FAQ: About Us and Our Services

Export.gov brings together resources from across the U.S. Government to assist American businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace.

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been separated into the following categories:

See the questions below for more generalized information.

What can Market Access and Compliance (MAC) do to help my business?

What is the difference between market access and compliance?

What are some common trade problems MAC can help U.S. businesses overcome?

What do MAC services cost?

What can Market Access and Compliance (MAC) do to help my business?

After you contact our Trade Compliance Center or the country desk in one of our regional offices, MAC will evaluate whether the problem is a market access issue or a compliance problem with an existing trade agreement. MAC will establish a team of experts on the country, the industry, the trade agreement, and other needed areas. The team will review all possible options to resolve the problem and then work through each tactic towards a solution.

What is the difference between market access and compliance?

Market Access – U.S. exporters sometimes encounter trade barriers. For instance, a country may only allow products to enter the most inconvenient port or a country may treat imported goods differently than domestic goods. MAC receives calls from businesses, associations and international U.S. commercial offices, and we then map out a plan to solve the problem.

Compliance – The United States is a party in over 250 trade agreements. But trade agreements are only paper unless foreign governments comply with their obligations. MAC addresses compliance problems quickly and aggressively. Once a problem is identified, we organize a team to outline and implement a solution.

What are some common trade problems MAC can help U.S. businesses overcome?

MAC provides help with the following common trade problems through the Trade Compliance Center:

  • Tariff and customs barriers
  • Service barriers
  • Standards, testing, labeling, or certification barriers
  • Rules of origin
  • Government procurement contract barriers
  • Intellectual property protection problems
  • Excessive government requirements
  • Excessive testing or licensing fees
  • Bribery
  • Investment

What do MAC services cost?

MAC’s services are free of charge to all U.S. businesses.