Title:
Community Engagement Strategies to End Homelessness

Session Description:
Local United Ways can achieve tremendous community impact by engaging and convening community leaders to advance the effort to end homelessness.  Too often homelessness is viewed as an intractable community problem, but communities across the country are actually making progress in reducing homelessness by adopting best practices and driving collective impact agendas. United Ways are increasingly leading systems change, policy dialogues and advancing innovative grantmaking as they mobilize the community to solve critical problems, including homelessness. 
Participants in this session identifed unique opportunities:

Convening key stakeholders to develop a community plan to end homelessness with measurable goals and targets, aligned resources, and actionable strategies.

Implementing a public awareness campaign to increase the community’s understanding that the face of homelessness includes children, youth, and   families and that cost effective solutions to homelessness are possible.

Serving as the fiscal agent for the local Continum of Care to improve access to federal, state, and local resources.

Creating a collaborative of funders that are aligning resources to create a pipeline of permanent supportive housing to support efforts to end chronic homelessness.

Coordinating local efforts to distribute emergency financial assistance to help families and individuals avoid or exit homelessness.

Re-tooling the local distribution of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program to adopt best practices for homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing.

Participants will receive a toolkit that summarizes the roles that United Ways have played in a community impact model of ending homelessness, and links to successful cross-sector plans to end homelessness, to include cross-sector roles, metrics, and benchmarks. After the session the toolkit will be available on our website.

Learn more about the conference

Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness: Department of Justice Resources for Law Enforcement

Monday, May 7 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM


This joint webinar co-hosted by the Department of Justice and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness will provide an overview of the recently released report Searching Out Solutions: Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness. The webinar will provide details about how communities can utilize Department of Justice resources and programs to help implement the strategies in the report. The webinar will focus on effective law enforcement and justice systems strategies that benefit people experiencing homelessness and the community as a whole.

Panelists include

Senior Counsel for the Access to Justice Initiative Melanca Clark

Trial Attorney for the Special Litigation Section of the Civil Rights Division Robert Koch

Research Analyst for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Vonda Matthews

Program Manager for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Karen Bachar

USICH Deputy Director Anthony Love

Register now

View the slideset: http://www.usich.gov/resources/uploads/asset_library/PRS_Draft_SOS_DOJ_Webinar_5_7_12.pdf

USICH Webinar: Trauma Informed Care for Mothers and Families Experiencing Homelessness

Wednesday, May 9 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: USICH Webinar Series

Homelessness is a traumatic experience for young children who experience it. Many young mothers experiencing homelessness have also experienced trauma either in their own childhoods or more recently. Mothers’ Day is a time for us to celebrate mothers and their role raising children. Join USICH for a discussion of ways homeless services programs can use a trauma informed care model to serve mothers and their children better and help break through the cycle of trauma and homelessness.

Panelists will include USICH’s Executive Director Barbara Poppe, the Director for SAMHSA’s National Center of Trauma Informed Care Joan Gillece, and Research Assistant for Center for Social Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Program Associate for Advocates for Human Potential with Programs for the Assistance in the Transition out of Homelessness Julia Tripp.

Register now

Download the slide set

National Center on Family Homelessness Webinar:Building a Culture of Self-Care to Support Service Providers

Thursday, May 10 - from 2:30 to 4:00 PM


We all need opportunities to step back, breathe, and think about how our work both challenges and enriches us on a daily basis. For people who work in the social services, experiences of intense fatigue and burn-out are common. In addition to the stress of supporting others, managing paperwork, and meeting expectations, partnering with people who have experienced traumatic life events can be traumatizing for service providers. This phenomenon, known as secondary trauma or compassion fatigue, can have a significant impact on quality of life both at work and beyond. In this webinar, participants will learn how to recognize the warning signs of secondary trauma and discuss ways to prevent burnout. Tips and tools for addressing the self-care needs of both individuals and organizations will be covered.

Register now

HUD Webinar:At Risk Status and Income: Recordkeeping Requirements

Tuesday, May 15 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar is the second of a two-part series on documentation. It will focus on recordkeeping requirements for the At-Risk of Homelessness Definition and Income. In addition to a review of acceptable documentation for each category of at risk of homelessness, this webinar will explore HUD’s preferred order for documentation, as well as standards for ensuring that records maintained by program staff sufficiently demonstrate compliance with the recordkeeping requirements. 

