Navy Training Volunteers Lend a Hand during 'Day of Caring'

Story Number: NNS121015-10Release Date: 10/15/2012 2:27:00 PM
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By Steve Vanderwerff, Naval Education and Training Command Public Affairs

PENSACOLA, Fla (NNS) -- Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) and Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSAFA) volunteers helped out at a Pensacola elementary school during United Way's 20th annual Day of Caring Oct. 12.

Before working on projects at the school, the Navy team joined close to 700 volunteers from around the community at the Pensacola Blue Wahoos baseball stadium for breakfast and event kick-off.

Other groups from the area included volunteers from the Blue Angels, University of West Florida cheerleaders and Gulf Power.

"It was wonderful being surrounded by all the different people from around the community. I was impressed by the amount of people at the kick-off. I had no idea there were so many people involved in this community effort," said NETC volunteer Senior Chief Electronics Technician Jason Szot. "I was really impressed when they spoke about the number of man-hours that will save the community money in areas that need assistance instead of having to go out and pay someone to come in and do the type of work we're doing."

At Global Learning Academy the Navy training team was met by Judy La Bounty, the schools assistant principal, who thanked them for their commitment to the community and lending a hand. She then assigned projects assisting teachers and landscaping for those wanting to work outside.

"Having NETC and NETSAFA come out and work with us is a match made in heaven," La Bounty said. "The Navy means so much to this community and for them to be a part of this school to help us out is awesome. NETC has been an integral part of our volunteer program for many years. It's not just this particular day. Today is just an organized event for a particular reason, but NETC joins us quite often, participating and supporting us throughout the year."

In 2011, United Way of Escambia County mobilized more than 1,100 volunteers from local businesses and military commands who contributed 5,620 hours of service for 110 projects. Day of Caring volunteers saved local non-profits and schools $120,000 in labor costs. They helped with lawn maintenance, painted homes for the elderly, read to children and facilitated canned food and supply drives.

"Who doesn't want to help their community? NETC and NETSAFA are full of great people who care about the community and today was an excellent opportunity to show that kind of support," said project leader Yeoman 1st Class Jennifer Zeravsky. "It's my first time being involved with 'Day of Caring'. When I first found out about the project and that we could be involved as a team I just took the lead. It was wonderful that Global Learning Academy opened their doors to us, and let us spend, the day with them."

NETC volunteer Master Chief Personnelman Bryan Williams isn't unfamiliar with working on community relation projects and thinks it is important for service members to be goodwill ambassadors.

"It's about giving back to the community and allowing the community to see another side of the military, not just the warfighter aspect," he said. "Throughout my Navy career I've volunteered for numerous projects. It builds good relationships and the people want you back after they see how much time we invest and the love we have for the people in the community."

NETC is responsible for training all who enter the Navy, except those who enter through the Naval Academy and medical programs. NETC provides initial accession training for both officer and enlisted personnel and also manages the specialized skill training requirements for warfare and specialty areas. NETC manages enlisted initial training and later skill progression.

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