Tuesday, October 16, 2012
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Acoustic Neuroma Association Is There For You!

More than 30 years providing information and support
for Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma) patients.

ANA is a patient member organization, providing information and support to persons diagnosed with or treated for acoustic neuroma and other benign tumors of the cranial nerves. The Acoustic Neuroma Association publishes a quarterly newsletter, distributes patient information booklets, presents a biennial national symposium, provides access to a network of local support groups and maintains this website for patient information and discussion.

Patients Family Members and Friends

Medical Professionals




Acoustic Neuroma Association (ANA) is a non-profit organization established to provide information and support to patients who have been diagnosed with or treated for an acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor that arises on the eighth cranial nerve.  The mission of Acoustic Neuroma Association (ANA) is to inform, educate and provide national and local support networks for those affected by acoustic neuromas, and to be an essential resource for health care professionals who treat acoustic neuroma patients.

ANA is a 501 (c)(3) organization and is patient founded.  It is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of acoustic neuroma patients or family members.   ANA has grown over the past 30 years, serving close to 5,000 members.

"ANA recommends treatment from a medical team
with substantial acoustic neuroma experience."

This statement was adopted by the Acoustic Neuroma Associations Board of Directors in October 2001 and demonstrates its belief that treatment of acoustic neuroma by a medical team with extensive experience is critical to your best chance for a successful outcome. Criteria to be used in the selection of medical professionals can be found in the Medical Resources section of this website.


...Patient Founded
...Patient Funded
...Patient Focused



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Save the Date!

ANA 21st National Symposium

Friday -  Sunday, August 9 - 11, 2013 

Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
Los Angeles, CA

Additional details coming soon!

What is Acoustic Neuroma

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