Please note that this two-part series on documentation is planned as a follow-up to the “Determining Homeless and At-Risk Status, Income and Disability” webinar which originally aired on December 13, 2011. Viewers will be expected to be familiar with the information presented in that webinar before attending this series. It can be viewed from the Homeless Resource Exchange archives using the link above.  Additionally, HUD recommends that viewers have the “Criteria and Recordkeeping Requirements for the Definition of Homeless” available for reference while viewing this webinar. It is available for download using the HUDHRE.info link above.

Register now

Application Deadline: DOJ Funding for Statewide Recidivism Reduction Demonstration Program

Monday, May 21 - all day

Location: Not applicable

The Bureau of Justice Assistance within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently released the solicitation for FY 2012 Second Chance Act Adult Offender Comprehensive Statewide Recidivism Reduction Demonstration Program. This program will assist states in developing and implementing comprehensive plans to reduce statewide recidivism rates. Applicants must be state departments of corrections to be eligible. Awards under this program will be made for up to $1,000,000 for a 12-month project period. Applications are due by 11:59 pm ET on May 21, 2012.

Learn more


HUD Webinar: Building the Bridge - HPRP to ESG

Tuesday, May 22 - from 3:30 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Many communities are closing out their Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program and beginning to implement the Emergency Solutions GrantsProgram under the Interim Rule. Now is the time to leverage existing resources (and capacities) from HPRP to ensure a smooth transition to ESG. This webinar applies lessons learned from HPRP toward the implementation of ESG. Understanding the overlapping goals and programmatic details of the two programs helps jurisdictions identify where to focus planning to ensure a successful transition.



USICH Webinar: Beyond VASH - Ending Veteran Homelessness

Wednesday, May 23 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Veteran homelessness declined by 12% between 2010 and 2011. In order to build on this momentum and achieve the goal of ending Veteran homelessness by 2015, USICH is calling on communities to develop a Veteran-centric approach that uses all the available resources to help our Veterans. USICH is hosting a webinar to share advice from successful efforts on how to develop a comprehensive approach that effectively brings the resources available to Veterans in need to improve housing and life outcomes.

Panelists include:
USICH Executive Director Barbara Poppe
Veterans Health Administration’s National Director of Homeless Programs Lisa Pape
Director of the King County Committee to End Homelessness Bill Block
Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness’ Executive Director Joan Serviss

Register now

Download the slideset


Webinar: Providing Trauma-Informed Care to Sexual Violence Survivors later in life

Tuesday, May 29 - from 2:30 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

Presented by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, this webinar will address the ways in which the normal aging process, social views and cultural norms affect the way we work with sexual assault survivors later in life. During the training you will hear about new research, ways to apply it to your daily practice, and proven skills and resources that will benefit local organizations and state coalitions.

To RSVP for this webinar please email Kyanna Daugherty at kdaugherty@nsvrc.org

Deadline: VA Grant and Per Diem program Transition in Place Grant Applications

Wednesday, May 30 - all day

Location: Online

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced the availability of funds for applications for assistance under the Per Diem Only component of VA’s Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) includes funding priorities for those applicants who will serve specific populations of Veterans experiencing homelessness that are identified in this NOFA, or implement a new “Transition in Place” housing model to facilitate housing stabilization. This Notice contains information concerning the program, funding priorities, application process, and amount of funding available.

600 housing opportunities for Veterans experiencing homelessness are expected to be funded. Deadline for applications is May 30.

Read the full NOFA


Deadline: Disability Determination Process (DDP) Small Grant Program for Graduate Research

Thursday, May 31 - all day


The Social Security Administration, through Policy Research, Inc. announces a program for graduate-level students to conduct supervised independent research on improving the efficiency and reducing the complexity of disability determination processes. Applicants must be master’s, doctoral, or post-doctoral-level graduate students pursuing full-time studies in accredited programs at the time of the award (Fall semester of 2012) with an academic emphasis in topics of interest to disability programs, including public health, social work, economics, occupational medicine, vocational and rehabilitation counseling, public policy and administration, sociology, psychology, education, medicine, and law.

