AIP Journals: Highly cited, highly respected

AIP Advances

A new open access journal focusing on research in applied physical sciences.

Applied Physics Letters

Rapid dissemination of key data and new physical insights.


Uniting engineering, physics, rheology, chemistry and biology.


An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science for the international research community.

Journal of Applied Physics

The world's most comprehensive collection of applied physics research.

The Journal of Chemical Physics

Vital experimental and theoretical research at the interface between physics and chemistry.

Journal of Laser Applications

A vibrant forum for specialists in all areas of the laser industry.

Journal of Mathematical Physics

Fundamental mathematical developments with applications to physical systems.

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data

Critical, evaluated reference data for the physical sciences and engineering.

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Covering geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, and wind energy.

Low Temperature Physics

An English translation of the journal, Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur.

Physics of Fluids

A wealth of experimental and theoretical fluid research.

Physics of Plasmas

Broad coverage of high-quality, international plasma research.

Review of Scientific Instruments

Innovations in instrumentation and methods across disciplines.

Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters

Rapidly published original short articles in all aspects of theoretical and applied mechanics.

Spotlight Journals

Applied Physics Letters: Organic Electronics and Photonics APL: Organic Electronics & Photonics

Includes the subset of articles from Applied Physics Letters that deal directly with or have important implications for organic electronics & photonics.

Applied Physics Reviews Applied Physics Reviews

A spotlight publication of Journal of Applied Physics that carries review articles of important and current topics of experimental or theoretical research in applied physics and applications of physics to other branches of science and engineering.

JCP: Biochemical Physics JCP: Biochemical Physics

Includes the subset of articles from The Journal of Chemical Physics that deal directly with or has important implications for biologically related systems.