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Commanding General's Selected Speeches

LTG David Perkins, Command Philosophy
All Academies Ball

"For the past 208 years our service academies have produced the skilled warrior leaders needed to preserve our Nation and protect its way of life…leaders representative of the values of America...leaders of the highest intellect, honor and military skill...leaders of tolerance, inclusion and compassion...leaders that have made a decisive difference in the course of American history...leaders that embody the noblest traditions of our service academies…. and leaders befitting Washington's call for warrior leaders of character."

Speech As Prepared

Sprint Veterans Day

"Known as the "Intellectual Center" of the Army, it is the mission of the Combined Arms Center at FT Leavenworth to develop the next generation of Army mid-career leaders, to train units preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan, to capture the Army's lessons learned, and to convert them into our Army's doctrine."

Speech As Prepared

Frontier 6 Sends - National Suicide Prevention Week

"In an era of persistent conflict, the problem of Soldier suicides is of vital concern to our Army. We should always remember that each of these tragedies represent a preventable loss within our ranks, and an irreparable loss to a family."

Speech As Prepared

Pershing Day Speech

"Much like many of you here in the audience today, General Pershing's beginnings started precisely where we stand in the heart of Missouri and our Nation. As a child born in Laclede, Missouri to a businessman father and a homemaker mother, he learned early on from his parents and this community the values of hard work, a good education and compassion for his fellow man."

Speech As Prepared

9/11 Memorial

"There is no doubt that the horrific acts of a few were surpassed by the heroic acts of many. All Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Coastguardsmen continue to perform daily acts of heroism in response to the attacks. But the legacy of that September day lies in the worldwide embrace of freedom that followed."

Speech As Prepared

General Mark Clark - Marshal Mascarenhas de Moraes Lecture Series Speech

"As we both embark into an unknown future that will likely be characterized by persistent conflict, this lecture series, and more so our mutual strategic partnership, will likely become increasingly important as we collectively address the security and humanitarian issues affecting our hemisphere, as well as the world at large."

Speech As Prepared

TSS Workshop

"Individually and institutionally, together we all must understand what our final destination is. Often times we are blinded by our pre-concepts and stove-piped viewpoints of what we think the right answer is. This is sometimes very common, but unfortunately it handicaps our ability to see the larger picture, and in some extreme instances what is plainly obvious."


Speech As Prepared

Missouri State Fair - Military Appreciation Day

"As Americans, we are a people defined by our moral character. Indeed, many of our forefathers came here in order to flee religious persecution in their native lands. These immigrants, from the Pilgrims to the Quakers to the Mennonites, boldly forged out new lives for themselves in the frontiers of America. Many of Missouri's early pioneers were just such people."

Speech As Prepared


Flag Ceremony

"As we collectively embark into a 21st Century, where the world continues to face a myriad of threats, multi-national operations have become the norm rather than the exception. Whether we are confronting the threat of violent extremist movements, responding to natural disasters, or stabilizing failing nation states, the need for strategic partnerships has never been more important."


Speech As Prepared

ILE Graduation Ceremony at the Fort Gordon Satellite Campus

"ILE marks the midpoint of many officer's careers. ILE is also usually the first school attended exclusively by officers who have chosen to make the profession of arms their careers."


Speech As Prepared

AUSA Army Birthday Ball

LTG Caslen gives remarks at the AUSA Army Birthday Ball.
"From the American Revolution to today's war - American Soldiers have always been the Strength of our Nation, willing to fight for the freedoms and the way of life we enjoy."


Speech As Prepared

Symposium on Ethical Decision Making

LTG Caslen gives remarks at the Symposium on Ethical Decision Making.
"Inherent in our professional military ethic are the values of our Nation -- values like Duty and Honor and Country -- and the values of our service -- and this ethic helps define the parameters of acceptable and unacceptable behavior in this complex operating environment."


Speech As Prepared

Memorial Day Remarks

LTG Caslen gives remarks at the Memorial Day Ceremony.
"As we drove in this morning, and we came up the flag draped road over the rolling hills, I could see the white headstones on the hills behind us...and they served as somber reminders that our Nation is at War...and they stir in all of us in uniform a commitment, a resolve, to honor them with our best efforts each day."


Speech As Prepared

Tactical C4 Conference

LTG Caslen gives remarks at the Tactical C4 Conference.
"Since we will never be able to accurately predict the exact threat we will face next... if our future environment is uncertain... the difference between success and failure will and arguably has always been the quality of our leaders. This is why our leaders must be creative, agile, and adaptive."


Speech As Prepared

LTG Caslen Assumption of Command Ceremony

LTG Caslen assumed command of the Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth in a ceremony on March 3, 2010.
"I am well aware of the great gift that has been given to me today. Command is always a privilege. Command in time of war is a distinct honor. I am excited to be joining the Combined Arms Center at a time when it is serving as one of the most important catalysis of change for our Army."


Speech As Prepared


Last Reviewed: July 7, 2011

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