Learn more and apply


Deadline: SOAR Technical Assistance Applications

Friday, June 1 - from 5:00 to 6:00 PM

Location: Online

SAMHSA’s SOAR program assists states and localities to expedite access to the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability programs—Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)—for persons who are homeless or at risk for homelessness and who have a mental illness, a co-occurring substance use disorder or other serious medical condition.  Currently, all 50 states participate in the federally sponsored SOAR technical assistance (TA), but the strength and breadth of these efforts vary greatly in each state.

CoCs are invited to submit a brief, 3-5 page application to participate in the SOAR TA Project by Friday, June 1, 2012. A message of interest and intent to file an application is requested, but not required, by Friday, May 18.
Participation in SOAR requires local commitment and collaboration while working closely with the SOAR State Team Lead to ensure that the effort is consistent with that of other communities in the state. In many states, the local and/or balance of state CoCs are actively involved in SOAR implementation at both the state and local levels.

If you have specific questions about this RFA, please contact Deborah Dennis, Project Director, SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance Center via e-mail at ddennis@prainc.com or by phone at 518-439-7415, ext. 5238.  Additional information may also be found at http://www.prainc.com/soar/. 

Learn more and apply


Deadline: Nominations for Champions of Change in Ending Youth and Child Homelessness

Monday, June 4 - from 11:00 to 11:59 PM

Location: White House Champions of Change Website

The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness is excited to announce that in partnership with The White House Office of Public Engagement, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a White House Champions of Change event will be held on ending homelessness among youth and children. As we continue to build momentum towards ending youth and child homelessness by 2020, we are seeking nominations to recognize Champions of Change who have made a significant difference in the way their community addresses homelessness among children and youth.

Each week, the White House Champions of Change program highlights the stories and examples of Americans, businesses, or organizations who embody ‘Innovate, Educate, and Build.’ Different groups are highlighted each week ranging from educators to entrepreneurs to community activists. Our office and the White House Office of Public Engagement will host an event at the White House to honor those who are “Winning the Future” and who further empower and inspire other members of their respective communities.

At the event on July 12th, agency representatives and Administration Officials will participate in a discussion with the Champions to hear about the innovative work they are doing. In conjunction with this White House event, the Champions will be featured on the White House website.

Please use the nomination link below to nominate a champion by June 4th.

Nominate a Champion


HUD Webinar: Using Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) for Supportive Housing Development

Thursday, June 7 - from 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

HUD is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar on Using NSP for Supportive Housing Development. This webinar will review opportunities for utilizing NSP funding for the creation of permanent supportive housing. This session will contextualize NSP as a viable tool to address both community revitalization and homeless response efforts. The webinar will briefly review some key elements of supportive housing and hear from NSP grantees that have leveraged the program for these purposes. The webinar is intended for NSP grantees, sub-recipients, developers, as well as Continuums of Care and other homelessness stakeholders. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

Register now 

USICH/TAC Webinar: Securing New Housing Opportunities through the Federal Section 811 Program

Thursday, June 14 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online

The Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities program is a U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) supportive housing program that assists the lowest income people with significant and long-term disabilities to live independently by providing affordable housing linked with voluntary services and supports.  In December 2010, Congress passed bi-partisan legislation - the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act (Melville Act) - which includes important Section 811 reforms to stimulate the creation of thousands of new integrated permanent supportive housing units every year. HUD recently released the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice of Funding Availability.  On June 14th at 2:00 p.m., join USICH and the Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc. to learn more about this important new funding source.

Register now


DOLGrant Deadline: Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program

Friday, June 15 - all day


The Department of Labor is now soliciting applications for approximately $12 million in grants to provide job training and skills development services that will help approximately 6,000 veterans succeed in civilian careers. Through funds provided by the Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program (VWIP), veterans will receive skills assessments, individual job counseling, labor market information, classroom or on-the-job training, skills upgrades, placement assistance and crucial follow-up services. Veterans also may be eligible for services through other Workforce Investment Act programs for economically disadvantaged or dislocated workers.

