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Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing


Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing Toolkit Podcast: Click Here!
Smoke-Free Housing Press Release
        Toolkits help federally assisted housing managers to adopt smoke-free policies
Toolkits for Owners/Management Agents and Residents

These Smoke-Free Housing Toolkits are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Lung Association, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They are a compilation of existing educational, "how-to" and resource brochures, pamphlets and other information designed to assist owners/management agents and residents of public and assisted multi-family housing who want safer and healthier homes.

The contents of the two Toolkits differ based on the intended audience. Both toolkits contain information on health effects of smoking, a synopsis of the Surgeon General’s 2006 report of the harmful effects associated with exposure to secondhand smoke, Frequently Asked Questions, the HUD smoke-free housing Notices from the Offices of Public and Indian Housing and Multifamily Housing, a list of some Public Housing Authorities that have smoke-free policies, and a list of resources for more information. Other documents in the toolkits are audience-specific.

HUD thanks its partners in the process and the developers of the smoke-free housing materials for giving permission to use the documents in this publication.


Smoke-Free Housing Toolkit for Public Housing Authorities and Owners/Management Agents

Smoke-Free Housing Toolkit for Residents

Link to pdf file Joint letter from partners

Note to Public Housing Agencies



Meeting on Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing, August 14, 2012, Kansas City, MO:  In conjunction with the National Tobacco Control Conference, the American Lung Association is hosting a one-day ancillary meeting on smoke-free multi-unit housing, with an emphasis on affordable housing.  HUD and the CDC Office on Smoking and Health will participate in this meeting. The meeting will provide participants with information on approaches that have proven successful in this area.  The meeting will also offer opportunities to exchange experiences and lessons, learn about helpful resources, and network with peers.  


For more information or to obtain a zip file of either toolkit, please email:

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