Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program

   Current Section
 Office of Postsecondary Education Home
Funding Status

FY 2012 (Estimated)

(based on the President's FY 2012 Budget Request; subject to change)

Total Appropriation: $16,034,000
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 0

FY 2011

Funding Allocation for CCAMPIS grants: $16,001,931
Number of Awards: 153
Average Award: $104,588

FY 2010

Funding Allocation for CCAMPIS grants: $16,034,000
Number of Awards: 155
Average Award: $103,445

FY 2009

Funding Allocation for CCAMPIS grants: $15,878,663
Number of Awards: 160
Average Award: $99,242

FY 2008

Funding Allocation for CCAMPIS grants: $15,463,735
Number of Awards: 169
Average Award: $91,501

FY 2007

Appropriation: $15,810,300
Number of Awards: 170
Average Award: $93,002

FY 2006

Appropriation: $15,628,609
Number of Awards: 175
Average Award: $89,306.

FY 2005

Appropriation: $15,940,837 (less field reader costs)
Number of Awards: 239
Average Award: $66,698

FY 2004

Appropriation: $16,098,455
Number of Awards: 341

FY 2003

Appropriation: $16,194,050
Number of Awards: 341

FY 2002

Appropriation: $22,000,000
Number of Awards: 341

FY 2001

Appropriation: $25,000,000
Number of Awards: 307

FY 2000

Appropriation: $5,000,000
Number of Awards: 85

FY 1999

Appropriation: $5,000,000
Number of Awards: 85


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Last Modified: 11/28/2011