Human Subjects Research Database (HSRD) FY 2011 Report


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides information to the public on current research involving human subjects through the DOE Protecting Human Subjects Program.

The HSRD database contains information on all research projects involving human subjects that are not exempt by their local Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Project information is obtained annually from a questionnaire completed online by the principal investigator. Data are available from 1995 through 2011.

Not all projects are included in the HSRD. Projects that are not included are those that are classified for national security reasons and those determined to be exempt from the regulations. The latter include de-identified data analysis and modeling projects related to international human, social, cultural, and behavioral research. .

Beginning in the next fiscal year, the Department will also include in this database information on exempt projects.
Office of Science web site NNSA web site Department of Energy Web Site
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