

The VFW is here for you. Whether your family needs help while you're deployed, or you're looking for assistance finding a job, getting a home loan, anything to enjoy the American way of life you've earned, we've got your back.
Assistance NVS Thumb

National Veterans Service

You fulfilled your commitment; now it’s government’s turn. That was the belief upon which VFW was founded and the basis upon which we operate today. Each year, the VFW’s National Veterans Service (NVS) assists more than 120,000 veterans nationwide, garner over a billion dollars in compensation benefits. Let us work for you! READ MORE 

Transitioning Thumb


VFW welcomes you home with more than a handshake. We’ve been in your boots and know how tough separating from the military can be. READ MORE

Assistance Troop Support


The VFW’s troop support programs have been evolving with the needs of our troops for well over a century, and today our programs remain unrivaled. READ MORE

Assistance Post Military Thumb


If you’re thinking about a new career, need information on military-related health issues by conflict or general medical benefits, look no further. READ MORE

Assistance Family Thumb


We know the toll a military lifestyle can take on a family. That’s why many of our programs work to ensure families grow stronger when times get rough. READ MORE


new NMS ThumbThe VFW’s National Military Services (NMS) is the driving force behind our troop and family support efforts. Home to the ever-popular, ever-vital VFW Operation Uplink™ program, the Unmet Needs program and the Military Assistance Program (MAP), NMS has made a significant impact in the lives of millions of service members and their families.

  • Operation Uplink has provided over 6.8 million free connections home for deployed troops and hospitalized veterans through “Free Call Days”. 
  • Unmet Needs has provided more than $4.4 million in grants toward emergency financial aid to over 3,200 military families.
  • MAP has hosted nearly 2 million military families at events ranging from welcome-home ceremonies to family day events.




You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are:

  • A veteran
  • A veteran’s dependant
  • Surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran
  • An active-duty service member
  • A member of the Reserve or National Guard
Categories of assistance include, but are not limited to: 

  • Crisis Management
  • PTSD
  • Compensation & Pension
  • Homelessness
  • Vocational Rehab and Employment
  • G.I. Bill Educational Benefits
  • Home Loans
  • life Insurance
  • Dependents & Survivors
  • Family Caregivers 

If you are eligible for federal benefits but have never applied, you still can. Let a professionally trained VFW Service Officer help you. In fact, by turning to the VFW to help you file a claim, the chances for approval are much better than if you go at it alone.