The Department will award at least 10 grants in 10 states on a competitive basis. Eligible applicants are state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies, and nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community organizations. Grantees must be familiar with the areas and populations to be served, and must have demonstrated that they can administer effective programs.

Learn more and apply

Webinar: ACF's Guide to Resources and Funding for Community and Faith-based organizations

Thursday, June 21 - from 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

On Thursday, June 21st, the HHS Partnership Center and the Administration for Children and Families will co-host a webinar/conference call for faith and community leaders on ACF’s new Guide to Resources and Funding for Community and Faith-based Organizations. The guide offers an overview of the wide range of programs and resources provided by ACF, the many resources and toolkits available for any community or faith-based organization, basic information about finding and applying for federal funds, and specific information about ACF’s competitive grant opportunities for nonprofits.

Sign up for this webinar


Deadline: Department of Education RFI on Interventions for Disconnected Youth

Thursday, July 5 - all day


The Department of Education is working to improve the ways to keep at-risk youth or youth experiencing homelessness connected to schools and other social services by implementing “Peformance Partnerships Pilots” in cities across the country. In order to inform the parameters of this initiative and to ensure programs are implementing successful interventions for this population of disconnected youth, the Department of Education put out a Request for Information (RFI) from organizations working with this population. The Department seeks information on successful collaborations and programs between Federal, State and local actors with service providers that have made a marked impact on outcomes for disconnected youth. If you have experiences or ideas on what activities the FY13 appropriations should address, please submit your comments by July 5.

Submit your comments

"Stabilizing Highest Risk Families” Webinar

Tuesday, July 10 - from 3:00 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Children, Youth & Families (ACYF) released a public Funding Opportunity Announcement for a $35 million public-private partnership to support the spread of supportive housing models to stabilize the highest risk families.

You are invited to participate in a webinar on Tuesday, July 10 from 3-4:30 p.m. EST to learn more about this new initiative.

Nancy Barrand, Senior Advisor for Program Development at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will moderate the discussion featuring the following panelists:

• Bryan Samuels, Commissioner, ACYF
• Jan Flory, Annie E. Casey Foundation
• Alison Harte, Senior Program Officer, CSH

Learn more and register

Champions of Change: Ending Child and Youth Homelessness

Thursday, July 12 - from 1:30 to 3:00 PM


The event will be streamed live on the www.whitehouse.gov website. More details to follow.

2012 National Conference on Ending Homelessness

Monday, July 16 - from 1:00 to 5:00 PM


The National Alliance to End Homelessness’ annual National Conference on Ending Homelessness is being held this year at the Renaissance Washington, DC in downtown DC. The conference will feature over 75 different workshop sessions on a variety of topics and high-level officials, policymakers, and innovators from around the country.

Renaissance Washington DC Hotel
999 Ninth Street, NW Washington, 20001
United States


Webinar: Fostering Healthy Families Through Stable Housing—The Role of the Health Care System

Thursday, July 26 - from 1:00 to 2:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

The National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation is presenting this webinar at 1 pm EDT, which will focus on the role of the health care industry on fostering healthy environments for families. Health and housing experts will discuss the effects of unstable housing on children’s health and the scope of the problem across the nation; the potential impact of health system changes, including Medicaid expansions and new funding for community health workers; the efforts of health plan foundations to improve access to stable housing; and additional opportunities for health care stakeholders to advance the health of at-risk families.

Please register by noon EDT on July 25.



Deadline: Partnerships to Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Supportive Housing for Families in the Child Welfare System

Monday, July 30 - all day

Location: Online

The Administration for Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) announces the availability of competitive grant funds for child welfare agencies and supportive housing and shelter organizations collaborations aimed at combating family homelessness. These are targeted five-year grants. This announcement contains information concerning the program, funding priorities, application process, and amount of funding available.

Read the full annoucement

SAMHSA Annual Block Grant Conference

Monday, July 30 - all day


Deadline: Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration *NOTE NEW DATE*

Tuesday, August 7 - all day


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs has published a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (PRA Demo).  This program will provide $85 million in funding to State housing agencies or other appropriate housing agencies to provide long term project-based rental assistance contracts for approximately 2,800 affordable housing units set aside for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. 

