Friday, February 15, 2013

Latest Iran News

Iranian oppositionists Mir Hossein Musavi (right) and Mehdi Karrubi

Ashton Wants Iran Oppositionists Freed

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, has called on Iranian authorities to release two prominent opposition figures, Mir Hossein Musavi and Mehdi Karrubi, from house arrest. More

Hassan Shateri

Iranian Official In Lebanon Killed

Iran says one of its senior officials stationed in Lebanon has been shot dead. More

Herman Nackaerts

IAEA, Iran Nuke Talks Fail

The International Atomic Energy Agency has again failed to reach agreement in talks with Iran on an investigation into suspected nuclear weapons research by Tehran. More

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

Kerry: Korea, Iran Nukes 'Impermissible'

Kerry said that “just as it is impermissible for North Korea to pursue this kind of reckless effort,” it is also “impermissible" for Iran. More

Iranian media report that new centrifuges began to be installed at the Natanz site last month.

Iran Installs New Centrifuges

Iran has announced it had started installing a new generations of machines for enriching uranium at its main facility making nuclear fuel. More

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Latest Blog Posts

Has Israel Assassinated An Iranian IRGC Official?

Iranian news sources are claiming an Iranian official in charge of reconstruction in Lebanon has been assassinated by Israeli agents. More

Video 'High Five' Lands Iranian Diplomat In Hot Water

Controversy has erupted after an Iranian diplomat was filmed joyfully "high-fiving" a female German politician at a high-profile security conference. More
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Features & Commentary

Iran Tightens Controls On Online Expression Ahead Of June Vote

Reports suggest that Iran is implementing new measures aimed at tightening Internet censorship in the run-up to the June 14 presidential vote.

Springtime For Ahmadinejad

Mahmud Ahmadinejad's power struggle has spilled out into the open in recent weeks, prompting speculation that the outgoing Iranian president is trying to retain power by positioning a handpicked ally to be his successor.

Born In An Iranian Prison -- And Into A Lifetime Of Consequences

In 1986, Hooman Musavi was born in an Iranian jail, the child of political prisoners. By the age of 2 both his parents had been executed, leaving him an orphan. By 23, after years of surveillance by Iran's security forces, Musavi was back in jail -- a political prisoner himself, suffering the isolation and abuse of solitary confinement. But today, 26-year-old Musavi is free, having left jail and escaped from Iran.

Report Says 54 Countries Offered Rendition Support

A rights advocacy groups says more than 50 countries cooperated with the CIA's secret program to detain and forcefully interrogate terrorist suspects following deadly attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Changes To Iran's Election Law Seen As Attempt To Prevent Ahmadinejad Influence

Iran’s 12-member Guardians Council has approved changes to the country’s election law that puts elections under the authority of a new Central Executive Election Board. The law strips the Interior Ministry of its authority as the sole organizer of the elections.

Interview: Levinson Lawyer Urges Iran To Investigate Local Contact

Mohammad-Hossein Aghasi, the lawyer for the family of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who went missing in Iran in 2007, says Tehran should question another American allegedly involved in the case. Mosaddegh Katouzian conducts an exclusive interview with Aghasi for RFE/RL's Radio Farda.

Iran Renews Media Crackdown Ahead Of June Vote

Iran has renewed its crackdown on the press less than five months before the country’s June 14 presidential vote.

Hollywood's Terrorist Of The Moment: 'Homeland's' Abu Nazir

Iranian-American actor Navid Negahban is one of the stars of the enormously popular American television series "Homeland," a show whose plot revolves around CIA agents, an ex-prisoner of war, and terror threats to the United States. In December, "Homeland" finished its second season on the Showtime channel, and earlier this month it added three more Emmy awards to the haul it won last year. President Barack Obama is among its biggest fans.

Iran's Parliament Mulls New Restrictions On Women's Travel

A new bill making its way through the Iranian parliament says the passports of women planning to travel abroad can be confiscated if their husband, father, brother, or grandfather opposes the trip.

Iran Tells Reporters: Quit Working For Outsiders

Stop writing about Iran or face the consequences.
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RFE/RL's Radio Farda is one of the few remaining sources of uncensored news and information for people in Iran. Despite severe censorship, Radio Farda's website receives 10 million page views every month.

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