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Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Vouchers


Since 1997, Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) have been awarded under different special purpose voucher program types to serve non-elderly persons with disabilities (NED):

  • FY 2009 NED Category 1 and Category 2: The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Rental Assistance for Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities (NED) was published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2010 (NOFA).This NOFA was the outcome of collaborative efforts between HUD and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
    • Category 1 vouchers enable non-elderly persons or families with disabilities to access affordable housing on the private market. Awards for Category 1 vouchers were announced on October 1, 2010. 4,321 vouchers were awarded to 46 PHAs in 19 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. Category 1 Press Announcement with list of PHAs
    • Category 2 vouchers enable non-elderly persons with disabilities currently residing in nursing homes or other healthcare institutions to transition into the community. Awards for Category 2 vouchers were announced on January 6, 2011 and became effective February 1, 2011. 948 vouchers were awarded to 28 PHAs in 15 states. Category 2 Press Announcement with list of PHAs

      For more information on NED Category 2 vouchers, please visit the NED Category 2 FAQs page.
  • Designated Housing vouchers enable non-elderly disabled families, who would have been eligible for a public housing unit if occupancy of the unit or entire project had not been restricted to elderly families only through an approved Designated Housing Plan, to receive rental assistance. These vouchers may also assist non-elderly disabled families living in a designated unit/project/building to move from that project if they so choose.  The family does not have to be listed on the PHA’s voucher waiting list. Instead they may be admitted to the program as a special admission.

    Once the impacted families have been served, the PHA may begin issuing these vouchers to non-elderly disabled families from their HCV waiting list. Upon turnover, these vouchers must be issued to non-elderly disabled families from the PHA’s HCV waiting list.
  • Certain Developments vouchers enable non-elderly families having a person with disabilities, who do not currently receive housing assistance in certain developments where owners establish preferences for, or restrict occupancy to, elderly families, to obtain affordable housing. These non-elderly families with a disabled person do not need to be listed on the PHA’s housing choice voucher waiting list in order to be offered and receive housing choice voucher rental assistance. It is sufficient that these families' names are on the waiting list for a covered development at the time their names are provided to the PHA by the owner.

    Once the impacted families have been served, the PHA may begin issuing these vouchers to non-elderly disabled families from their HCV waiting list. Upon turnover, these vouchers must be issued to non-elderly disabled families from the PHA’s HCV waiting list.

    The types of developments that are covered by certain development vouchers are:
  • Section 8 new construction projects
  • Section 8 substantial rehabilitation projects
  • State housing agencies Section 8 projects
  • Section 8 new construction projects under the Section 515 rural housing program
  • Section 8 housing assistance program for the disposition of HUD-owned projects
  • Housing assisted under Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959
  • Housing financed by a loan or mortgage insured under Section 221(d)3) of the National Housing Act that bears an interest rate determined under Section 221 (d)5)
  • Housing insured, assisted, or held by the Secretary or a State or State Agency under Section 236 of the National Housing Act.
  • One-Year Mainstream Housing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: One-Year Mainstream vouchers enable non-elderly disabled families on the PHA’s waiting list to receive a voucher.  After initial leasing, turnover vouchers must be issued to non-elderly disabled families from the PHA’s voucher waiting list.
  • Project Access Pilot Program (formerly Access Housing 2000): On December 19, 2000, HUD established this initiative to provide vouchers to selected PHAs that partnered with State Medicaid agencies in order to assist non-elderly disabled persons transition from nursing homes and other institutions into the community.  Four hundred vouchers were awarded to 11 agencies.  Upon initial issuance, these vouchers went to a Project Access family. Upon turnover they are to be issued to non-elderly disabled families from the PHA’s waiting list.

NED FAQs: Provides questions and answers related toall NED vouchers

NED Category 2 FAQs: Provides questions and answers specifically for NED Category 2 vouchers

Reestablishing of NED Vouchers

On June 14, 2011, HUD issued Notice PIH 2011-32 providing guidance to PHAs that all vouchers awarded since 1997 for non-elderly disabled families, including all award types listed on this web page above, must be reestablished and maintained as NED vouchers. Since 1997, over 400 PHAs have been awarded a total of approximately 55,000 vouchers specifically for non-elderly disabled families. To see this list of PHAs and their NED voucher baselines, click here (MS-Excel).

PHAs have twelve months from the date the Notice was issued to reestablish their baseline number of NED vouchers. They may do this either by identifying non-elderly disabled families currently served in their HCV program and recoding them as NED families in the PIC and VMS data systems, or by issuing vouchers to non-elderly disabled families on their HCV waiting list. Upon turnover, these vouchers must be reissued to non-elderly disabled families on the PHA’s waiting list. If the PHA is not able to identify enough non-elderly disabled families on their waiting list to maintain their baseline number of NED vouchers leased, they must re-open their waiting list for this population.

NED PHAs and PHA Contact Information

NED PHAs (MS-Excel): Provides a list of PHAs that have received funding for NED vouchers since 1997 and their baseline numbers of vouchers. Individuals who are interested in obtaining a NED voucher may utilize this list to identify whether there is a PHA in their area with NED vouchers.

For contact information for all PHAs by State, not only PHAs that administer NED vouchers, click here.

NED Resources

  • Notice PIH 2011-32: Policies and Procedures for Special Purpose Housing Choice Vouchers for Non- Elderly Disabled Families and Other Special Populations
    • Provides instructions to PHAs on reestablishing vouchers for NED families, and guidance to PHAs on reasonable accommodations and related issues for individuals with disabilities.
  • Notice PIH 2010-11Requests for Exception Payment Standards for Persons with Disabilities as a Reasonable Accommodation
  • FY 2009 NOFA: Rental Assistance for Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities
  • NED FAQs: Provides questions and answers related toall NED vouchers
  • FHEO GuidanceA memo to FHEO Field Office staff to provide guidance on compliance and monitoring strategies related to assisting persons with disabilities transitioning from institutions

NED Category 2 Resources

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