The 811 PRA Demo will award rental assistance funds to state housing agencies (or other appropriate entities) that have formed partnerships with state Medicaid and health and human services agencies that have developed methods for identifying, referring, and conducting outreach to a target population of extremely low-income persons with disabilities requiring long term services and supports. These operating funds will be used to set aside supportive units for this target population in affordable housing complexes whose capital costs are funded through Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, HOME funds, or other sources. 

Approximately 8-16 states will receive awards under this demonstration program, with funding expected in the fall 2012.  The deadline to apply for funds under this NOFA is July 31, 2012.

Learn more and apply

National Healthcare for the Homeless Day

Wednesday, August 8 - all day


National Health Center Week is the annual event that recognizes the work of health centers and special populations health centers like Health Care for the Homeless.  This is an opportunity to raise awareness, form community partnerships, build relationships with public officials, and invite the broader community to share in your work.

To Learn More

Training Opportunity Registration Deadline: Family Critical Time Intervention

Thursday, August 30 - all day


t3 (think. teach. transform.) starting on September 27 for an 8-week, will offer an instructor-led online course on Family Critical Time Intervention (FCTI). FCTI is a time-limited, intensive intervention that helps high-risk homeless families return to stable housing in the community. Led by FCTI experts, this course includes 12 hours of instruction through live webcasts, team assignments, and online discussion forums. Continuing Education Credits are available.

Learn more and register

New HUD HEARTH Continuum of Care Rule: Rule now in effect

Thursday, August 30 - all day


The regulation was published in the Federal Register on July 31, 2012 and is effective August 30, 2012. CoC Program recipients and subrecipients are reminded that the final Homeless Definition is in effect for administration of the CoC Program interim rule.

To Learn More

Corporation for Supportive Housing's fall conference, Health Begins At Home: Texas Health Systems and Supportive Housing.

Thursday, September 6 - from 9:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Thursday September 6, 2012 – Friday September 7, 2012 9:00am – 4:00pm Sheraton Austin at The Capitol 701 East 11th Street Austin, TX 78701

This year’s conference will bring together leaders of diverse health systems statewide to explore supportive housing as a critical intervention to stabilize homeless individuals with chronic conditions, explore viability of service delivery systems, examine national models, and advance discussion around public funding mechanisms for supportive housing targeted at frequent user populations.

The conference is targeted to executive-level leadership and policy/planning staff of systems serving homeless and indigent populations.


The National Alliance to End Homelessness Webinar on Implementing Coordinated Assessment under new Interim Continuum of Care rule

Monday, September 10 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

On Monday, September 10 at 2 PM ET, the Alliance will host a webinar on implementing coordinated assessment under the new Interim Continuum of Care rule. The webinar will define coordinated assessment and discuss key aspects for communities to consider as they move toward implementation, including tips on remaining compliant with the regulation and general best practices. The Alliance will also highlight resources available to communities as they embark on the implementation process. The webinar will be recorded and made available through the Alliance’s website at a later date.

Click Here to Register for the Webinar

Event at National Press Club: The Intersection of Housing Policy and Health: Policy Options to Improve Health for Vulnerable Populations

Wednesday, September 12 - from 9:00 to 12:00 PM

Location: The National Press Club - Murrow, White & Lisagor Rooms

Research shows that for various vulnerable populations, stable and affordable housing that is linked to health services or housing in safe neighborhoods improves health outcomes. The recent focus on linking people with chronic patterns of homelessness with coordinated services through supportive housing has highlighted the importance of better coordination and integration across the health and housing sectors for people with complex health needs.

Join Abt Associates and some of the nation’s leading experts from federal agencies, advocacy and policy organizations to explore a set of policy proposals to increase the use of rental housing subsidies as a platform for improved health.



National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium & Mental Health America Annual Conference: from Housing to Recovery

Wednesday, September 19 - all day

Location: Tulsa, OK

The 2012 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium & Mental Health America Annual Conference is a joint collaboration between the Mental Health Association in Tulsa and Mental Health America.

