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Eat Smart. Play Hard.


Good nutrition begins at home -- and should continue at school. But it takes more than rules to make healthful school meals and to reach our goal of healthy children. To improve our children's school lunches, parents need to get involved in their schools.

That's why we created Team Nutrition. It is a network of public and private partnerships of parents, teachers, food service staff, health and education groups, and the food and agricultural community. These partnerships come together at the community level through the Team Nutrition Schools program.

Thousands and thousands of Team Nutrition Schools are leading the way in improving the school meals locally. At Team Nutrition Schools, a coalition of community volunteers is dedicated to making the school lunch program better, and to providing fun and entertaining nutrition education activities in the classroom and the cafeteria. Students in Team Nutrition Schools bring parent materials home, to link school learning with nutrition education activities that can be shared with the family.

Available Resources

Last modified: 10/09/2012