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U.S. Department of the Interior
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Office of Facilities and Administrative Services

The Office of Facilities and Administrative Services (OFAS) has the unique and challenging responsibility of providing critical facilities and business services for the Department of the Interior.  The appearance and upkeep of the Main Interior Complex in Washington, DC is one of OFAS's primary responsibilities.  The mission of OFAS, in support of DOI, and PMB (Policy, Management, and Budget) goals, is to provide services in a transparent, effective and efficient manner while delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Please call 202-208-2222 for any service requests or questions for OFAS. You may also email us at or visit us in the MIB 1400 east corridor.   

OFAS Service Card

Customer Communication Forum

Please join us on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am - 11:00 am for an informative session on activities and projects occurring in the Main and South Interior Buildings. LAN messages are sent prior to each forum with the agenda and location.


Minutes from prior Customer Communication Forums
2012 Document 
9/19/2012 Minutes
8/15/2012 Minutes
7/18/2012 Minutes
6/20/2012 Minutes
5/16/2012 Minutes
4/18/2012 Minutes