To Learn More

HUD-VASH Webinar: Building Community Partnerships to Effectively Serve Veterans Experiencing Chronic Homelessness

Thursday, September 20 - from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar will cover best practices for serving Veterans experiencing chronic homelessness through partnerships established by VAMCs and PHAs with community organizations. HUD, VA and USICH have found that including local Continuums of Care (CoCs) as key partners in the implementation of HUD-VASH has been extremely important for VAMCs and PHAs that are quickly and stably housing chronically homeless Veterans. Speakers presenting during the webinar include experts on chronic homelessness and CoC programs. In addition, representatives from three HUD-VASH sites will discuss how they have effectively partnered with CoCs and homeless service providers in order to better serve the most vulnerable Veterans and to ultimately end Veteran homelessness in their communities.

Click Here for More Information

CSH Focus on Health Care Webinar Series

Thursday, September 27 - from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

CSH is hosting another webinar in its Focus on Health Care series.  On Thursday, September 27 at 3:00pm ET, the discussion will focus on Using Supportive Housing as a Tool to Control Costs while Improving Health Outcomes and Care Quality Among High-Cost Medicaid Beneficiaries

Click Here for More Information


DEADLINE: SSVF Letter of Intent Submissions

Friday, September 28 - from 4:00 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online

Department of Veterans Affairs posted a notice in the Federal Register calling for letters of intent for FY 2013 funding for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. Organizations are encouraged to submit a non-binding letter of intent to apply for either initial or renewal funding for supportive services grants by 4 pm on September 28, 2012. The FY 2013 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be published after the beginning of the fiscal year and will include information about the SSVF program, application procedures, and the amount of funding available.

Learn more

DEADLINE: Continuum of Care Registration in e-snaps

Monday, October 1 - from 4:45 to 5:00 PM

Location: Online, in e-snaps system via HUD

On August 31, 2012 e-snaps officially opened for Continuums of Care (CoCs) to register in order to get access to a CoC Consolidated Application and funding for FY2012.

Important notes from HUD:
CoCs failing to submit a FY2012 CoC registration by 7:59:59PM EST on October 1, 2012 will NOT have access to CoC Consolidated Application and will NOT be able to apply for FY2012 CoC funding.
This CoC registration process is not for project applicants. The Project Application will be available with the publication of the FY2012 CoC NOFA expected in mid- to late-October.
Each CoC must include ALL eligible renewal grants in FY2012 GIWs. Grants expiring in calendar year 2013 are eligible for renewal and must be included on the GIWs. If the CoC is unsure if a grant should be added to the GIW, the CoC lead should contact the local HUD field office.
CoC mergers must be approved by HUD Headquarters before the FY2012 CoC Registration closes.

Information on this process can be found on OneCPD Resource Exchange.

Learn more and register

National Alliance to End Homelessness Webinar on Retooling Transitional Housing

Tuesday, October 2 - from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar will focus on the process for transitional housing providers to assess and evaluate their programs and consider the options and models to retool their programs to assist people to move more quickly into permanent housing. During this webinar, presenters from the National Alliance to End Homelessness will highlight keys aspects of the planning process for retooling, and provide community examples of retooled programs. The webinar will be recorded and made available through the Alliance’s website at a later date.

Click Here to Register

HUD Webinar: Preparing for Your 2013 Housing Inventory and Point-in-Time

Tuesday, October 2 - from 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Location: Online Webinar

This webinar will present the new requirements for completing the 2013 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and the Point-in-Time (PIT) count, as well as review existing data collection guidance for 2013 HIC and PIT Count.

Click Here to Register

National Alliance to End Homelessness Webinar on including Youth in Point-In-Time (P.I.T.) Count

Thursday, October 4 - from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

Location: Online Webinar

As part of the requirements for receiving federal funding to address homelessness, every community receiving HUD funding must conduct a bi-annual “point -in- time” count of persons experiencing homelessness. For the first time as part of the new Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act guidelines, unaccompanied youth will be counted in the Point in Time count in every community across the country.

For youth providers and advocates, this is a great opportunity to improve knowledge on the size and nature of youth homelessness and to help us to increase our ability to advocate for the youth we serve.  Accurate data about the number of youth experiencing homelessness can become a strong argument for an increased investment at the national, state, and local levels. However, to obtain sound data Continuum of Care(CoC) bodies and youth providers must partner together in this effort.

The National Network for Youth,  the John Burton Foundation for Children without Homes, the D.C. Alliance of Youth Advocates, and the National Alliance to End Homelessness have joined in partnership to host a webinar to highlight three communities that have successfully performed targeted youth counts.  The webinar will inform youth providers, advocates, and allies about how to partner with CoC bodies to ensure a successful count as well as provide concrete strategies for CoCs regarding promising practices, methodologies, and lessons learned, and how to incorporate these strategies into the youth inclusive point-in-time counts, as well as effective strategies for counting youth in rural communities.

The featured communities include: San Jose, Southern Nevada, and D.C.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make sure that youth experiencing homelessness in your community are effectively counted!

Click Here to Register

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Annual Conference

Saturday, October 27 - all day

Location: Albuquerque, NM

NAEHCY’s annual conference equips educators and advocates with the knowledge, skills and inspiration to remove barriers and ensure students experiencing homelessness are successful academically, personally and socially.

Learn more about the conference and register


NAHRO National Conference and Exhibition

Sunday, October 28 - all day

Location: Nashville, TN

Register now for the NAHRO national conference and exhibition. Choose from more than 50 sessions focused on the industry’s most critical topics. Hear from inspiring plenary session speakers. Get a firsthand look at some of the industry’s strategies and successes in Nashville and the surrounding area. Take advantage of pre-conference professional development opportunities.

Learn more about the conference and register


2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities

Wednesday, October 31 - all day

Location: Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland

The 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit is an HHS-wide endeavor involving a broad spectrum of the federal government that seeks to advance activities to eliminate health disparities.  The agenda will build on the momentum of the 2008 Summit and the increased interest of federal agencies to demonstrate their commitment towards improving the health of all Americans.  The 2012 Health Disparities Summit represents an ongoing focus on emerging science and its intersection with practice and policy, while maintaining momentum on current national and international trends in addressing the social determinants of health.

USICH Executive Director Barbara Poppe will be speaking at the Summit on November 2.

Click Here to Register

Deadline: Public Comment Period on on CoC Program Interim Rule Ends

Friday, November 16 - all day

Location: Online

The CoC Program interim rule published on July 31, 2012 solicited public comments through October 1, 2012. In response to requests to provide additional time to comment on this rule, HUD is extending the public comment period to November 16, 2012. Click on the link below to view this notice.

HUD will review all comments submitted and use the comments to consider changes for the Final Rule. When submitting comments, HUD strongly encourages communities to read the regulation carefully, consider any challenges or barriers that might arise when implementing this program at the local level, and include specific recommendations that will help ease the implementation burden in their comments.

Click Here for more details

National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness

Thursday, February 21 - from 8:00 to 5:00 PM

Location: Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WA

National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness
February 21-22, 2013
Sheraton Seattle Hotel
Seattle, WA

Learn more

CSH Eastern Region Supportive Housing Conference

Thursday, March 7 - all day

Location: Loews Hotel, Philadelphia, PA

CSH to Host first annual Eastern Region Supportive Housing Conference on March 7-8, 2013, in Philadelphia. The conference will provide critical training and education opportunities to supportive housing providers and developers, government agencies and philanthropy based along the east coast.

Click Here for More Information


2013 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium

Thursday, March 14 - all day

Location: Washington, D.C

Washington, D.C., March 14-16, 2013
Health Care for the Homeless providers will gather at the nation’s capital to learn from their peers and other leaders and HCH advocates. Conference attendees will have access to dozens of accredited workshops, professional networking opportunities, engaging presentations, rejuvenating social encounters, and inspiring plenary sessions federal officials and leaders in the HCH field.

The National Health Care for the Homeless Conference is organized by HCH professionals for HCH professionals, including clinicians, support staff, administrators, board members, and consumers of HCH services. It is also of value to others who provide health care and support services to homeless people as well as government officials and advocates.

Learn more about the conference